
Тема: About autumn

An autumn is a very beautiful season. Only in autumn there is such various colours of paints. Leaves change the usual green color on red one, brown, yellow. And in the middle of autumn trees throw down leaves, to rest in winter. At this time it is pleasant to relax on a park, when foliage rustles under feet. And yet we like to walk in the forest after autumn mushrooms. But I dislike that in autumn rains. And they change our plans concerning a walk. But in autumn there is the "Indian summer". Nature as though wants to return a summer back. Brightly a sun lights it even disbelieves that already autumn. Also in autumn becomes cooler. Days already shorter, because early gets dark. Sometimes sky delays clouds and it is raining. I love this season, it is possible to go for a walk on a park and admire gold autumn nature. It is impossible not to


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Republic of Kazakhstan

Mangistau, Karakian region

Munaishy village, school № 7

Grade: 5 «A»

Shotykbay Nurshat

About autumn

An autumn is a very beautiful season. Only in autumn there is such various colours of paints. Leaves change the usual green color on red one, brown, yellow. And in the middle of autumn trees throw down leaves, to rest in winter. At this time it is pleasant to relax on a park, when foliage rustles under feet. And yet we like to walk in the forest after autumn mushrooms. But I dislike that in autumn rains. And they change our plans concerning a walk. But in autumn there is the "Indian summer". Nature as though wants to return a summer back. Brightly a sun lights it even disbelieves that already autumn. Also in autumn becomes cooler. Days already shorter, because early gets dark. Sometimes sky delays clouds and it is raining. I love this season, it is possible to go for a walk on a park and admire gold autumn nature. It is impossible not to delight in that beauty that gives an autumn us. But as beautifully in autumn in-field! Sometimes simply words are not enough to describe all this splendour, only an artist can pass autumn landscape. Very beautifully in the middle of September, when the leaves of trees turn yellow. At this time all in gold and it is not desirable to abandon a park, in fact around such picturesque landscape. But as healthily in a birch wood, it seems that gold chinks hang on young bindweeds, and when begins to blow wind, their ringing is heard. Exactly, due to an autumn people anymore begin to turn attention on the surrounding world. In autumn, when fine weather, it is needed to try more often to go for a walk down street. Surrounding beauty will help to be distracted, forget about problems, caring, rest the soul. Well, and if on a weekend fine weather, then nowise it is not needed to be at a home. It is needed necessarily to drive out on nature.

I love an autumn recklessly. In this gold season of year it is possible to collect an enormous hill from leaves, that was quite recently spread above our heads on high trees and it is simple to fall down on her, lie and dreamy to watch the flow of clouds, dream about distant warm countries and simply about the good future. In these autumn days it is desirable to catch every puff of soft breeze, every sunny day bringing with itself gladness and in too time some sadness, in fact realization comes that quite soon all to change. Quite soon trees will remain to stand quite without the beautiful clothing, air will become all more cold and more cold, days will become yet shorter, and a purple-gold carpet under feet after itself will carry away wind in unknown to us places. All in autumn air will remind us of the quick changing authorities in the wild, in fact not after mountains arrival of snow queen-winter and all will be covered by other, no less wonderful carpet. It seems to me that quite knowingly the great number of poets was glorified all to the stateliness

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