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Защита прав птребителей

Разработка на тему Защита прав потребителей

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Государственное профессиональное образовательное учреждение Тульской области «Новомосковский политехнический колледж»


На тему: «Защита прав потребителей»


Педагог Прохоров

Владимир Николаевич

Новомосковск 2019

I want to start my essay with the fact that while buying the goods , remember about your consumer rights . All we have ever shopped , went to transport , but have not thought that in these cases, we have certain rights . We acted as consumers.

Previously, consumers in our country had no rights. Trade dictated terms. Departmental regulations and instructions restricting the rights of the consumer. Only with the adoption by the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation of February 7, 1992 the Law "On protection of consumer rights" consumers have received legal possibilities to defend their rights. The existing legislation on protection of consumer rights is not limited to one only by the Federal Law "On Protection of Consumers' Rights. This whole group of regulations as laws and government regulations governing the separate spheres of consumer law.

Unfortunately , many of us found ourselves in a situation where our rights as consumers have been violated . I often faced with the problem of the return of defective goods . That's why you need to know the basics of consumer law.

The right of consumers to safety means that the product , under normal conditions of use , storage , transportation and disposal must be safe for life, health

One of the main criteria of consumer choice is information. Only on the basis of reliable and complete information a person can choose a product with the required properties. The law establishes general requirements for information. Consumers need and reliable information about the products of the manufacturer ( performer, seller ) must be provided , as well as the purchase order items . In other words, the consumer has a right to know what he is asked who is offering and when he the consumer can get proposed .
The right of the consumer to the quality of the goods ( work ) involves not only the transfer to the consumer a quality product , but also establishes guarantees the maintenance of this product in working condition , and also holds the manufacturer (executor ) certain obligations to consumers in this area.

And I want to note that, after study and detailed consideration of certain rights by the consumer you feel customer . Now , in practice, you can apply the rules and regulations of the law , to know and defend your own rights on .

In this way, the Consumer Protection Act allows the citizen - consumer , not only to acquire the status of an equal entity in the market of goods, but also competently approach to product selection of good quality based on complete and accurate information about it , and if necessary to protect their violated rights.

To my mind, protection of consumer rights - a concept recently subsumed into our reality . Work on its legal and organizational support pushed it into the mainstream of socio - economic policy.

The modern buyer has its own criteria for the selection of goods. These may include the quality of purchased goods, and its present, and the demand for, and appearance, and many others. Therefore, I would like to advise you to be careful when choosing a particular product, taking a particular service; it is important to ensure that the organization to which you applied, well proven in the consumer market, does not violate the laws. In practice, it does not know the rules of consumer law, sellers easily encircle around your finger, and deprived of all rights, do not meet their demands.

In conclusion, I can say that the knowledge of our fundamental rights will help us to behave in situations of human rights violations , which - alas ! - We have to face too often .

Курсы повышения квалификации

Повышение эффективности овладения учащимися грамматическими средствами в современном иноязычном образовании в условиях ФГОС

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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