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The use of the Internet on english lessons

В работе учительница попыталась показать методы и приемы работы с интернетом на уроках английского языка.

Описание разработки

The main purpose of foreign language teaching is the formation and the development of the communicative culture of schoolchildren learning the practical mastering a foreign language. The teacher's task is to create appropriate conditions for practical language acquisition, selection of training methods that would allow each student to show their activity, their creativity. The task of the teacher - student learning increased in learning foreign languages. Modern teaching technologies such as collaboration, project methodology, the use of new information technologies, Internet resources help you implement student - oriented approach in teaching, provide individualization and differentiation of the learning abilities of children, taking into account their level of teaching, dispositions, etc.

 Forms of work with computer training programs in English lessons include:

 - vocabulary;

 - development of pronunciation;

 - training of Dialogic and monologue speech;

 - training letter;

 - development of grammatical phenomena.

 Ability to use Internet resources is enormous. The global network of the Internet creates new conditions for the students and teachers of any required information from anywhere in the world: regional geography’s material news from the life of the young, articles from newspapers and magazines, literature, etc. There is a need to bring the teaching of English at the school in line with the development of modern information technology. English language lessons with the help of the Internet, you can solve a number of didactic objectives: build reading skills, using materials of the global network; improve the writing skills of students; enrich vocabulary students; create sustainable motivation for students learning English.

  Students can take part in the testing, quizzes, competitions, Olympiads, held by the Internet, communicate with peers from other countries, participate in chat rooms, video conferencing, etc. , students can get information on the problem, on which work is currently in the project. This may be the joint work of Kazakh schoolchildren and their foreign peers from one or more countries.

One of the most revolutionary advances over the past decade, which significantly influenced the educational process in the world, was the creation of the world computer network known as the Internet, which literally means "international network"

  The use of cyberspace for training purposes is absolutely a new direction of General didactics and private methods, because the changes affect all aspects of the educational process, from choosing the methods and style of work, to the changing requirements of the academic level of students.

  The substantial base of mass computerization of education, of course, is that modern computer is an effective tool for optimizing the terms of mental work at all, in any of its manifestations.

  The main objective of foreign language study in high school - formation of communicative competence, all other purpose (educational, pedagogical, and developmental) are in the process of implementing this goal. The communicative approach involves learning to communicate and the ability to cross cultural interaction, which is the basis of the functioning of the Internet. Out of communication the Internet is meaningless - it is an international, multicultural, cross - cultural society whose livelihood is based on the electronic communications of millions of people around the world, speaking at the same time - the most gigantic in size and number of participants in the conversation ever took place. Joining him in the foreign language classroom, we are creating a model for real communication.

  Communicating in the true language environment provided by the Internet, students find themselves in these situations. Involved in a wide range of meaningful, realistic and achievable targets of interest, students learn spontaneously and adequately respond to them, that stimulate the creation of original utterances, not template manipulation language formulas. [Afanasyeva N. A. , information and communication technologies in teaching a foreign language/ N. A. Afanasyeva// educational technology. - 2009. - N 2. ]

  The focus is on understanding the transfer of content and expression of meaning that motivates the study of the structure and vocabulary of a foreign language, which serve this purpose. Thus, the students focused on the use of shapes, rather than themselves, and teaching grammar is indirect, direct communication, excluding pure study of grammatical rules.

 Development of education these days is organically linked with higher levels of its information potential. This characteristic determines the direction of the evolution of both education and the future of society as a whole. For the most successful orienteering in the global information space must provide students information culture, as well as computer - screen - based culture as a priority in the search for more and more information is given to the Internet.

 How information system, the Internet offers its users a variety of information and resources. The basic services can include custom:

 - electronic mail (e - mail);

 - newsgroup (Usenet);

 - video conferencing;

 - possibility to publish your own information, create your own

 Homepage (homepage) and posting it on a Web server;

 - access to information resources:

 - reference directories (Yahoo!, InfoSeek/Ultra Smart, Look Smart, Galaxy);

 - search engines (Alta Vista, Hot Bob, Open Text, WebCrawler


 - conversation (Chat).

  These resources can be actively used in the lesson.

  The Internet is an excellent tool for getting information on the latest developments in the world. Thus, you can use the Internet to transform a room into a news agency, and their students in the first class of reporters. This activity is suitable for the senior class, because includes voluminous reading and the art of interpretation, fluent speech.

  In terms of mastery of intercultural competence is an online newspaper is an indispensable assistant. It will allow students to plunge into the thick of world events taking place almost in the moment, to see things from different points of view. Especially valuable for classroom work is link - send us feedback, interaction between reader and Publisher. Give your opinion about read and personally talk to the author of a specific article in the section "today's journalists" ("today's Columnists"), where the choice of a family name will link you to them directly. Sometimes you may receive extra - relationship with the main character article.

  You can ask students to work in twos or threes, explore article covering all aspects of life: editorials, sports, weather, culture. . . The advantage of this work lies in the full involvement of the entire class in conjunction with the differentiation of tasks: strong students may do research more difficult articles, while weaker could report on weather conditions or something from the field of culture. [Currier, Listening in the web environment. Internet - resources and programs to assist a teacher of a foreign language/m. Currier; Lane. from English. O. Korchazhkina//ICT in education. - 2009]

 In addition to work on the skills of reading and listening, you can add to your vocabulary. For this purpose it is necessary to invite students to a dictionary article, relying on the read information. You can buy the new grammar skills, examples of which met in the articles.

  The result of such work would be to create your page on one specific event, where you should try to give a neutral view of the problem, based on the analysis of the information provided by various news agencies. Here you must specify hyperlinks to sources. For the development of intercultural competence research articles on a particular topic, only one of the news outlets over a long period of time also has its benefits: thoroughly studied problem, students will be able to not only determine the position of the country to study the problem, and to identify the reasons for this view and, accordingly, will be able to predict the development of events. After the work requires discussion or teleconference, where the work of each student or group will be a separate sector of the overall problem. [ Kochergina, I. G. Improving cognitive abilities of students through the use of information and communication technologies in teaching English/language I. G. Kochergina//foreign languages in school. - 2009. - N 3. ] Thus, sharing the results of their work and putting them into a coherent whole, students will be given a multifaceted picture of the events, which will allow them to understand what is happening and, most likely, would turn them on to find the optimal solution for understanding, determination of cause - effect relationships is the only proper basis for a solution to the conflict.

  The main advantage of such work is that students get first - hand information, not a weekly or more limitations of print, and are caught up in the thick of world events, personally giving it effect.

Communication in virtual reality using email for acquisition of intercultural competence can be used as follows:

 1. Establishing a friendly correspondence.

 International exchange of letters can be in any form and at any level of proficiency. In addition to the targeted language, establish friendly contacts and studying the way culture, electronic correspondence has advantages in comparison with paper: it's faster, more comfortable and cheaper.

 2. The establishment of joint training projects.

 Students don't just share information with partners from different parts of the globe, and are working together on a project: choose a theme, developed methods of research, creates its own booth, where and are the results. Theme of the project, you can choose from already proposed by someone on the list server or put there and wait for the response. Project Home Page Email page proposes to study the following issues: drugs, stress, food, power, influence of advertisements on human health, the comparison of prices of goods in different regions, traditional medicine and many others.

 The ultimate goal of foreign language teaching is learning free orientation in a foreign language environment and ability to respond appropriately to different situations, that is communication. New views on the result of learning have facilitated new technologies and non - obsolete. Today new methods of using Internet resources, contrasts the traditional teaching foreign languages. The traditional concept is associated primarily with the learning rules and language exercises that is "talking about the language instead of the language". Many teachers still believe that "vocabulary + the necessary framework = language", and this is at the heart of the learning process. But language is not mathematics (though the language structure is nothing less than a formula for memorization) and not just intellectual substance. Intel will not enter into action without some motivation and rarely operates without an emotion, namely these components often lack the guidance material.

 As you know, everything that is the man he seeks to use in upcoming activities. It is also known that the use of the knowledge, skills, abilities based on migration and migration depends primarily on the extent to which adequate learning environment the environment in which these knowledge, skills, abilities to use. Therefore, prepare the student to participate in the process of foreign language communication in foreign language communication needs to be created in the classroom. This defines the essence of communicative teaching, which is that the learning process is a model of communication.

 The use of the Internet in the communicative approach is motivated by: its purpose is to interest students in learning a foreign language through accumulation and increasing their knowledge and experience. Students should be prepared to use the language for real communication outside the classroom, for example, during visits to the country studied language, during the reception of foreign guests, in correspondence, exchanging audio and videocassettes, jobs, etc. with schools or friends in an area where the language is spoken. The term communication should not be construed narrowly, purely on a pragmatic basis. "Communication - Bim is bringing personality to the spiritual values of other cultures through personal contact and through the reading. This approach, implemented in the Internet attracts learners by focusing on topics of interest to them and giving them a choice of texts and tasks to achieve the goals of the program. The communicative ability of the learners is developed through the Internet by involving them in a wide range of meaningful, realistic, meaningful and achievable targets, successful completion of which is gratifying and boosts their confidence.

 The Internet can be used as effective applications for the development of the grammatical, lexical skills knowledge test. This includes all sorts of training lexical, grammatical, phonetic exercises, reading, grammar, tests, IQ tests, etc. , Teachers or pupils themselves can find such sites.

The biggest advantage of using Internet resources is the development of intercultural competence, i. e. , getting to know different cultures, identify ways they interact and overlap each other, the formation of cultural universals, necessary to achieve mutual understanding and fruitful cooperation with the direct communication.

Содержимое разработки


Utarshiyeva Gulzada Serikbayevna, teacher of English

Kyzylkoga region, Tasshagyl secondary school

The main purpose of foreign language teaching is the formation and the development of the communicative culture of schoolchildren learning the practical mastering a foreign language. The teacher's task is to create appropriate conditions for practical language acquisition, selection of training methods that would allow each student to show their activity, their creativity. The task of the teacher-student learning increased in learning foreign languages. Modern teaching technologies such as collaboration, project methodology, the use of new information technologies, Internet resources help you implement student-oriented approach in teaching, provide individualization and differentiation of the learning abilities of children, taking into account their level of teaching, dispositions, etc.

Forms of work with computer training programs in English lessons include:


-development of pronunciation;

-training of Dialogic and monologue speech;

-training letter;

-development of grammatical phenomena.

Ability to use Internet resources is enormous. The global network of the Internet creates new conditions for the students and teachers of any required information from anywhere in the world: regional geography’s material news from the life of the young, articles from newspapers and magazines, literature, etc. There is a need to bring the teaching of English at the school in line with the development of modern information technology. English language lessons with the help of the Internet, you can solve a number of didactic objectives: build reading skills, using materials of the global network; improve the writing skills of students; enrich vocabulary students; create sustainable motivation for students learning English.

Students can take part in the testing, quizzes, competitions, Olympiads, held by the Internet, communicate with peers from other countries, participate in chat rooms, video conferencing, etc., students can get information on the problem, on which work is currently in the project. This may be the joint work of Kazakh schoolchildren and their foreign peers from one or more countries.

One of the most revolutionary advances over the past decade, which significantly influenced the educational process in the world, was the creation of the world computer network known as the Internet, which literally means "international network"

The use of cyberspace for training purposes is absolutely a new direction of General didactics and private methods, because the changes affect all aspects of the educational process, from choosing the methods and style of work, to the changing requirements of the academic level of students.

The substantial base of mass computerization of education, of course, is that modern computer is an effective tool for optimizing the terms of mental work at all, in any of its manifestations.

The main objective of foreign language study in high school-formation of communicative competence, all other purpose (educational, pedagogical, and developmental) are in the process of implementing this goal. The communicative approach involves learning to communicate and the ability to cross cultural interaction, which is the basis of the functioning of the Internet. Out of communication the Internet is meaningless-it is an international, multicultural, cross-cultural society whose livelihood is based on the electronic communications of millions of people around the world, speaking at the same time-the most gigantic in size and number of participants in the conversation ever took place. Joining him in the foreign language classroom, we are creating a model for real communication.

Communicating in the true language environment provided by the Internet, students find themselves in these situations. Involved in a wide range of meaningful, realistic and achievable targets of interest, students learn spontaneously and adequately respond to them, that stimulate the creation of original utterances, not template manipulation language formulas. [Afanasyeva N.A., information and communication technologies in teaching a foreign language/ N.A.Afanasyeva// educational technology. -2009. -N 2.]

The focus is on understanding the transfer of content and expression of meaning that motivates the study of the structure and vocabulary of a foreign language, which serve this purpose. Thus, the students focused on the use of shapes, rather than themselves, and teaching grammar is indirect, direct communication, excluding pure study of grammatical rules.

Development of education these days is organically linked with higher levels of its information potential. This characteristic determines the direction of the evolution of both education and the future of society as a whole. For the most successful orienteering in the global information space must provide students information culture, as well as computer-screen-based culture as a priority in the search for more and more information is given to the Internet.

How information system, the Internet offers its users a variety of information and resources. The basic services can include custom:

-electronic mail (e-mail);

-newsgroup (Usenet);

-video conferencing;

-possibility to publish your own information, create your own

Homepage (homepage) and posting it on a Web server;

-access to information resources:

-reference directories (Yahoo!, InfoSeek/Ultra Smart, Look Smart, Galaxy);

-search engines (Alta Vista, Hot Bob, Open Text, WebCrawler


-conversation (Chat).

These resources can be actively used in the lesson.

The Internet is an excellent tool for getting information on the latest developments in the world. Thus, you can use the Internet to transform a room into a news agency, and their students in the first class of reporters. This activity is suitable for the senior class, because includes voluminous reading and the art of interpretation, fluent speech.

In terms of mastery of intercultural competence is an online newspaper is an indispensable assistant. It will allow students to plunge into the thick of world events taking place almost in the moment, to see things from different points of view. Especially valuable for classroom work is link-send us feedback, interaction between reader and Publisher. Give your opinion about read and personally talk to the author of a specific article in the section "today's journalists" ("today's Columnists"), where the choice of a family name will link you to them directly. Sometimes you may receive extra-relationship with the main character article.

You can ask students to work in twos or threes, explore article covering all aspects of life: editorials, sports, weather, culture ... The advantage of this work lies in the full involvement of the entire class in conjunction with the differentiation of tasks: strong students may do research more difficult articles, while weaker could report on weather conditions or something from the field of culture. [Currier, Listening in the web environment. Internet-resources and programs to assist a teacher of a foreign language/m. Currier; Lane. from English. O. Korchazhkina//ICT in education. -2009]

In addition to work on the skills of reading and listening, you can add to your vocabulary. For this purpose it is necessary to invite students to a dictionary article, relying on the read information. You can buy the new grammar skills, examples of which met in the articles.

The result of such work would be to create your page on one specific event, where you should try to give a neutral view of the problem, based on the analysis of the information provided by various news agencies. Here you must specify hyperlinks to sources. For the development of intercultural competence research articles on a particular topic, only one of the news outlets over a long period of time also has its benefits: thoroughly studied problem, students will be able to not only determine the position of the country to study the problem, and to identify the reasons for this view and, accordingly, will be able to predict the development of events. After the work requires discussion or teleconference, where the work of each student or group will be a separate sector of the overall problem. [ Kochergina, I.G. Improving cognitive abilities of students through the use of information and communication technologies in teaching English/language I.G. Kochergina//foreign languages in school. -2009. -N 3.] Thus, sharing the results of their work and putting them into a coherent whole, students will be given a multifaceted picture of the events, which will allow them to understand what is happening and, most likely, would turn them on to find the optimal solution for understanding, determination of cause-effect relationships is the only proper basis for a solution to the conflict.

The main advantage of such work is that students get first-hand information, not a weekly or more limitations of print, and are caught up in the thick of world events, personally giving it effect.

Communication in virtual reality using email for acquisition of intercultural competence can be used as follows:

1. Establishing a friendly correspondence.

International exchange of letters can be in any form and at any level of proficiency. In addition to the targeted language, establish friendly contacts and studying the way culture, electronic correspondence has advantages in comparison with paper: it's faster, more comfortable and cheaper.

2. The establishment of joint training projects.

Students don't just share information with partners from different parts of the globe, and are working together on a project: choose a theme, developed methods of research, creates its own booth, where and are the results. Theme of the project, you can choose from already proposed by someone on the list server or put there and wait for the response. Project Home Page Email page proposes to study the following issues: drugs, stress, food, power, influence of advertisements on human health, the comparison of prices of goods in different regions, traditional medicine and many others.

The ultimate goal of foreign language teaching is learning free orientation in a foreign language environment and ability to respond appropriately to different situations, that is communication. New views on the result of learning have facilitated new technologies and non-obsolete. Today new methods of using Internet resources, contrasts the traditional teaching foreign languages. The traditional concept is associated primarily with the learning rules and language exercises that is "talking about the language instead of the language". Many teachers still believe that "vocabulary + the necessary framework = language", and this is at the heart of the learning process. But language is not mathematics (though the language structure is nothing less than a formula for memorization) and not just intellectual substance. Intel will not enter into action without some motivation and rarely operates without an emotion, namely these components often lack the guidance material. [Matsko, G.R. English lesson and information culture/G.R. Matsko//English at school. -2009. -N 2.]

As you know, everything that is the man he seeks to use in upcoming activities. It is also known that the use of the knowledge, skills, abilities based on migration and migration depends primarily on the extent to which adequate learning environment the environment in which these knowledge, skills, abilities to use. Therefore, prepare the student to participate in the process of foreign language communication in foreign language communication needs to be created in the classroom. This defines the essence of communicative teaching, which is that the learning process is a model of communication.

The use of the Internet in the communicative approach is motivated by: its purpose is to interest students in learning a foreign language through accumulation and increasing their knowledge and experience. Students should be prepared to use the language for real communication outside the classroom, for example, during visits to the country studied language, during the reception of foreign guests, in correspondence, exchanging audio and videocassettes, jobs, etc. with schools or friends in an area where the language is spoken. The term communication should not be construed narrowly, purely on a pragmatic basis. "Communication-Bim is bringing personality to the spiritual values of other cultures through personal contact and through the reading. This approach, implemented in the Internet attracts learners by focusing on topics of interest to them and giving them a choice of texts and tasks to achieve the goals of the program. The communicative ability of the learners is developed through the Internet by involving them in a wide range of meaningful, realistic, meaningful and achievable targets, successful completion of which is gratifying and boosts their confidence.

The Internet can be used as effective applications for the development of the grammatical, lexical skills knowledge test. This includes all sorts of training lexical, grammatical, phonetic exercises, reading, grammar, tests, IQ tests, etc., Teachers or pupils themselves can find such sites.

The biggest advantage of using Internet resources is the development of intercultural competence, i.e., getting to know different cultures, identify ways they interact and overlap each other, the formation of cultural universals, necessary to achieve mutual understanding and fruitful cooperation with the direct communication.


  1. Afanasyeva N.A., information and communication technologies in teaching a foreign language/ N.A.Afanasyeva// educational technology. -2009. -N 2.

  2. Currier, Listening in the web environment. Internet-resources and programs to assist a teacher of a foreign language/m. Currier; Lane. from English. O. Korchazhkina//ICT in education. -2009

  3. Kochergina, I.G. Improving cognitive abilities of students through the use of information and communication technologies in teaching English/language I.G. Kochergina//foreign languages in school. -2009. -N 3

  4. Matsko, G.R. English lesson and information culture/G.R. Matsko//English at school. -2009. -N 2


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