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Внеклассное мероприятие "Вокруг света за 80 дней"

Внеклассное мероприятие для учащихся 6-10 кл.по теме "Вокруг света за 80 дней"(по произведению Ж.Верна)


Содержимое разработки

Внеклассное мероприятие «Around the world in 80 days».

Слайд 1

(Звучит музыка из мультфильма).

За столом сидит Lord Maze.Здесь же Philleas Fog и Passepartout.

Lord Maze: Ph.F you want to marry my niece, don’t you?

Ph.F: Yes, Lord Maze.

L.M: Prove yourself , worthy travel around the world in 80 days.

P: It must be a joke? It’s impossible.

Ph.F: We shall do it.

L.M: I bet you, 20000 of 100 pounds.

Ph.F: I t’s a bet.

(Лорд Мейз уходит в левую сторону, Филиас Фог и Паспарту разговаривают в другой стороне)

Ph.F: We are off around the world in only 80 days. So we have not amount to lose.

P.: What about the cases ?

Ph.F: No case. Only a carpet bag .And my mackintosh. Let’s hurry up!

(Уходят в сторону собирать вещи)

В левом углу лорд Мейз зовет к себе мистера Фикса.

L.M: Mr.Fix , come here !

Mr.Fix: Yes ,Lord Maze ,at your service!

L.M.: Stop Ph.F. from travelling around the world in 80 days! I must win that bet.

M.F: Because of my tricks Fogg’s trip could fail.

Слайд 2(Звучит музыка из м/ф )

Заходят ведущие 2: Hello! Adventure is necessary for all of us. It keeps us from growing stale and old; it develops our imagination, it gives us that movement and change which are necessary to our life.

Ведущий 1: So , let’s start the journey with our characters .Do you think it is real?

Ведущий 2: Why not?

В1: But they should have returned back to London by 8.45

В2: Let’s learn Fogg and Passpartout’s route.

В1: I like this way .We’ll see Paris , visit Italy,look at he pyramids of Egypt,enjoy Indian dances ,learn about Chinese New Year , watch Japanese cartoons , admire the sight of USA and listen to the Beatles’ songs.

В2: We hope Fogg and Passpartout will be back to London by 8.45 on the 13th of February.

Слайд 3(английская музыка с достопримечательностями по реке Темза)

Выходит гид Андреева Диана.

Диана - Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the River Thames boat, which I hope you ‘ll enjoy. There are so many things to see and do along London’s famous river. This way, you can hop on and off as many times as you like! It’s great value for money! Would you like to get a bird’s eye view of London, as well as having the experience of a lifetime? If so, take a thrilling ride on the London Eye,the big wheel built in 2000 for the millennium. The next is The Tower of London. The Tower has served many purposes in the past. It has been a prison, a medieval palace, a fortress and an arsenal. It’s an amazing place to visit and see the incredible Crown Jewels and the famous Beefeaters in their unusual costumes. You can see Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre on the right. The original one burnt down in 1613 and the Globe is a modern version of Shakespeare’s Theatre.

Ph.F. and P.- It’s very interesting.

Диана : You have the opportunity to hear Shakespeare’s poems.

Mr Fix(в другом углу): Listen, listen to and you’ll be late to the Queen’s reception. Do you have a plane, Mr Fix? Do I have a plan,Mr Fix? Yes , I have a good plan, Mr Fix?

(Стихотворение Шекспира «Сонет 102»)

Sonnet 102 (Сонет 102)

My love is strength’ned, though more weak in seeming;
I love not less, though less the show appear:
That love is merchandised whose rich esteeming
The owner’s tongue doth publish every where.

Our love was new, and then but in the spring,
When I was wont to greet it with my lays,
As Philomel in summer’s front doth sing,
And stops his pipe in growth of riper days:

Not that the summer is less pleasant now
Than when her mournful hymns did hush the night,
But that wild music burthens every bough,
And sweets grown common lose their dear delight.

Therefore like her, I sometime hold my tongue,
Because I would not dull you with my song.

Люблю, — но реже говорю об этом,
Люблю нежней, — но не для многих глаз.
Торгует чувством тот, что перед светом
Всю душу выставляет напоказ.

Тебя встречал я песней, как приветом,
Когда любовь нова была для нас.
Так соловей гремит в полночный час
Весной, но флейту забывает летом.

Ночь не лишится прелести своей,
Когда его умолкнут излиянья.
Но музыка, звуча со всех ветвей,
Обычной став, теряет обаянье.

И я умолк подобно соловью:
Свое пропел и больше не пою!

Перевод С. Маршака

(Заходят ведущие)

В1: After the Palace, our heroes left England for France.

B2: Mr Fix wasn’t able to disturb them.

Слайд 4 (звучит французская музыка , достопримечательности)

В1: How I love Paris!
B2: Tourist from all over the world come to see the Eifel tower, take a stroll along the Elysian fields, see the Louvre and hear famous tunes.

Mr Fix: Don’t hurry , be late on a motor ship to Egypt.

(Появляются персонажи сказки «Кот в сапогах».) Инсценировка сказки.

Слайд 5 (песня «Don’t worry, be happy).

Слайд 6 (Звук отплывающего теплохода, музыка «Египта»).

Ph.F: And at last we are in Egypt.

P: I hope that Fix fell behind from a motor ship and won’t be able to build intrigues [intri:g]. We won’t get lost in these pyramids.

Mr Fix: Won’t you see the pyramids of Egypt?

Ph.F. and P: Surely.

Mr Fix: Follow me, otherwise you’ll get confused and will stay in the pyramids forever.

Слайд 7( видео Египетские пирамиды )

Mr Fix: Since ancient times, the pyramids at Giza in Egypt have been one of the world's most popular tourist destinations. The largest of these, the Great Pyramid of Giza, or Khufu's Pyramid, is the only one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. It was the tallest building in the world for almost 5,000 years.
Pharaohs, the first rulers of Egypt, built pyramids to show their power to the people. Ancient Egyptians believed that dead people still needed their bodies and treasures, such as paintings, gold and jewels, for their life after death.
Have you ever wondered how these great monuments were built? Many archaeologists believe that the builders first studied the stars to decide which direction the pyramid would face, as Egyptians believed the pharaohs would join the stars after death. To raise the stones to the top of the pyramid, they probably built long ramps and then rolled the stones up them.
In conclusion, there is still a great deal of wonder and mystery surrounding the pyramids. No one knows for certain exactly when and how they were built. So far 46 of them have been found in Egypt. However, maybe there are others lying underneath the sand just waiting to be discovered. Only time will tell!

Ph.F. and P: It was great.

B1 : Dasha , where are Philleas Fog и Passepartout, I wonder. Could they get off the Pyramids?

B2:They were luered by Mr Fix, who had been disguised as a tour guide.

B1:Oh dear, that’s awful!

Слайд 8 (индийская мелодия)

B2:Don’t worry! I hear Indian music. I suppose , that they ‘re in India already.

(Появляются Philleas Fog и Passepartout)

P: I can’t help but dance. I want to dance.

Слайд 9 (видео индийский танец)

Ph.F: Passepartout! Let’s hurry, we have to go to China.

P: What a pity, I’d stay here in India.


Mr Fix( появляется):Nothing came of it. Everything will be turned out in China. Do you have a plane Mr Fix? Do I have a plan Mr Fix? Yes , I have a good plan Mr Fix? They’ll lose themselves in the crowd in Chinese New Year and won’t reach Japan.

Слайд 10 (Китайская музыка и видео ).

Кронидова Саша: In western countries, New Year’s Eve is a celebration to welcome the new year, whereas the Chinese New Year is a celebration of the end of the winter season. Chinese people celebrate it at the end of January or beginning 0f February .

On New Year’s Eve, families gather at home and cover their doors with strips of red paper. This meant to keep out evil spirits. Gifts are exchanged at midnight. Homes are filled with the sounds of happy children, who traditionally receive coins in red envelopes on New Year’s Eve.

For the next two weeks, all shops are closed as people enjoy visiting friends are relatives. The atmosphere is friendly as children sing songs for sweet rice cakes, and musicians play in the streets. The final and most impressive event is the Lantern Festival. Colourful lanterns are hung outside homes and a dragon parade takes place. The dragon is very long, made of paper and painted in bright colours. Men stand under the dragon’s head and body. The parade winds through the streets as crowds cheer and set off firecrackers.

The Chinese New Year is an exciting holiday which everyone looks forward to it is a celebration rich in tradition and full of happiness.

Ph.F. Travelling to China is truly a good experience of a lifetime.(уходят) P: Yes, of courses! (уходят)

B1: What do you think will impress them in Japan most?

B2: Probably Japanese cartoons.

Слайд 9 ( японский мультфильм)

P: Were Japanese cartoons translated into the English language ?

Ph.F: I doubt it.

B1: And here and there. Look at the screen.

(Ученики озвучивают мультфильм).


Слайд 11 (видео о Статуе Свободы)

B2: Do you see the Statue of Liberty? It means that Philleas Fog и Passepartout are in the USA.

Тимофеева Ксения :

The Statue of Liberty is one of the main sights of New York City and the symbol of freedom of all Americans. It’s the statue of a graceful woman with the flare in her hand, which enlightens the world. Its total height is about 93 meters. The woman only, without the flare and the base, is 46 meters. When visitors want to reach the spiky crown of the statue they should overpass 356 stairs. The Statue of Liberty is situated on the Liberty Island, which is not far from Manhattan. The full name of the statue is “Liberty Enlightening the World” and it was presented to the USA by Frenchmen on 28 October 1886 in order to commemorate the centennial of the American Revolution. Thus, the statue symbolizes freedom and democracy of American nation. Another remarkable symbol is the crown on the head of Statue of Liberty. It has seven rays on it, which symbolize seven continents and seven seas. The crown also contains 25 windows symbolizing earthly gems and heavenly rays, which illuminate the world. The Statue of Liberty is almost always open for visitors. (Обращается к Ф.Ф И Пасп._) You can arrive there by ferry and then climb on top of the structure, where the museum of statue’s history is situated. You can also see well the spectacular New York Harbor from the top of the statue. Each year millions of tourists from all over the world visit the Statue of Liberty and remember this trip for a lifetime.

Ph.F and Passepartout: Thank you ,but next time. (уходят)

(Появляется Mr Fix): Help, tell me how to stop Ph.F?

Student : We refused to help you. We are for the successful journey around the world in 80 days.

B1: Look at the screen. I see Liverpool.

B2: What is Liverpool famous for?

Students: Beatles.

Слайд 12 (Песня Битлз)

Ph.F.: Passepartout ,we managed to arrive in London on time despite Mr Fix’s tricks.

P.:Oh ,yes .We won the bet and you’ll marry Belinda Maze.

Ph.F.:I’m really happy

B1 B2: All is well that ends well.

(Звучит песня)

Teacher 1:While we were travelling around the world, we got acquainted with the culture of different countries.

Teacher 2: You were interested in the adventure « Аround the world in 80 days» by Jules Verne , weren’t you? Good luck!

Курсы повышения квалификации

Практическая грамматика английского языка

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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