Разработки  /  Английский язык  /  Уроки  /  9 класс  /  План-конспект урока по английскому языку "Засоби масової інформації. Масс медія у вашому житті"

План-конспект урока по английскому языку "Засоби масової інформації. Масс медія у вашому житті"

Разработка позволит закрепить и обобщить знания учащихся по теме "Mass Media".

Описание разработки

Teacher’s objectives:

- to perfect students’ cognitive and creative skills;

- to define the problematic areas in students’ speaking, reading, listening of the giving topics;

- to develop students’ speaking and listening comprehension skills;

- to revise students’ vocabulary;

- to provide students’ with information dealing with different aspects of the British media: newspapers and magazines, television, radio and the Internet;

- to revise and practice using of defining and non-defining relative clauses;

- to educate respectful attitude towards the teacher and each other in cooperation, interest in learning English.

Learner’s objectives (Slide 2):

- by the end of the lesson students will be able to speak on the theme;

- express their opinions about different types of TV programs or newspapers in pairs and groups;

- recognize the speaker’s attitude towards media.

Level – intermediate.

Тип уроку: урок введення нових знань, умінь і навичок

Materials: text for reading, text for listening comprehension, lexical and grammar cards and tables.


I. Introduction.

Dear friends! Today we are having a summary lesson devoted to the subject “Mass Media”. By the end of the lesson you should be able to tell about your world of information, to operate lexical material about communication, mass media and computer. Mass Media is one of the most characteristic features of modern civilization. People are united into one global community with the help of mass media. People can learn about what is happening in the world very quickly using mass media.

Have a look at the motto of today’s lesson and let’s read it (Slide 3):

“Many little things put together may create something great”.

I think these words are closely connected with the plot of our lesson.

План-конспект урока по английскому языку на тему Мass Media in our life

II. Warming – up.

Purpose: to focus students on the topic.

1. What kinds of mass media do you know? (Students answer)

- newspapers/magazines (press), radio, television, the Internet

2. First of all let us repeat some lexical material:

a) The game “Guess” (Slide 4).

Look at this table and guess what task I can give you (put the words into categories of your choice: press, radio, television, the Internet).

III. Vocabulary.

Translate into English (Slide 5).

Let’s continue our lesson and repeat words and word-combinations. What is the English for?

1) реклама

2) комерційний канал

3) збагачувати

4) канал

5) для того, щоб

6) транслювати

7) наявний

8) фінансований державою

9) мультфільм

10) розповсюджувати

11) бути забороненим

12) кращий ефірний чаc        

13) досягти удачі

14) благословення

15) прокляття

16) марнування часу

17) наркоман

Весь материал - в документе.

Содержимое разработки

Form 9 Lesson_________ Date__________

Тема уроку: Засоби масової інформації. Масс медія у вашому житті Mass Media

Teacher’s objectives:

- to perfect students’ cognitive and creative skills;

- to define the problematic areas in students’ speaking, reading, listening of the giving topics;

- to develop students’ speaking and listening comprehension skills;

- to revise students’ vocabulary;

- to provide students’ with information dealing with different aspects of the British media: newspapers and magazines, television, radio and the Internet;

- to revise and practice using of defining and non-defining relative clauses;

- to educate respectful attitude towards the teacher and each other in cooperation, interest in learning English.

Learner’s objectives (Slide 2):

- by the end of the lesson students will be able to speak on the theme;

- express their opinions about different types of TV programs or newspapers in pairs and groups;

- recognize the speaker’s attitude towards media.

Level – intermediate.

Тип уроку: урок введення нових знань, умінь і навичок

Materials: text for reading, text for listening comprehension, lexical and grammar cards and tables.


I. Introduction.

Dear friends! Today we are having a summary lesson devoted to the subject “Mass Media”. By the end of the lesson you should be able to tell about your world of information, to operate lexical material about communication, mass media and computer. Mass Media is one of the most characteristic features of modern civilization. People are united into one global community with the help of mass media. People can learn about what is happening in the world very quickly using mass media.

Have a look at the motto of today’s lesson and let’s read it (Slide 3):

Many little things put together may create something great”.

I think these words are closely connected with the plot of our lesson.

II. Warming – up.

Purpose: to focus students on the topic.

1. What kinds of mass media do you know? (Students answer)

-newspapers/magazines (press), radio, television, the Internet

2. First of all let us repeat some lexical material:

a) The game “Guess” (Slide 4).

Look at this table and guess what task I can give you (put the words into categories of your choice: press, radio, television, the Internet).

1. Article




2. Chanel

6. Commercial


14. A live match

3. Edition

7. Documentary

11.Radio program

15. Mail.ru


8. Prime time

12. Vkontakte

16. Website

III. Vocabulary

Translate into English (Slide 5).

Let’s continue our lesson and repeat words and word-combinations. What is the English for?

1) реклама

2) комерційний канал

3) збагачувати

4) канал

5) для того, щоб

6) транслювати

7) наявний

8) фінансований державою

9) мультфільм

10) розповсюджувати

11) бути забороненим

12) кращий ефірний чаc

13) досягти удачі

14) благословення

15) прокляття

16) марнування часу

17) наркоман


commercial TV



in order to




animated cartoon


be forbidden

prime time

gain a fortune



waste of time


3) Match (Slide 8-9).

Match the words with the following definitions in the left column with the appropriate in the right one:


1)A newspaper

a) i a) is a large, thin book with a paper cover, often print­ed on shiny paper, which contains stories, articles, photographs, and sometimes also news.

2)Sunday paper

b) is all the organizations that are involved in provid­ing information to

the public, especially newspa­pers, television, and radio.

3)Local paper

c) i c) a serious magazine on particular subject, contain­ing articles by university teachers, scientists, doc­tors, etc.


d) l d) lists of films, plays, and other events, with details of the times, dates, and places where they will hap­pen.


e) i e) a set of large folded sheets of paper containing news articles, pictures, which is printed and sold every day or every week.

6)The press

f) i f) a newspaper that gives news mainly about the town or area where it

is printed.

7)The media

g) g) newspapers that are read by a lot of people and ge­nerally contain articles that are entertaining rather than serious, for example, stories about people on television and sport.


h) is a magazine, especially for children, that consists of funny or

exciting stories which are told using a series of pictures.

9)The popular


i) a i) paper that is sold every Sunday, and is usually big­ger than papers sold on other days.


j) isg) a newspaper and the people who write for them.


k) i k) a newspaper that doesn't contain much serious news, but has stories

about famous people, sport, etc.

Key: 1e, 2i, 3f, 4a, 5c, 6j, 7b, 8k, 9g, 10h, 11d.


1)Chat show

a) is a film, especially a story for children that is made by photographing series of drawings, so that they seem to move.

2)Quiz show

b) is a programme in which is broadcast early in the morning, which includes news and tells you what time it is; there are also usually songs and jokes and conversations with famous people.

3)Game show

c) is a television story about a group of people and their lives , which is broadcast regularly for many years.


d) is a programme in which famous people talk about themselves and answer questions about their lives, opinions etc.


e) is a programme that gives you facts and informa­tion about a serious subject, such as history, science or social programme.

6)Breakfast show

f) is a television programme about wild animals and plants.

7)Soap opera

g) is a programme in which people or teams complete against each other by answering questions.

8)The news

h) is an amusing programme in which there is a differ­ent story each week about the same group of people.

9) Wildlife


i) is a programme in which people play games and an­swer questions in order to win prizes.

10) Documentary

j) is a programme that is broadcast several times each day, which tells you about all the important events that are happening in the world.

Key: 1d, 2g, 3i, 4a, 5h, 6b, 7c, 8j, 9f, 10e.


a)Pre-reading activities

b)While-reading activities

c)Post-reading activities

I\/. Rest-time

\/.Writing (Slide 17).

And now we revise and practice using of defining and non-defining relative clauses.

1) Write out the incorrect words:

a. a mobile phone which/who can send e-mails

b. a computer that/what knows your voice

c. the man which/who lives next door

d. the girl that/which always sits next to me

e. the bus that/who I take to get to school

f. a meal which/who you can cook easily at home

2) Join the pairs of sentences, using which, that or who (Slide 18):

a. I’ve got a brother. He lives in Scotland.

I’ve got a brother who lives in Scotland.

b. Henry has got a hat. It is red, green and blue.

c. Claire is a writer. She is very famous.

d. It is a salad. It tastes delicious.

e. This is a picture. It was painted by Joseph Turner.

f. He is a teacher. He is very popular.

g. It’s a machine. It makes pasta.

\/I. Summing-up.

We’ve come to the end of the lesson. Thank you very much for your work, enthusiasm, original ideas. The most of you were at the top of the class. Some of you were rather quit today. You are to be more active. You can’t learn to speak English just by sitting and listening to the other pupils. It’s better to make mistakes than to say nothing. (Your marks are …)

I am sure that you’ve broaden your knowledge, haven’t you? (Students’ answers)

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Профессиональная компетентность педагогов в условиях внедрения ФГОС

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Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
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