Разработки  /  Английский язык  /  Презентации  /  5 класс  /  The traffic rules in Russia

The traffic rules in Russia

Обобщение и систематизация лексического материала по теме «Правила дорожного движения» и грамматического материала. Создание образовательной среды, способствующей максимальному усвоению пройденного материала. Развитие навыков монологической речи, чтения и аудирования (восприятия речи на слух). Усвоение лексических единиц по теме: «Правила дорожного движения, дорожные знаки»

Содержимое разработки

traffic lights pavement zebra crossing Cycle lane Crash helmet Pedestrian crossing Parcing meter traffic sign crossroads

traffic lights




Cycle lane

Crash helmet



Parcing meter

traffic sign


traffic lights

traffic lights

zebra crossing

zebra crossing

traffic warden

traffic warden

traffic sign

traffic sign

Match words with its description: f) a place where you can park a car.  a) a person who is on foot, not by car/ bike.  b) People can cross the road on it.  e) a name of a job. This person watches the traffic and makes it safe.  d) an area which people use for walking.  c) a sign on the road. parking zone  2. Pedestrian  3. zebra crossing  4. traffic warden  5. Pavement  6. traffic sign

Match words with its description:

f) a place where you can park a car.

a) a person who is on foot, not by car/ bike.

b) People can cross the road on it.

e) a name of a job. This person watches the traffic and makes it safe.

d) an area which people use for walking.

c) a sign on the road.

  • parking zone

2. Pedestrian

3. zebra crossing

4. traffic warden

5. Pavement

6. traffic sign





. T raffic lights Look to the left, Look to the right, The green says, “Go!” Now go slow. The yellow says, “Wait!” And you must wait. The red says, “Stop!” And you must stop.


T raffic lights

Look to the left,

Look to the right,

The green says, “Go!”

Now go slow.

The yellow says, “Wait!”

And you must wait.

The red says, “Stop!”

And you must stop.

We should cross the street at the zebra crossing. Pedestrians have to move on  the  pavement.  1 3 When we cross the street we should  first look left , then right . 4 2
  • We should cross the street

at the zebra crossing.

  • Pedestrians have to move on the




  • When we cross the street we should

first look left , then right .



 What can you see at this picture? I can see (a)….

What can you see at this picture?

I can see (a)….

«Traffic rules»  drive miles per hour (mph)  stop enter keep straight on turn left park  cycle  wear ride  cross wait  for

«Traffic rules»

  • drive
  • miles per hour (mph)
  • stop
  • enter
  • keep straight on
  • turn left
  • park
  • cycle
  • wear
  • ride
  • cross
  • wait for

Let’s have a rest. Stop! Look! Listen! Think!

Let’s have a rest.

Stop! Look! Listen! Think!

 What can’t you see at this picture? I can’t see ..

What can’t you see at this picture?

I can’t see ..

Choose the right verb. You must/mustn’t drive at 25 mph. You must/mustn’t  park here. You must/mustn’t go here. You must/mustn’t go straight. You must/mustn’t cross the street. You must/mustn’t turn left.

Choose the right verb.

You must/mustn’t

drive at 25 mph.

You must/mustn’t

park here.

You must/mustn’t

go here.

You must/mustn’t

go straight.

You must/mustn’t

cross the street.

You must/mustn’t

turn left.

We must cross the street when the light is  green .    Do not play games in the street ! Look to the left, Look to the right, Then look up And check the light. D O N’ T  F O R G E T! R E M E M B E R!  We must cross the street at the crossing.  Wear a bicycle helmet ! You should use a seat belt! When we cross the street we must first look left , then right . Use a seat belt!!

We must cross

the street when

the light is green .

Do not play games in the street !

Look to the left,

Look to the right,

Then look up

And check the light.



















We must cross the street at the crossing.

Wear a bicycle helmet !

You should use

a seat belt!

When we cross the street

we must first

look left , then right .

Use a seat belt!!

Курсы повышения квалификации

Методика обучения английскому языку как второму иностранному

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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