Разработки  /  Английский язык  /  Разное  /  Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку "Talented are wanted"

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку "Talented are wanted"

Внеклассное мероприятие «Мы ищем таланты» является логическим продолжением изученной учебной темы. Увлекательные задания, парные, групповые формы работы, технологии сотрудничества, информационно-коммуникативные технологии создают атмосферу творчества, раскрывают индивидуальные способности учащихся.

Описание разработки


1. to develop pupils abilities to use the studied lexical and grammar material in the new


  1. to develop communicative habits and skills
  2. to encourage pupils' interest in learning English through entertaining and amusing kinds of tasks, group and team forms of work
  3. to reveal pupils talents in different spheres and make them feel confidence and power. Accessories: maps, cards, pictures, disks, tape - recorder, pupils' compositions

Form: Competition Time: 1 hour

Procedure of the Competition

Teacher: Do you like to travel?

Then I invite you to the expedition to the ancient, mysterious town where the Atlantes lived. They say the Atlantes were very talented and everyone of them had a hobby.

  1. T: What is a Hobby? (pupils speaks on the topic " Hobbies")
  2. T: Give your associations with this word. Say what you are interested in.
  3. T: Look at the things on the blackboard and say what the Atlantes were good at. If you do it correctly, you'll get the right to start traveling around the town.

(There are the following things on the blackboard: a ball, a violin, a book, a dancing woman etc. )

IV. T: Here are the maps. Follow my commands and move on the map.

a. Go straight on till the bridge. There is the monument to the left. Stop at the next building. It is 10

o'clock. Where are you? ( the pupils find the table with the pointed time. It is the Museum. )

T: Read the letter left by the Atlantes. Some words disappeared. Complete the letter. Use the verbs in the Pr. Simple and Cont. Tenses.

"We___________ the Atlantes. Our house__ near the sea. I_____ a lot

of friends. We_____________ to spend our time together. In the

morning and afternoon we__________ . Our children____ at school.

In the evening we___________ rest. All of us_______ musical instruments.

My son____________ the violin, my wife____ the guilar. Now we___ in

the park and____________ a letter to you. "


b. T: Go straight till the crossroad. Turn to the left. Stop at the building on the left side. It is 10. 22. Where are you? (It is the stadium) T: The 1 team reads the adjectives to the 2 team. The 2 team gives adverbs.


The 2 team gives the adjectives to the 1 team. The lteam gives antonyms.


c. T: Turn the left. Go to the crossroad Turn to the left. Pass the mill. Stop at the building. It is 11. 30. Where are you?

T: Read the names of the countries. Say people of what nationalities live there.

Me is British. He comes from___

She is Italian. She lives in

He was born in China. He is___etc.

d. T: Turn to the right. Cross the bridge. Go along the road till the Guard House. We are to cross the river. T: Read the sentences in Russian and translate them into English.

Я могу играть на гитаре хорошо.

Можно мне пойти в кино?

Он вынужден вставать рано.

Нам не нужно одевать сегодня школьную форму.

Можешь ты выучить стих за 5 минут?

Ты вынужден пить молоко или тебе нравиться?

Я не вынужден готовить каждый день, я люблю это делать

е. T: It is 12. 45. Where are you? (It is the cafe)

T: Read the mixed sentences and make up a dialogue.

  • Sure. Anything else?
  • A mineral water, please.
  • Cheese or vegetable sandwiches?
  • Here you are.
  • Cheese, please.
  • Yes, of course. 1 coffee, 1 juice and 3 sandwiches for all of us.
  • That's 4 pounds and ten, please
  • How much is that?

f. T: Turn to the right. Pass the farm and the fields. Pass the inn. Stop at the building. It is 1. 45. Where are you? (It is the theatre) T: Now you'll see the plays prepared by the pupils)

Comments. (While the pupils are doing the tasks, the other pupils can show everything they are good at: pictures, songs, dances, collections etc. )

Содержимое разработки

Theme: "Talented are wanted"

Objectives: 1. to develop pupils abilities to use the studied lexical and grammar material in the new


  1. to develop communicative habits and skills

  1. to encourage pupils' interest in learning English through entertaining and amusing kinds of tasks, group and team forms of work

  2. to reveal pupils talents in different spheres and make them feel confidence and power. Accessories: maps, cards, pictures, disks, tape-recorder, pupils' compositions

Form: Competition Time: 1 hour

Procedure of the Competition

Teacher: Do you like to travel?

Then I invite you to the expedition to the ancient, mysterious town where the Atlantes lived . They say the Atlantes were very talented and everyone of them had a hobby.

  1. T: What is a Hobby? (pupils speaks on the topic " Hobbies")

  2. T: Give your associations with this word. Say what you are interested in.

  3. T: Look at the things on the blackboard and say what the Atlantes were good at. If you do it correctly, you'll get the right to start traveling around the town.

(There are the following things on the blackboard: a ball, a violin, a book, a dancing woman etc.)

IV. T: Here are the maps. Follow my commands and move on the map.

a. Go straight on till the bridge .There is the monument to the left. Stop at the next building. It is 10

o'clock. Where are you? ( the pupils find the table with the pointed time. It is the Museum.)

T: Read the letter left by the Atlantes. Some words disappeared. Complete the letter. Use the verbs in the Pr. Simple and Cont. Tenses.

"We the Atlantes. Our house near the sea. I a lot

of friends. We to spend our time together. In the

morning and afternoon we . Our children at school.

In the evening we rest. All of us musical instruments.

My son the violin, my wife the guilar. Now we in

the park and a letter to you."


b. T: Go straight till the crossroad. Turn to the left. Stop at the building on the left side. It is 10.22. Where are you? (It is the stadium) T: The 1 team reads the adjectives to the 2 team. The 2 team gives adverbs.


The 2 team gives the adjectives to the 1 team. The lteam gives antonyms.


c. T: Turn the left. Go to the crossroad Turn to the left. Pass the mill. Stop at the building. It is 11.30.Where are you?

T: Read the names of the countries. Say people of what nationalities live there.

Me is British. He comes from

She is Italian. She lives in

He was born in China. He is etc.

d. T: Turn to the right. Cross the bridge. Go along the road till the Guard House. We are to cross the river. T: Read the sentences in Russian and translate them into English.

Я могу играть на гитаре хорошо.

Можно мне пойти в кино?

Он вынужден вставать рано.

Нам не нужно одевать сегодня школьную форму.

Можешь ты выучить стих за 5 минут?

Ты вынужден пить молоко или тебе нравиться?

Я не вынужден готовить каждый день, я люблю это делать

е. T: It is 12.45. Where are you? (It is the cafe)

T: Read the mixed sentences and make up a dialogue.

  • Sure. Anything else?

  • A mineral water, please.

  • Cheese or vegetable sandwiches?

  • Here you are.

  • Cheese, please.

  • Yes, of course. 1 coffee, 1 juice and 3 sandwiches for all of us.

  • That's 4 pounds and ten, please

  • How much is that?

f. T: Turn to the right. Pass the farm and the fields. Pass the inn. Stop at the building. It is 1.45. Where are you? (It is the theatre) T: Now you'll see the plays prepared by the pupils)

Comments. (While the pupils are doing the tasks, the other pupils can show everything they are good at: pictures, songs, dances, collections etc.)

Курсы повышения квалификации

Современные педагогические технологии в образовательном процессе

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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