Разработки  /  Информатика  /  Планирование  /  11 класс  /  The topic of the lesson is the global computer network the Internet.

The topic of the lesson is the global computer network the Internet.

Currently, tens of millions of computers connected to the Internet store a huge amount of information (hundreds of millions of files, documents, etc.) and hundreds of millions of people use the information services of the global network.

Primary fastening material. Independent work.

And now we will conduct independent work.

1 option.

Task 1: The Internet is.

Task 2: Give the name of the selected parts of th

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29.01.2019 Открытый городской урок.

Summary of the lesson

The topic of the lesson is the global computer network the Internet.

Class: Grade 11 «А»

The purpose of the lesson: to give the concept of the global computer network the Internet, study the structure of the Internet and master the basic methods of searching the network.


Educational: to get acquainted with the concept of "Internet", explore the search engines and master the technology of searching for information in the global network;

Developing: the formation of methods of logical thinking, the development of interest in the subject, information culture, to develop the ability to analyze and summarize, draw conclusions, expanding horizons;

Educational: education of accuracy, accuracy, independence, instilling the skills of group work, cooperation;

sanitary standards when working with a computer, compliance with safety regulations.

Training methods: explanatory and illustrative, partial-search.

Type of lesson: a lesson for learning new material.

Forms of student learning: group, individual work.

Equipment: class based on PC, multimedia projector, individual question cards, presentation.

Lesson plan:

Organizing time.

Update ZUNOV.

Explanation of new material.

Primary consolidation of the studied material. Independent work.

Summing up the lesson.


During the classes.


Greeting. Check missing.

Update ZUNOV.

What is a computer network?

(A computer network is a collection of computers and various devices that provide information exchange between computers on a network without using any intermediate storage media).

How does a local computer network connect computers?

(A local network unites computers installed in one room (for example, a school computer class consisting of 8 to 12 computers) or in one building (for example, in a school building several tens of computers installed in different subject cabinets can be connected into a local network) .

3) What is called network topology?

(General scheme of connecting computers to local networks)

4) What network topologies distinguish?

(tire, ring, star)

The study of new material.

So, the topic of our lesson: "The global Internet".

In the lesson we will get acquainted with the global computer network Internet from various sides, get acquainted with the search engines and learn to look for the information we need. The world has really changed with the advent of the global computer network Internet. Today, without leaving your home, you can meet and talk with people who are far away from your country, purchase various goods and services, and much more.

The history of the Internet.

In 1969, the ARPAnet computer network was created in the United States, combining the computer centers of the Ministry of Defense and a number of academic organizations. This network was designed for a narrow purpose: mainly to study how to maintain communication in the event of a nuclear attack and to help researchers in the exchange of information. As this network grew, many other networks were created and developed. Even before the era of personal computers, the creators of ARPAnet began to develop the program Internetting Project ("Networking Project"). The success of this project led to the following results. Firstly, the largest internet network in the USA (with the lowercase letter i) was created.

Secondly, various options for the interaction of this network with a number of other US networks were tested. This created the prerequisites for the successful integration of many networks into a single global network. This “network of networks” is now everywhere referred to as the Internet (Russian publications widely use Russian-language spelling - the Internet).

Currently, tens of millions of computers connected to the Internet store a huge amount of information (hundreds of millions of files, documents, etc.) and hundreds of millions of people use the information services of the global network.

Primary fastening material. Independent work.

And now we will conduct independent work.

1 option.

Task 1: The Internet is ...

Task 2: Give the name of the selected parts of the address.


Task 3: List the advantages of the Internet?

Task 4: What search engines do you know? List

Option 2

1 task: Give the name of the selected parts of the address.


Task 2: A global computer network connecting local, regional and corporate networks and including computers all over the world is….

Task 3: List the disadvantages of the Internet?

4 task: What are the three main types used to search for information?

5. Summing up the lesson.

Evaluation of the guys for independent work.


Learn the outline.

Used Books:

Semakin I. G. Informatics and ICT. Basic course: Textbook for grade 11. - M .: BINOM. Laboratory of knowledge, 2010

Teacher's signature _________

Заместитель директора Председатель МО «Утверждаю»

По метод.работе ______________ Директор СШ №3

_______________ Спанова Б.С. _______________

Абдурахманова М.Дж. Карамбетова М.О.

«____» _________ 2019г.

Курсы повышения квалификации

Информационная культура и образование

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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