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Walking in the Streets of London (конспект)

Урок познакомит учащихся с достопримечательностями Лондона.

Описание разработки

Ход урока.

1. Организационно – мотивирующий этап.

1. Приветствие.

Слайд №1.

Good morning children! Nice to meet you. Sit down, please. My name is Olga Vladimirovna. I see your names. It’s a pleasure.

Let’s start our lesson with a song “Good morning”. Listen to the song and sing along. (песня) Well done.

2. Актуализация изученного материала.

Слайд №2.

Now open your books at page … It’s an English street. Remember? The street is in London, isn’t it? Listen to the dialogue, please. (аудирование текста)

Name the words which belong to English street. (street, house, number, girl, boy, telephone boxes, post boxes, cars) All right.

Today we shall speak about other streets and houses of London, the capital of the UK.

3. Мотивирование к учебной деятельности.

Слайд №3.

Children! We’ve got a letter from London. Guess: who is it from? (from the Queen). Look at the photo. This is the British Queen. Her name is Elizabeth the second.

And what is the letter about? Let’s read the letter. (читают хором) Well done.

What have you learned from the letter?... What else?... What’s more?...

4. Определение темы урока, цели.

Слайд №4.

Do you want to watch the video? (Yes, we do) Sit yourself comfortable and watch a short video. It’s about London. (видео) Like it? (Yes, very much!)

What is the theme of our lesson? (“Walking in the Streets of London”) (Прогулка по улицам Лондона).

2. Основной этап.

1 Введение новых лексических единиц

Слайд №5.

Today we shall go around London by bus as the tourists. This is our bus. Take your seats in the bus. I give you the tickets (phrase tickets). Let’s repeat the phrases.

Walking in the Streets of London (конспект)

(It’s OK. It’s nice. It’s great. It’s wonderful. It’s fantastic.) Так вы сможете высказать свое мнение об увиденном.

2 Физминутка

Слайд №6.

So, we start our trip. Say “Hello!” to London.

And now listen to the song “The wheels of the bus”, sing along and do actions with me. (песня с движениями «Автобус»)

3 Ролевая игра «Прогулка по улицам Лондона»

Слайд №7.

The first stop is the Trafalgar Square. You have the Lesson Dictionary. Find out the word “square”. What is the Russian for square? All right. It is big and nice. Let’s walk around the Trafalgar Square and say how you like it. Look at the sight.

Слайд №8.

Well, we go on. The next stop is the Hyde Park. Find out the word “park” in your Lesson Dictionary. It’s a very nice park. You can say anything you like in the Park’s “Speaker’s Corner”. (В парке есть специальное место «Уголок оратора»).

Who wants to speak English about yourself? Please, go to this place and speak. (высказывания о себе) Thank you. Take your seat. Who else?

Слайд №9.

Let us see. It is Big Ben - a famous tower with a clock. It’s very tall. Let’s walk in front of the Big Ben. Come here, please. Look, it’s going to rain. You have to take an umbrella. 

In Russia we have a similar tower too. It’s called the Spasskaya Tower. They look alike, don’t they? (отдельный слайд для сравнения)

Слайд №10.

Our trip goes on. Look, it’s the London Bridge. Like it? Find out the word “bridge”. What is the Russian for “bridge”? Let’s make a” bridge” with your hands. Sing and play the song “London Bridge is falling down”. Look at me and do it with me. Very well, thank you.

Слайд №11.

Oh, look, it’s the Buckingham Palace. Look at your Lesson Dictionary and find out the word “palace”. What is it? Yes, it’s the house of the English Queen Elizabeth II. Like it? It’s a wonderful palace.

Our trip goes on. Look, it’s the London Zoo. What is the Russian for “zoo”? There are many animals in London Zoo. They are tigers, bears, monkeys, lions, giraffes and many others. Please, come and say how you like it.

Весь материал - в документе.

Содержимое разработки


Тема урока: «Walking in the Streets of London», 2 класс.

1. Организационно – мотивирующий этап

1. Приветствие

Слайд №1

Good morning children! Nice to meet you. Sit down, please. My name is

Olga Vladimirovna. I see your names. It’s a pleasure. Let’s start our lesson with a song “Good morning”. Listen to the song and sing along. (песня) Well done.

2 Актуализация изученного материала

Слайд №2

Now open your books at page … It’s an English street. Remember? The street is in London, isn’t it? Listen to the dialogue, please. (аудирование текста)

Name the words which belong to English street. (street, house, number, girl, boy, telephone boxes, post boxes, cars) All right.

Today we shall speak about other streets and houses of London, the capital of the UK.

3 Мотивирование к учебной деятельности

Слайд №3

Children! We’ve got a letter from London. Guess: who is it from? (from the Queen). Look at the photo. This is the British Queen. Her name is Elizabeth the second.

And what is the letter about? Let’s read the letter. (читают хором) Well done.


the UK

3 February, 2016

Dear friends,

I’m glad that you learn English at school. It’s very useful for you.

You can visit any English-speaking country you like.

I invite you to visit England and its capital London.

See you soon.

The English Queen Elizabeth II

P.S. Watch the video I apply.

What have you learned from the letter?... What else?... What’s more?...

4 Определение темы урока, цели

Слайд №4

Do you want to watch the video? (Yes, we do) Sit yourself comfortable and watch a short video. It’s about London. (видео) Like it? (Yes, very much!)

What is the theme of our lesson? (“Walking in the Streets of London”) (Прогулка по улицам Лондона).

2. Основной этап

1 Введение новых лексических единиц

Слайд №5

Today we shall go around London by bus as the tourists. This is our bus. Take your seats in the bus. I give you the tickets (phrase tickets). Let’s repeat the phrases.

(It’s OK. It’s nice. It’s great. It’s wonderful. It’s fantastic.) Так вы сможете высказать свое мнение об увиденном.

2 Физминутка

Слайд №6

So, we start our trip. Say “Hello!” to London.

And now listen to the song “The wheels of the bus”, sing along and do actions with me. (песня с движениями «Автобус»)

3 Ролевая игра «Прогулка по улицам Лондона»

Слайд №7

The first stop is the Trafalgar Square. You have the Lesson Dictionary. Find out the word “square”. What is the Russian for square? All right. It is big and nice. Let’s walk around the Trafalgar Square and say how you like it. Look at the sight.

Слайд №8

Well, we go on. The next stop is the Hyde Park. Find out the word “park” in your Lesson Dictionary. It’s a very nice park. You can say anything you like in the Park’s “Speaker’s Corner”. (В парке есть специальное место «Уголок оратора»).

Who wants to speak English about yourself? Please, go to this place and speak. (высказывания о себе) Thank you. Take your seat. Who else?

Слайд №9

Let us see. It is Big Ben - a famous tower with a clock. It’s very tall. Let’s walk in front of the Big Ben. Come here, please. Look, it’s going to rain. You have to take an umbrella.

In Russia we have a similar tower too. It’s called the Spasskaya Tower. They look alike, don’t they? (отдельный слайд для сравнения)

Слайд №10

Our trip goes on. Look, it’s the London Bridge. Like it? Find out the word “bridge”. What is the Russian for “bridge”? Let’s make a” bridge” with your hands. Sing and play the song “London Bridge is falling down”. Look at me and do it with me. Very well, thank you.

Слайд №11

Oh, look, it’s the Buckingham Palace. Look at your Lesson Dictionary and find out the word “palace”. What is it? Yes, it’s the house of the English Queen Elizabeth II. Like it? It’s a wonderful palace.

Слайд №12

Our trip goes on. Look, it’s the London Zoo. What is the Russian for “zoo”? There are many animals in London Zoo. They are tigers, bears, monkeys, lions, giraffes and many others. Please, come and say how you like it.

Слайд №13

The last sight in our trip is the London Eye. Look at your Lesson Dictionary and find out the word “eye”. What is it? Ребята, в Англии глазом Лондона называют колесо обозрения, с которого видна панорама всего Лондона с высоты птичьего полёта. Let us see. Like it?

Our tour is coming to an end. Wave your hands and say “goodbye” to London.

3 Оценочно – рефлексивный этап

1. Подведение итогов урока

Слайд №14

We come back to Russia. Let’s do the test. You have London Guides. Tick the sights you like best, please. (отмечают). Sasha likes …, Inna likes… All right. Close and put the Guides aside.

2 Рефлексия Самооценка

Did you learn much about London? (Now we know many sights of London. They are fantastic!)

Слайд №15

Now everybody, give yourself a mark. How did you work today? What mark will you put yourself? OK! I agree! Well done!

Children, thank you for your work. You were very active and attentive today.

3 Домашнее задание

Слайд №16

This is your home task. Draw any picture of London. There is an example.

4 Окончание урока Слайд №17

We finish our lesson. The gentleman says “Goodbye” to you. Let’s sing a song. (песня)

Надо дополнить (в некоторых местах) по-русски интересные факты о той или иной достопримечательности (коротко), а то практически нет связи с методической темой

Курсы повышения квалификации

Духовно-нравственное воспитание в условиях реализации ФГОС

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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