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Тест по грамматике для 3 класса

Тест рассчитан для учащихся школ с углубленным изучением английского языка, лицеев и гимназий.

Описание разработки

Grammar Test  term I

Form 3

Give a positive answer. (Дайте краткий положительный ответ)

  1. Is he a pupil? Yes, - -
  2. Can you swim? Yes, - -
  3. Has Mary got a friend? Yes, - -
  4. Does Ann work? Yes, - -
  5. Are the toys in the box? Yes, - -

Give a negative answer. (Дайте краткий отрицательный ответ)

  1. Has he got a dog? No. - -
  2. Do they play tag? No, - -
  3. Can you run very well? No, - -
  4. Are they on the table? No, - -
  5. Does he want to be a doctor? No, - -

Make the sentence plural.

  1. This is a boy.
  2. That is a puppy.
  3. This is a child.
  4. That is a mouse.

Put in am, is, are               

1. John … a cosmonaut.

2. My aunt and my uncle …. doctors.

3. I… a teacher.

4. Where … you from?

5. What … his name?

 Put in have or has

1. M y little sisters…. got a dog.

2. Sam…. got a brother.

3. …. she got a grandfather?

4. … you got a grandmother?

5. I…. got a cat.

V. Make up the plural

  1. An animal
  2. A box
  3. A man
  4. A woman
  5. A wolf
  6. A party

Write what belongs to them

1. A cat of Jack.

2. The dog of my sister.

3. The name of my mother.

4. The kitten of Alice.

5. The toys of Dan.

Содержимое разработки

Grammar Test term I

Form 3

  1. Give a positive answer.(Дайте краткий положительный ответ)

  1. Is he a pupil? Yes, - -

  2. Can you swim? Yes,- -

  3. Has Mary got a friend? Yes, - -

  4. Does Ann work? Yes, - -

  5. Are the toys in the box? Yes, - -

  1. Give a negative answer.(Дайте краткий отрицательный ответ)

  1. Has he got a dog? No. - -

  2. Do they play tag? No, - -

  3. Can you run very well? No, - -

  4. Are they on the table? No, - -

  5. Does he want to be a doctor? No, - -

  1. Make the sentence plural.

  1. This is a boy.

  2. That is a puppy.

  3. This is a child.

  4. That is a mouse.

III. Put in am, is, are

1.John … a cosmonaut.

2.My aunt and my uncle …. doctors.

3.I… a teacher.

4.Where … you from?

5.What … his name?

  1. Put in have or has

1. M y little sisters….got a dog.

2. Sam….got a brother.

3.….she got a grandfather?

4. … you got a grandmother?

5. I…. got a cat.

V. Make up the plural

  1. An animal

  2. A box

  3. A man

  4. A woman

  5. A wolf

  6. A party

  1. VI. Write what belongs to them

  2. 1. A cat of Jack.

  3. 2. The dog of my sister.

  4. 3. The name of my mother.

  5. 4. The kitten of Alice.

  6. 5. The toys of Dan.

Курсы повышения квалификации

Практическая грамматика английского языка

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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