Разработки  /  Английский язык  /  Уроки  /  5 класс  /  Where are you travelling to?

Where are you travelling to?

Урок поможет развить коммуникативную компетенцию обучающихся.

Описание разработки


развитие коммуникативной компетенции обучающихся.

Совершенствование навыков чтения с общим пониманием прочитанного.

Совершенствование навыков устной речи.

Активизация употребления изученного лексического и грамматического материала.

Ход урока.

Организационный момент.

Stand up! Stand still! Hello! how are you feeling today? Sit down. Who can tell me What date it is today? (Today is the 14th of March)

What day of the week is it today? (Monday) What season is it now? (spring). OK. Look out of the window and say What is the weather like today? (today is rainy, windy, cloudy and foggy).

Мотивация учебной деятельности.

Now look t the screen. I’ve got a few things. What are they? (a map, a train ticket, a passport, an airplane ticket, a guide-book)

What are they associated with? (Travelling) слайд 1

Yes, you’re right. You have assessment papers on your desks. Write down your name, date. Now you know the topic of our lesson. Write down the topic on your assessment papers.

OK. What words about travelling do you know? (travel, hostel, to go on (take) trips, a map, to have a rest and ect.)

What do you want to learn at todays lesson? говорят цель урока

Well,write down your own aim on your papers.

Do you like travelling?

Where do you like usually travel? Слайд 2.

Where are you travelling to? конспект урока

Thanks. Look at the screen again/You see the situation. Now imagine the situation. I’ll read it. You follow.

It’s summer. You don’t go to school. Your mum and dad have holidays. You want to have a rest and go somewhere. What do you do first? Составляют мини текст.

You have the words below. Use them and make up the text. You have 2 min. Зачитывают свои мини-тексты.

(Слова-помощники: to discuss-обсуждать, to visit-посещать, to find information-найти информацию, to buy-купить, to pack things-упаковать вещи, a travel agency-туристическое агентство, a ticket-билет)

(I discuss in my family where to go, visit a travel agency, find information in the Net, buy tickets and pack our things)

Very good. Fill your assessment papers.

Today we’ll speak about planning a trip Слайд 3

Look at the screen again. You see some geographical name Слайд 4-11. Read them and say what places in Britain are you travelling to? Читаю название и говорят куда они хотели поехать.

(As for me I’m going to London because there are a lot of beautiful places. And what about you?

I dream to go to ---------

I’d like to go to -----------


OK. The Wellers is a large family. They like travelling very much too. This summer they are planning their holidays in Britain.

Listen to the dialogue attentively and guess what places in Britain are they travelling to? (They are travelling to London and the Highlands) слушают диалог и отвечают на вопрос.

Работа с учебником.

Читают диалог в паре и затем читают его вслух.

Now open your St.B p.114 ex.1. Read the dialogue and try to understand that Stuart and Daniel are talking about. You have 2 min. You’ll work in pairs.

Are you ready? Ok. Read the dialogue.

Весь материал - в документе.

Содержимое разработки

Тема урока: Where are you travelling to? (5 класс четвертый год обучения)

Тип урока Урок усвоения новых знаний.

Цель: развитие коммуникативной компетенции обучающихся.

Совершенствование навыков чтения с общим пониманием прочитанного.

Совершенствование навыков устной речи.

Активизация употребления изученного лексического и грамматического материала.

Оснащение урока – компьютер, проектор, презентация.

Организационный момент

Stand up! Stand still! Hello! how are you feeling today? Sit down. Who can tell me What date it is today?( Today is the 14th of March) What day of the week is it today?( Monday) What season is it now?(spring) .OK. Look out of the window and say What is the weather like today?( today is rainy, windy, cloudy and foggy).

Мотивация учебной деятельности

Now look t the screen. I’ve got a few things. What are they? ( a map, a train ticket, a passport, an airplane ticket, a guide-book)

What are they associated with? (Travelling) слайд 1

Yes, you’re right. You have assessment papers on your desks. Write down your name, date. Now you know the topic of our lesson. Write down the topic on your assessment papers.

OK. What words about travelling do you know? ( travel, hostel, to go on (take) trips, a map, to have a rest and ect.)

What do you want to learn at todays lesson? говорят цель урока

Well,write down your own aim on your papers.

Do you like travelling?

Where do you like usually travel? Слайд 2

Thanks. Look at the screen again/You see the situation. Now imagine the situation. I’ll read it. You follow.

It’s summer. You don’t go to school. Your mum and dad have holidays. You want to have a rest and go somewhere. What do you do first? Составляют мини текст.

You have the words below. Use them and make up the text. You have 2 min. Зачитывают свои мини-тексты.

(Слова-помощники: to discuss-обсуждать, to visit-посещать, to find information-найти информацию, to buy-купить, to pack things-упаковать вещи, a travel agency-туристическое агентство, a ticket-билет)

( I discuss in my family where to go, visit a travel agency, find information in the Net, buy tickets and pack our things)

Very good. Fill your assessment papers.
Today we’ll speak about PLANNING A TRIP Слайд 3

Look at the screen again. You see some geographical name Слайд 4-11 Read them and say what places in Britain are you travelling to? Читаю название и говорят куда они хотели поехать.

(As for me I’m going to London because there are a lot of beautiful places. And what about you?

I dream to go to---------

I’d like to go to-----------


OK. The Wellers is a large family. They like travelling very much too. This summer they are planning their holidays in Britain.

Listen to the dialogue attentively and guess what places in Britain are they travelling to? ( They are travelling to London and the Highlands) слушают диалог и отвечают на вопрос.

Работа с учебником

Читают диалог в паре и затем читают его вслух.

Now open your St.B p.114 ex.1. Read the dialogue and try to understand that Stuart and Daniel are talking about. You have 2 min. You’ll work in pairs.

Are you ready? OK. Read the dialogue.

Какие будущие действия упомянуты в разговоре, зачитывают предложения из диалога.

Look the screen again Слайд 12 Find out the sentences in the text and read them.

В каком времени стоят эти предложения? (Present Progressive)

Почему? (действия заранее запланированы и подготовлены). Как они подготовлены? (билеты куплены)

Well done. Fill your assessment papers.


Look at the screen again. You see the conversation. Complete it between a travel agency and a customer. Choose the correct sentences from box. Слайд 13

You will work in pairs. Заполняют диалог и зачитывают. Read your dialogue. Проверяют то, что получилось. Check your dialogue. Слайд 14

Fill your assessment papers. Well done.


В течение урока вы оценивали себя. Сейчас посчитайте баллы и поставьте соответствующие оценки согласно критериям в таблице. Запишите, что вы узнали сегодня на уроке, что вы теперь можете, достигли ли вы цель, которую ставили в начале урока перед собой.

Now open your diaries and write down your home task St.B p.114 ex.2.

Come to me. I put marks for the lesson. Thanks you for your work. The lesson is over. Bye-bye.

Курсы повышения квалификации

Интерактивные методы в практике школьного образования

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
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