Разработки  /  Английский язык  /  Уроки  /  8 класс  /  Конспект урока английского языка "Why is English so popular?"

Конспект урока английского языка "Why is English so popular?"

Урок продолжит знакомство учащихся с иностранным языком как средством общения, способствует совершенствованию навыков коммуникативного общения на английском языке в рамках предложенной игровой ситуации.

Описание разработки



- продолжение знакомства учащихся с ИЯ как средством общения; совершенствование навыков коммуникативного общения на английском языке в рамках предложенной игровой ситуации, формирование аудитивных умений и навыков, навыков работы с текстом.


- развитие умения преодолевать трудности, связанные с использованием нового лексического материала;

- развитие иноязычных речевых механизмов зрительного восприятия, выбора и комбинирования;

- развитие логического мышления, памяти, догадки;

- развитие умения правильно подбирать материал для решения коммуникативной задачи;

- развитие познавательных и творческих способностей;

- развитие умения отстаивать свою точку зрения на иностранном языке.


- поддержание интереса к общению и формирование познавательной активности;

- воспитание потребности в практическом использовании языка;

- воспитание организованности, усидчивости, активности и внимания;

- воспитание культуры общения;

- воспитание уважения к иностранным языкам, а также к родному языку и культуре;

- воспитание интереса и положительной мотивации к изучению иностранных языков.


лингвистическая: формирование лексико-грамматических навыков;

методическая: использование проектной технологии;

психологическая: радость совместного труда, ситуация успеха;

развивающая: расширение познавательного интереса к культуре, языку другой страны;

воспитательная: воспитание толерантности, гордости за свой язык, свою страну посредством изучения английского языка как международного; практическая: умение применять полученные знания, участие в дискуссии, защита микропроектов, формирование устойчивой мотивации к изучению иностранного языка;

Материально-техническое оснащение: проектор с экраном.

Дидактическое обеспечение: учебник К. Кауфман, М. Кауфман «Happy English. ru 8», видеозапись «Misterduncan Part 1» видеозапись «30 countries where English is spoken», презентация « Pros and cons», карточки с заданием.

Результат планируемый:

Повышение уровня мотивации к получению новых знаний.

Применение коммуникативных навыков в процессе общения на английском языке.

Применение полученных знаний для самообразования.

Развернутый план урока:

I. Подготовка учащихся к иноязычной речевой деятельности.

1) Приветствие.

Teacher: Good morning, pupils! I’m so glad to see you. Welcome to our lesson! Today we are having some guests; they are the teachers of English. Let’s greet them! Today we are going to speak about English language. We’ll try to discuss why people learn English, what the problems of learning English are, what we should do to know the language better. You’ll also tell about your native languages, as we have different nationalities. You’ll have a chance to compare all the languages.

 2) Речевая зарядка.


What is the date today?

What day is it today?

When do you have English lessons?

Do you like English? Is it important for you?

Have you ever communicated with the foreigners?

Have you ever been abroad?

Do you want to have friends from other countries?

Teacher: Let’s do the following exercise. Look at these events and match the pictures with the phrases.

a) to find a job abroad.

b) to go on holiday abroad.

c) to earn a lot of money.

d) to become a politician.

e) to travel everywhere in the world.

f) to watch films in the original language.

g) to go abroad on an exchange programme.

h) to read books in the original language.

i) to get access to the Internet.

j) to make friends with people from other countries.

k) to communicate with people from other countries.

l) to work as a secretary

m) to make presentations at international conferences.

1– f 2 – i 3 – k 4 – d 5 – l 6 – h 7 – m 8 – a 9 – j 10 – c 11 – e 12 – b 13 – g.

Teacher: Well, look at these events again and say which of them may happen in your life.

P1: I think I may find a job abroad.

P2: I think I may…

II. Аудирование и работа с текстом “Don’t learn English”.

Of course all these events may be able in your life if you’ll learn English well. But sometimes we can hear: “I don’t want to learn English! I’m Russian!” Let’s listen some advice for such pupils. The name of the text is: “Don’t learn English! It may ruin your life. ” Listen to the text and try to answer the question: do the authors of this text really think that English may ruin one’s life?

(Pupils listen to the text and answer the question. )

P1: I think that the authors of this text don`t really think that English may ruin one’s life because English is a very popular language all over the world. It is used in many parts of the world and there is a lot of business correspondence and literature in English.

P2: I am sure, in order to have a good job one should know foreign languages.

Teacher: What will happen in your life if you learn English well?

P2: If I learn English well I`ll read English books of great writers in the original.

Teacher: Why is it necessary to learn English?

P3: Because it is the language of communication, business, science and culture.

Teacher: Why is English so popular?

P4: Because it is used in many parts of the world.

Teacher: Why do you learn English?

P5: I learn English because I want to communicate with people from different countries, I want to understand their culture and traditions. I like to travel.

Teacher: And now look through the text and find English equivalents for the following sentences.

- Вы сможете путешествовать по всему миру и везде общаться с людьми. (You will be able to travel all over the world and communicate with people everywhere)

- Вы всегда будете узнавать новости первыми. (You`ll always get the news first)

- Вы получите доступ к информации по любому предмету. (You`ll get access to information on any subject)

-Вы узнаете все о своей любимой музыкальной группе. (You`ll learn all about your favourite music group)

- И хуже всего: вы найдете фантастическую работу и заработаете много денег. (And worst of all: You`ll find a fantastic job and earn a lot of money)

III. Ролевая игра «Почему английский язык так популярен?»

Teacher: Well done, thanks. We have answered some questions, but there is the main question we haven’t answered yet. Why English? Why is English so popular?

They say English is the Latin of the 21-st century. I wonder what people from different countries think about it.

Let me introduce all of them.

Mr Bumridge, an English historian.

Mrs Belova, a Russian translator.

Mr Brinks, a rich American businessman.

Mrs Zaitseva, a successful Russian businesswoman.

Mr Schneider, a philosopher.

Students who study abroad

Pupils who want to learn English.

Mrs Ostrovskaya and Mrs Petrova, teachers of English.

Teacher: Let’s start our discussion from some facts: the word goes to Mr Brinks.

Then guests one after another tell what they think about popularity of English language (using the short presentations).

 (During the discussion participants ask the questions to each other, answer them, give their own arguments. )

American businessmen: I think that English is popular because it is the language of America. The world has to understand America because it is one of the biggest and strongest countries. Everybody wants to do business with America.

A Russian translator: I think that English is so popular because it is very easy.

The historian: I think that English is so popular because it has words from other languages. It is like many European languages and that’s why people can learn it easily.

An Indian student: I think that English is so popular because the United Kingdom used to have a big empire. The British had colonies all over the world, and all the people in the colonies had to speak English. Their country, India, is an example.

Весь материал - в документе.

Содержимое разработки






Тип урока: комбинированный

Вид урока: урок-дискуссия

Форма: индивидуальная, фронтальная и групповая

Учебник: К. Кауфман, М. Кауфман “Happy English. ru’’



- продолжение знакомства учащихся с ИЯ как средством общения; совершенствование навыков коммуникативного общения на английском языке в рамках предложенной игровой ситуации, формирование аудитивных умений и навыков, навыков работы с текстом.


- развитие умения преодолевать трудности, связанные с использованием нового лексического материала;

- развитие иноязычных речевых механизмов зрительного восприятия, выбора и комбинирования;

- развитие логического мышления, памяти, догадки;

- развитие умения правильно подбирать материал для решения коммуникативной задачи;

- развитие познавательных и творческих способностей;

- развитие умения отстаивать свою точку зрения на иностранном языке.


- поддержание интереса к общению и формирование познавательной активности;

- воспитание потребности в практическом использовании языка;

- воспитание организованности, усидчивости, активности и внимания;

- воспитание культуры общения;

- воспитание уважения к иностранным языкам, а также к родному языку и культуре;

- воспитание интереса и положительной мотивации к изучению иностранных языков.


лингвистическая: формирование лексико-грамматических навыков;
методическая: использование проектной технологии;
психологическая: радость совместного труда, ситуация успеха;
развивающая: расширение познавательного интереса к культуре, языку другой страны;
воспитательная: воспитание толерантности, гордости за свой язык, свою страну посредством изучения английского языка как международного; практическая: умение применять полученные знания, участие в дискуссии, защита микропроектов, формирование устойчивой мотивации к изучению иностранного языка;

Материально-техническое оснащение: проектор с экраном

Дидактическое обеспечение: учебник К. Кауфман, М. Кауфман «Happy English.ru 8» ,  видеозапись «Misterduncan Part 1» видеозапись «30 countries where English is spoken», презентация « Pros and cons», карточки с заданием.

Результат планируемый:

  1. Повышение уровня мотивации к получению новых знаний.

  2. Применение коммуникативных навыков в процессе общения на английском языке.

  3. Применение полученных знаний для самообразования.

Развернутый план урока:

  1. Подготовка учащихся к иноязычной речевой деятельности.

  1. Приветствие

Teacher: Good morning, pupils! I’m so glad to see you. Welcome to our lesson! Today we are having some guests; they are the teachers of English. Let’s greet them! Today we are going to speak about English language. We’ll try to discuss why people learn English, what the problems of learning English are, what we should do to know the language better. You’ll also tell about your native languages, as we have different nationalities. You’ll have a chance to compare all the languages.         

         2)  Речевая зарядка                                                                                  


  1. What is the date today?

  2. What day is it today?

  3. When do you have English lessons?

  4. Do you like English? Is it important for you?

  5. Have you ever communicated with the foreigners?

  6. Have you ever been abroad?

  7. Do you want to have friends from other countries?

Teacher: Let’s do the following exercise. Look at these events and match the pictures with the phrases.

a) to find a job abroad

b) to go on holiday abroad

c) to earn a lot of money

d) to become a politician

e) to travel everywhere in the world

f) to watch films in the original language

g) to go abroad on an exchange programme

h) to read books in the original language

i)to get access to the Internet

j)to make friends with people from other countries

k) to communicate with people from other countries

l) to work as a secretary

m) to make presentations at international conferences

1– f 2 – i 3 – k 4 – d 5 – l 6 – h 7 – m 8 – a 9 – j 10 – c 11 – e 12 – b 13 – g

Teacher: Well, look at these events again and say which of them may happen in your life.

P1: I think I may find a job abroad.

P2: I think I may…

II. Аудирование и работа с текстом “Dont learn English

Of course all these events may be able in your life if you’ll learn English well. But sometimes we can hear: “I don’t want to learn English! I’m Russian!” Let’s listen some advice for such pupils. The name of the text is: “Don’t learn English! It may ruin your life.” Listen to the text and try to answer the question: do the authors of this text really think that English may ruin one’s life?

(Pupils listen to the text and answer the question.)

P1: I think that the authors of this text don`t really think that English may ruin one’s life because English is a very popular language all over the world. It is used in many parts of the world and there is a lot of business correspondence and literature in English.

P2: I am sure, in order to have a good job one should know foreign languages.

Teacher: What will happen in your life if you learn English well?

P2: If I learn English well I`ll read English books of great writers in the original.

Teacher: Why is it necessary to learn English?

P3: Because it is the language of communication, business, science and culture.

Teacher: Why is English so popular?

P4: Because it is used in many parts of the world.

Teacher: Why do you learn English?

P5: I learn English because I want to communicate with people from different countries, I want to understand their culture and traditions. I like to travel.

Teacher: And now look through the text and find English equivalents for the following sentences.

-Вы сможете путешествовать по всему миру и везде общаться с людьми. (You will be able to travel all over the world and communicate with people everywhere)

-Вы всегда будете узнавать новости первыми. (You`ll always get the news first)

-Вы получите доступ к информации по любому предмету. (You`ll get access to information on any subject)

-Вы узнаете все о своей любимой музыкальной группе. (You`ll learn all about your favourite music group)

- И хуже всего: вы найдете фантастическую работу и заработаете много денег. (And worst of all: You`ll find a fantastic job and earn a lot of money)

III. Ролевая игра «Почему английский язык так популярен?»

Teacher: Well done, thanks. We have answered some questions, but there is the main question we haven’t answered yet. Why English? Why is English so popular?

They say English is the Latin of the 21-st century. I wonder what people from different countries think about it.

Let me introduce all of them.

Mr Bumridge, an English historian

Mrs Belova, a Russian translator

Mr Brinks, a rich American businessman

Mrs Zaitseva, a successful Russian businesswoman

Mr Schneider, a philosopher

Students who study abroad

Pupils who want to learn English

Mrs Ostrovskaya and Mrs Petrova, teachers of  English

Teacher: Let’s start our discussion from some facts: the word goes to Mr Brinks

Then guests one after another tell what they think about popularity of English language (using the short presentations).

(During the discussion participants ask the questions to each other, answer them, give their own arguments.)

American businessmen: I think that English is popular because it is the language of America. The world has to understand America because it is one of the biggest and strongest countries. Everybody wants to do business with America.

A Russian translator: I think that English is so popular because it is very easy.

The historian: I think that English is so popular because it has words from other languages. It is like many European languages and that’s why people can learn it easily.

An Indian student: I think that English is so popular because the United Kingdom used to have a big empire. The British had colonies all over the world, and all the people in the colonies had to speak English. Their country, India, is an example.

Teacher: There persons here who use English in their everyday life. Girls, you study abroad. Tell us what the advantages of knowing English are?

The student: Speaking English one can not only read the papers, magazines and original books by outstanding writers, but as well watch satellite TV programs, travel easily in the different parts of the world. Besides, understanding and speaking English became necessary while applying for a good and well-paid job.

Teacher: There persons here who want to learn English. How do you learn English?

Pupil 1: How do I learn English? First of all I read a lot. There is always an English book on my desk. I'm trying to learn few new words every day. To remember words better I put them into groups.

Pupil 2: I listen to songs in English and try to recognize the words. I have some tapes and video-tapes in English.

Question: Lynne, I'd like to ask you first, at what age do people start learning English these days?
LYNNE: Well, in many countries children start learning English when they go to school but I think in some countries they're starting to teach English to much younger children and I think this will become more and more common around the world.
DYNNE: That's certainly true 'cause I know that in some countries they're even having English lessons for six-year-old children, so they'll certainly be learning as soon as they start school, if not before.
Q: And do you think that English will soon be the universal language?
LYNNE: Oh, I think most adults already speak some English, even if it's only a word or two here and there, because English is very common and very useful.
Q: What about you Dynne?
DYNNE: Well, I think that's right. Because already there are so many words that are in English and that are used internationally, for example, "radio, television, football", these are all international words — English words though. So I think in years to come there'll be very few people who don't speak English.
Q: And, do you think, Lynne, that teachers will start using English to teach other subjects, for instance, geography or science, and that it'll be used in schools all over the world?
LYNNE: Yes, I do. I think that teachers will start experimenting with that. I think in many ways it's the best way of learning English.
DYNNE: I'm not sure about that actually, I don't think that's right. I think some will be in English certainly, for example, lessons in science, say. But I think quite a lot won't be in English — other lessons.
Q: Now, what about British and American life and habits, institutions, do you think that it's important to know about those?
LYNNE: I don't think that English as a language has anything to do with double-decker buses, and bowler hats, and hamburgers and yellow taxis. It's an international language and it can be used for communication between people who don't know each other's language, as a tool really. So, I don't think that the cultural roots of English are important at all.
DYNNE: I really do disagree there, because I think you have to understand the culture of a country, simply because there are some words that mean different things to different people depending on what country they're in, for example, the word 'tea' can be a drink to some people in one country and in another country it means an entire meal. The word 'police' means different things to different people. You always have to know a little bit about the background and the culture of a country before you can fully understand the language.
Q: What about in the work? How important is English there, what's its role?
LYNNE: Well, I think it's really important and more and more people will use it at work — it's easily understood wherever you come from and actually, everyone will need to use more English for their work.
DYNNE: I think some people will need to use more English, particularly people working in big companies who have to travel a lot and do a lot of business between countries, but for the majority of the population in any country who aren't involved in international business or moving around or travelling they'll be very happy sticking to their own language.
Q: And the traditional language class as we know it — do you think that that will continue or will there be other forms of teaching, such as, teaching involving television and computers?
LYNNE: Well, I think that the traditional language class will still exist. The personal contact is very important with the language teacher and of course, there is more than one person in a class, you can interact with the other students and I think that that's much more valuable often than just relating to a computer screen or listening to discs.
Q: Do you agree with that Dynne?
DYNNE: Not entirely. I think that we live in a computer age now and, it's highly likely that computers and other, videos for example — all those interactive programmes that you use with videos — will allow people to learn foreign languages in a different way on their own, so that you aren't dependent on teachers and other students.
Q: And finally, do you think that English will ever become more important than the language of the native speaker?
 Well, no. I think obviously English is important, but I think your own language and your own culture and traditions are more important to you and I think it's good to respect those and to hold on to them.
DYNNE: Yes, I agree. I think it would he very arrogant to think that English would be more important than your own language, 'cause your own culture and your personal identity and your national identity are, after all, far more important, aren't they?

Teacher: It’s no doubt that we should know our native languages because if we forget them, we’ll forget our culture and our roots… Will you tell about your native languages?

Pupil 1: I`d like to tell about Russian. Russian is the language of Russian people. Many people in the Russian Federation and in the world speak it. Russian is one of the official and working languages in the United Nations. I think many people should learn Russian because it is a very interesting and rich language.

Pupil 2: There are many nationalities in the world. They speak their own languages. My mother is Russian, my father is Tatar. I would like to tell about Tatar language. My grandmother, grandfather and father speak Tatar. As for me and my mother we speak Tatar but not very well. The most Tatars live in the Republic of Tatarstan. The capital of Tatarstan is the city of Kazan. I’d like to go there some day. I want to know Tatar better to communicate with native speakers. In my opinion, everybody should know his own language because everybody shouldn’t forget his roots. And I would like to learn the languages of my classmates. It’ll be wonderful!

Pupil 3: My father is Tatar, my mother is Bashkir. In the family we speak Russian because it’s more convenient for us. And I always ask my mother to teach me her native language.

Pupil 4: The Ukraine or the Ukrainian Republic is the state in the south of East Europe. Its language is Ukrainian. My mother is Ukrainian, my father is Russian. We don’t speak much Ukrainian in our family. But my mum teaches me to speak it.

Teacher: Thank you very much for your work. I also think that these languages are worth learning.
Now let’s compliment each other. Try to say compliments about our work today. Don’t forget to give polite answers to compliments.

Pupil 1: Diana, you speak English well.

Pupil 2: Oh, thank you. That’s very kind of you. Ayvar, your information is interesting.

Pupil 3: Adelina, you are clever, you are nice.

Pupil 4: Oh, thank you. Do you really think so? Radmir, you know grammar rules well.

Pupil 5: Diana, you study regularly.

Pupil 6: Thank you. Aynur, you are hardworking.

Pupil 7: Alina, you are as good as gold.

Pupil 8: Thank you. I needed that. Guzel, you are intelligent.

Pupil 9: Kseniya, you are serious.

Pupil 10: Oh, thank you. Rita, you are nice.

Teacher: All of you worked well today. Good for you.
Your homework for the next lesson is to write a short composition answering the questions: “Why is English so popular?”

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