Урок-проект по английскому языку в 6 классе по теме “ Do you like to go shopping?” Цели урока: 1) активизировать речемыслительную деятельность обучающихся;
2) развивать монологическую и диалогическую речь обучающихся;
3) развивать навыки проектной работы, творческие способности обучающихся;
4) закрепить лексический и грамматический материал;
5) прививать интерес к предмету.
Задачи: учебные: обучение рецептивным и продуктивным видам речевой деятельности; формирование и развитие коммуникативных умений обучающихся на основе языковых, социокультурных знаний, навыков: умения воспринимать на слух и понимать краткие сообщения, умения делать краткие сообщения на заданную тему, умения вести диалог, умения высказывать свое мнение, познавательные: увеличение объема знаний о стране изучаемого языка, расширение общего кругозора обучающихся; развивающие: развитие языковых и познавательных способностей, готовности к общению, развитие творческих способностей учащихся и самостоятельной деятельности при работе с проектам; воспитательный аспект – воспитание интереса к учению, воспитывать уважительное отношение к чужому мнению.
Оснащение: слайд-презентация (среда Power Point)
Дидактический материал: Кузовлев В.П. и др. «Английский язык»: учебник для 6 кл. общеобразовательных учреждений.М: Просвещение,2012; Игровые уроки и внеклассные мероприятия на английском языке.. Е.В.Дзюина. М: «Вако», 2007.
Ход урока
1.Начало урока. Постановка цели.
Teacher: Good morning! It’s so nice to see you. How are you? (ответы об-ся).
So, I see that everybody is all right, and our lesson begins. Слайд 1
First, as usual, what we are going to do at the lesson? Today we continue working on the topic “Shopping”. You will present your projects and we shall do some lexical and grammar exercises.
Who is on duty today? (сообщение дежурного)
2. Фонетичская разминка. T.: Let’s sing.
Песенка « Hippety Hop to the corner shop».
3. 1.Речевая разминка. Warm-up Activities.
T.: Answer my questions:
- Do you like to go shopping? How often do you go shopping?
- Who usually goes shopping in your family? Does your father go shopping?
- When did you go shopping last time? What did you buy?
-What new things did you buy last time?
- Do you usually try things on before you buy them?
- Can you spend money wisely?
-Does your mum give you a free hand in choosing new clothes?
-What kind of shops do people go to in Great Britain?
3.2.I want you listen to my stories and name the kind of the shop I shall describe.
T.: We buy white bread and brown bread there. ( P1: We buy white bread and brown bread at the baker’s) Слайд 2
T.: People can buy sugar, chocolate, flour, rice and salt there.
P.2: People can buy sugar, chocolate, flour, rice and salt at the grocer’s Слайд 2
T.: You can buy apples, potatoes, onions, apricots in the shop.
P3.: You can buy apples, potatoes, onions, apricots at the greengrocer’s and in the market. . Слайд 2
T.: We buy pork, chicken, sausages in the shop.
P.4: We buy pork, chicken, sausages at the butcher’s. Слайд 3
T.:You can buy slippers, boots, shoes there.
P.5:You can buy slippers, boots and shoes in a shoe shop. Слайд 3
T.: We can buy dresses, sweaters, blouses, trousers, jeans there.(ответ об-ся)
P.6: We can buy dresses, sweaters, blouses, trousers, jeans in a clothes shop. Слайд 3
T.: Children like to go to this shop because their parents buy balls, dolls, toy-cars, planes, teddy-bears for them there. P.7: It’s a toy shop. Слайд 3
T.: People buy milk, cream, cheese, yoghurt there. ( ответ об-ся). Слайд 3
3.3. Let’s play the game “Snowball” T.: We can buy pears at the greengrocer’s.
P1: We can buy pears and apples at the greengrocer’s.
P2.: We can buy pears, apples and lemons at the greengrocer’s
3.4. Слайд 4 T.: Where can we buy these things and products? Where can we buy cakes?
P.1: We can buy cakes at the baker’s.
T.: Where can we buy bread (cheese, sour cream, tea, biscuits, meat, sausages, sugar, pizzas, chocolate, sweaters, high boots. (ответы обуч-ся)
4. Презентация проектов по теме:“ It’s my favorite shop”( Project Presentation ) Слайд 5
Teacher: And now let’s check your homework. Your task was to choose and do one of the projects: “My favourite shop” or “A shop I would like to have.”
Выступления учащихся с проектами (проекты демонстрируются).
The pupils present their projects and answer the classmates’ questions.
P.1: Приложение 2.
P.2: My project is called “A shop I would like to have.” It’s a shop I’d like to have. (показывает буклет с рисунками и картинками) It’s the greengrocer’s. The shop is called “Limppopo”.
Opening hours: from 9 a.m. till 7 p.m. The shop is opened every day except Sunday. Here you can buy fresh fruits and vegetables: apples, pears, lemons, oranges, watermelons, apricots, potatoes, onions, tomatoes, lettuce, carrots and others. The prices are not high. For example, a kilo of apples costs 30 roubles and a kilo of tomatoes 50 roubles ( in winter). In summer fruits and vegetables are cheaper.
If you want to be healthy eat more fruits and vegetables. We are glad to see you in our shop.
Our address: 34, Lenin St. Welcome to “Limppopo”!
После выступления всех обучающихся происходит обсуждение представленных проектов.
T.: Well done. You have made very interesting projects but we must discuss all the projects and choose the most interesting (informative, creative, original, illustrated…) project. Слайд 6
P1: I think that Alina’s project is the most original one because she has made a slide-presentation using a computer.
5. The Revision of the vocabulary and grammar material. Повторение лексики и грамматики.
T.: And now we shall do some task to revise vocabulary and grammar.
5.1. Match the words. Задание по карточкам, выполняется письменно в тетради (3 мин.)
1. a bottle a) of juice
a can b) of cat food
3.a packet c) of sweets
4. a jar d) of potatoes
5. a cartoon e) of tea
6. a box f) of milk
7. a bar g) of chocolate
8. a tin h) of Coke
9. a kilo i) of coffee
T.: Test yourself. Key: 1f, 2h, 3 e, 4i, 5a, 6c, 7g, 8b, 9d. Слайд 7
5.2 T.: You have some (many) mistakes that’s why we shall do this exercise.
Fill in the correct word: glass, cartoon, cup, loaf, bar, can, slice, packet.
Работа выполняется устно по цепочке. ( P1 → P2→ P3 ) Слайд 8 (задание с рисунками на слайде)
P1: a glass of milk;
P2: a loaf of bread;
P3: a cup of coffee
P4: a carton of orange juice;
P5: a slice of cheese;
P6: a packet of nuts;
P7: a can of Coca;
P8: a bar of chocolate.
5.3. T.: Say what is there in the fridge? ( рисунок холодильника с продуктами на слайде 9, об-ся отвечают на вопрос по образцу, данному на слайде, выбирая правильное слово some/many/ much/
little/ a little/ few/ a few.) Слайд 9
P.1: I can see many apples.
P.2: I can see a little cheese. и т.д.
5.4. T.: How much money do you need to buy this? Слайд 10
На 10 слайде даны продукты и их стоимость, а также магазинный чек. Задача обучающихся: сосчитать сколько денег нужно, чтобы оплатить чек.
Shopping list: Prices:
(2) milk; 70p.
(4) ice-creams; 15p.
(1) oil; £ 3
(2) bread; 60p.
(1) fish; 90p./a kilo
((0,5 ) cheese £ 4 / a kilo
Key: £ 9,10
5.5. T.: Ask and answer the questions.( задание выполняется по карточке, на которой дано задание)
Task: Fill in: How much? or How many?
1. … money do your parents give you as a pocket money?
2. … shops are there in your village?
3. … girls are there in your class?
4. … tea you usually drink?
5. … pairs of shoes have you got in your wardrobe?
6. … loaves of bread do you usually buy every day?
6. T.; Act the dialogues.
Обучающиеся в парах получают карточки с заданием: разыграть небольшой диалог между покупателем и продавцом; каждая пара покупает определенную вещь.
1.Imagine you are buying a T-shirt. Make up the dialogue using these words and phrases:
What can I do for you? Can I help you?
I’d like…. Yes, please!
I’m looking for… Here you are.
Yes, sure. Can I try it (them) on?
How much does it cost? How much is it?
Certainly. What about this one?
Thanks. Bye.
2. Imagine you are buying a pair of trainers. Make up the dialogue using these words and phrases
(на карточке даны такие же фразы, как и в 1 случае)
3. Imagine you are buying a present for your brother(sister). Make up the dialogue using these words and phrases. Make up the dialogue using these words and phrases
(на карточке даны такие же фразы, как и в 1 случае)
7. Conclusion of the lesson. Слайд 11
Teacher: Your work today was excellent and your marks are …
Your homework is…
Thank you for the lesson. The lesson is over. Good-buy!