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Урок английского языка "Shopping"

Основная цель урока - формирование и развитие коммуникативной компетенции, развитие умений и навыки устной речи, учить вести диалог «В магазине».

Описание разработки

Тип урока : урок развития навыков устной речи по теме “Shopping

Цель урока : активизация и контроль употребления лексики по темам “Shops”, “Shopping” “Vegetables”, “Fruit”, вопросов с конструкцией “Can I have some ( ice - cream) ?” “A am going to buy smth. ” “What/where are you/we going to buy?”

Задачи урока :


 - закрепление лексики по темам: “Shops”, “Vegetables”, “Fruit”;

 - закрепление структур: Can I have some ( ice - cream)? “What /where are you/we going to buy?”, “A am going to buy smth. ”

 - контроль усвоения данных единиц и структур в устной речи.


 - развивать фонематический слух;

 - развивать диалогическую речь;

 - развивать умение вести диалог по заданной теме с использованием определенных грамматических структур.


 - воспитывать интерес к англоязычной культуре;

Оборудование: интерактивная доска, мультимедиа, муляжи продуктов.

 Наглядные пособия: учебник Way Ahead 3 “Pupil’s book 3”, Printha Ellis and Mary Bowen, кассета Way Ahead 3, плакаты (по темам “Shops”, “Vegetables”, “Fruit”), раздаточный материал, карточки для групповой работы со списком покупок и названиями магазинов.

Методы и приемы:

по источникам информации вербальный, наглядный, практический.

по степени взаимодействия самостоятельная работа, бесед.

по характеру познавательной деятельности проблемный, частично - поисковый, ролевая игра.


I. Warm - up

T: Today we are going to do the shopping together and I am going to teach you how to do it in the best way.

  1. Do you like to go shopping?

  1. What do you usually buy?
  2. Who do you usually go shopping with?
  3. Where can you buy vegetables? (milk, clothes, shoes, books and comics, bikes, cakes and biscuits, meat)
  4. What is your favourite shop ? Why?

II. Match parts of the words.

 But  grocer’s

 Green tique

Confec lls

Shop tioner’s

Bou  thes

Clo cher’s

Trou wing

Pull over

Che  sers

Sta per

St. 1 , St2. : butcher’s, greengrocer’s, confectioner’s, shopper, boutique, clothes, trousers, pullover, chewing, stalls

III. T: Find food words in the word - box and circle them. Make up sentences with these words.

Word - box:

IV. Game “Hurricane of rhymes”

a) T: You should make up the word from the cutting parts and give the rhyme.

Sh - irt (skirt)  trou - sers (houses) mit - ten (kitten) sh - orts (shirts) dr - ess (chess)

Bo - ot (food) pe - as (cheese)  ho - ney (money) j - am (ham)  to - mato (potato)

Le - mon (melon) swe - et (buicuit)

b) T: Where can you buy a skirt ? (cheese, ham, potatoes, melons, sweets, boots )

V. Consolidating of the structure “Can I have some apples, please”

Role play “At the shop”

(2 sets of cards) 1 set: lettuce, pineapple, rice, chocolate, ice - cream, a T - shirt, lollipops.

 2 set (a pineapple, rice, chocolate, a T - shirt, lollipops)

T: 7 students will be the customers. Everyone is given the card with item. One student will be a shop - keeper, he has only 5 cards.

St1: Can I have some rice, please?

Sh. : Yes, you can. (a shop - keeper gives the card to St. 1)

 St1: Can I have some ice - cream, please?

Sh. : I am sorry. I don’t have any ice - cream………etc.

VI. Work with the words. “Shopping List”

a) T: I am going to give you shopping lists. Think a bit and say where you can buy these items.

 (a smart board, a trolley, a basket of items)

St1 There is bread, cakes, biscuits, cookies, pies in my shopping list. I am going to buy it at the bakery’s.

ST2. There are bananas, carrots, cucumbers, onions, strawberries, lemon, and peas in my shopping list. I can buy it at the market.

ST3. There is cheese, milk, sour - cream, butter, cottage cheese in my shopping list. I can buy it at dairy’s.

b) T: What can you buy in the Greengrocer’s? (dairy’s, clothes shop, butcher’s , supermarket)

St1. : banana, pineapple, lettuce, carrots, cucumbers, onions, strawberries, lemon, and peas,


St2. : cheese, milk, sour - cream, butter, cottage cheese

St3. : trousers, shorts, dresses, blouses, aprons, mittens, tights, socks, skirt, shirts………etc

St. 4……. etc.

Весь материал – смотрите документ.

Содержимое разработки

УМК “Way Ahead” -3 4 grade Macmillan Press, by Mary Bowen and Printa Ellis

Тема урока : “Shopping”.
Тип урока : урок развития навыков устной речи по теме “Shopping”
Цель урока : активизация и контроль употребления лексики по темам “Shops”,“Shopping” “Vegetables”, “Fruit”, вопросов с конструкцией “Can I have some ( ice-cream) ?” “A am going to buy smth.” “What/where are you/we going to buy?”

Задачи урока :
- закрепление лексики по темам: “Shops”, “Vegetables”, “Fruit”;
- закрепление структур: Can I have some ( ice-cream)? “What /where are you/we going to buy?”, “A am going to buy smth.”
- контроль усвоения данных единиц и структур в устной речи.
- развивать фонематический слух;
- развивать диалогическую речь;
- развивать умение вести диалог по заданной теме с использованием определенных грамматических структур.
- воспитывать интерес к англоязычной культуре;
Оборудование: интерактивная доска, мультимедиа, муляжи продуктов.

Наглядные пособия: учебник Way Ahead 3 “Pupil’s book 3”, Printha Ellis and Mary Bowen, кассета Way Ahead 3, плакаты (по темам “Shops”, “Vegetables”, “Fruit”), раздаточный материал, карточки для групповой работы со списком покупок и названиями магазинов.

Методы и приемы:

  • по источникам информации вербальный, наглядный, практический.

  • по степени взаимодействия самостоятельная работа, бесед.

  • по характеру познавательной деятельности проблемный, частично-поисковый, ролевая игра.


I. Warm-up

T: Today we are going to do the shopping together and I am going to teach you how to do it in the best way.

1. Do you like to go shopping?

  1. What do you usually buy?

  2. Who do you usually go shopping with?

  3. Where can you buy vegetables? (milk, clothes, shoes, books and comics, bikes, cakes and biscuits, meat)

  4. What is your favourite shop ? Why?

II. Match parts of the words.

But grocer’s

Green tique

Confec lls

Shop tioner’s

Bou thes

Clo cher’s

Trou wing

Pull over

Che sers

Sta per

St.1 , St2.: butcher’s, greengrocer’s, confectioner’s, shopper, boutique, clothes, trousers, pullover, chewing, stalls


T: Find food words in the word-box and circle them. Make up sentences with these words.










IV. Game “Hurricane of rhymes”

a) T: You should make up the word from the cutting parts and give the rhyme.

Sh- irt (skirt) trou-sers (houses) mit-ten (kitten) sh-orts (shirts) dr-ess (chess)

Bo-ot (food) pe-as (cheese) ho-ney (money) j-am (ham) to-mato (potato)

Le-mon (melon) swe-et (buicuit)

b) T: Where can you buy a skirt ? (cheese, ham, potatoes, melons, sweets, boots )

V. Consolidating of the structure “Can I have some apples, please”

Role play “At the shop”

(2 sets of cards) 1 set: lettuce, pineapple, rice, chocolate, ice-cream, a T-shirt, lollipops.

2 set (a pineapple, rice, chocolate, a T-shirt, lollipops)

T: 7 students will be the customers. Everyone is given the card with item. One student will be a shop-keeper, he has only 5 cards.

St1: Can I have some rice, please?

Sh.: Yes, you can. (a shop-keeper gives the card to St.1)

St1: Can I have some ice-cream, please?

Sh. : I am sorry. I don’t have any ice-cream………etc.

VI. Work with the words. “Shopping List”

a) T: I am going to give you shopping lists. Think a bit and say where you can buy these items.

(a smart board, a trolley, a basket of items)

St1 There is bread, cakes, biscuits, cookies, pies in my shopping list. I am going to buy it at the bakery’s.

ST2. There are bananas, carrots, cucumbers, onions, strawberries, lemon, and peas in my shopping list. I can buy it at the market.

ST3. There is cheese, milk, sour-cream, butter, cottage cheese in my shopping list. I can buy it at dairy’s.

b) T: What can you buy in the Greengrocer’s? (dairy’s, clothes shop, butcher’s , supermarket)

St1.: banana, pineapple, lettuce, carrots, cucumbers, onions, strawberries, lemon, and peas,


St2.: cheese, milk, sour-cream, butter, cottage cheese

St3. : trousers, shorts, dresses, blouses, aprons, mittens, tights, socks, skirt, shirts………etc


VII. Description of the picture “At the shop”

A ) T- St1, St2, …etc.

  1. What kind of shop is this?

  2. What are the woman and the girl doing?

  3. What are they going to buy?

  4. How much is chocolate? ( the cake, the sweets, the cookies)

B) St1-ST2

T: Imagine that you are in this shop now. Ask each other about your shopping.

St1. What’s this?

St2. It’s a clothes shop

St1. What are you going to buy?

St2. I am going to buy a blouse.

St1. What colour do you like?

St2 I like white. What is your favourite colour?

ST.1. My favourite colour is pink.

St 2.. How much is a dress?

St1. It’s $ 45.

St2. I am going to buy it.

St.1 Your purchase is very nice.

VIII. Role play “At the shop”

T: Let’s pretend that you are really going to buy smth. Who wants to be a shop-keeper? Don’t forget to be polite!

Dialogue #1 “ At the shop”

Customer: Good morning!

Shop-Ass. Good morning. Can I help you?

Cust. Yes, please. Is there any cheese please?

Shop-Ass:Yes, there is some cheese.

Cust. How much is cheese?

Shop-Ass. It’s $42 . Here you are.

Cust. Thank you.

Shop-Ass. You are welcome!

Dialogue # 2

Customer: Good morning!

Shop-Ass.: Good morning. Can I help you?

Cust. I am going to buy T-shirt

Shop-Ass.: What size do you wear? What colour do you want?

Cust. I wear 32. Blue.

Shop-Ass: Try it on, please.

Cust. How much is it?

Shop-Ass.: It’s $40 . Here you are.

Cust.I buy it. Thank you. Good bye.

Shop-Ass.: Good bye.

IX. Listening

  1. T: Listen to the text and be ready to answer the questions:

Alice: Are there many shops in Moscow?

Ann: Very many. There is big supermarket and department stores where you can buy all things you want. And there are small shops such as baker’s where you can buy bread, biscuits or buns, a butcher’s where you can buy beefsteak, chicken or turkey, a grocer’s where you can buy spaghetti, sugar, cereals or tea, a greengrocer’s with fruit and vegetables, a dairy with milk, butter, cheese, confectioner’s with chocolate, candy or cakes. Moscow is a perfect place for shoppers. Every person can find what they want. They can do the shopping at cheap department stores and at expensive boutiques where they can buy clothes such as a dress, trousers, a shirt, a jacket or a pullover.

Alice: Do you always go shopping to the market?

Ann: Of course not. When I want a chewing gum or a bottle of Coke I go to the stalls.

T: 1. Name the shops which you have already heard in the text

Sts.: a supermarket, department store, baker’s, a dairy, a confectioner’s, boutique.

  1. What can you buy at the grocer’s?

Sts.: We can buy spaghetti, sugar, tea, cereals at the grocer’s.

  1. Where can you buy a dress, a pullover, trousers, a shirt, a jacket?

Sts.: We can buy these things at cheap department stores and boutiques

  1. Where does Alice buy a chewing gum?

Sts.: She buys it at the stalls.

b) Complete the text:

1. There are many…….in Moscow.

2. There are some small….such as…, where you can buy bread and buns.

3. There is a butcher’s where you can buy…

4. Moscow is a nice place for….

5. When I want a chewing gum I…

VII. Speaking “Funny stories”

T: Let’s remember a funny story from your shopping experience.

St1, St2…….

VIII. Results of the lesson

Курсы повышения квалификации

Система работы с высокомотивированными и одаренными учащимися по учебному предмету

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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