Упражнение 1. Change the direct speech into reported speech.
“I am planning to go to Kenya,” Sally said. ____________________________________________________________
“I take my little sister to school every day,” little Anthony said. ____________________________________________________________
“You may take my textbook,” Nonna said. ____________________________________________________________
“They are playing in the gym now,” Nick said. ____________________________________________________________
“I don’t like chocolate,” Mary said. ____________________________________________________________
“My sister is ready to go” Helen said. ____________________________________________________________
“My mother usually goes shopping on Saturday,” the girl said. ____________________________________________________________
“The birds build their nests among the trees,” the teacher said. ____________________________________________________________
“I am not married,” Jimmy said. ____________________________________________________________
“I can't read these books. I don’t like them,” Petra said. ____________________________________________________________
Упражнение 2. Imagine that you saw your doctor yesterday because you had a bad headache. Tell your partner what questions the doctor asked.
Example: Do you sleep well?
— The doctor asked me if I slept well.
Is anything wrong with you? _____________________________________________________________
Do you sometimes have headaches? _____________________________________________________________
Are you taking any medicine now? _____________________________________________________________
Do you spend much time out- of-doors? _____________________________________________________________
Do you do sports? _____________________________________________________________
Have you a good appetite? _____________________________________________________________
Do you usually go to bed late? _____________________________________________________________
Will you follow my advice? _____________________________________________________________