Разработки  /  Английский язык  /  Тесты  /  10 класс  /  Тест по английскому языку к учебнику М.З. Биболетовой (Раздел 3 Секция 1)

Тест по английскому языку к учебнику М.З. Биболетовой (Раздел 3 Секция 1)

Тест позволит проверить лексико-грамматический материал, изученный в секции 1: modal verbs: expressing degrees of probability in the past; comparative and superlative forms od adjectives; do vs make.

Описание разработки

Test (grammar and vocabulary).

№1. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains can't, might, must.

a) I'm sure that David took your books by mistake.

b) I'm sure that Liz hasn't met Harry before.

c) Ann possibly hasn't left yet.

d) I'm sure they haven't eaten all the food. It's not possible!

e) Perhaps Pam and Tim decided not to come.

f) I think it was the cat that took the fish from the table!

№2. Complete each sentence with the most suitable word or phrase.

1. Honesty is …policy (the best; better; more better)

2. …men declare war. But it is youth that fight and die. ( oldest; older; elder)

3. Of two evils choose the … (less; little; least)

4. What’s the …news of today ? (later; latest; last)

5. If you require … information or assistance, ask at your local station. (further; farther; furthest)

6. Actions speak …than words (more louder; the loudest; louder)

7. Hotels are becoming …nowadays (more expensive; the most expensive; expensiver)

8. The damage to the car could be …, that we expected (bad; worse; the worst)

9. That was …case in his practice (the least difficult; the less difficult; the less difficulter)

10. The sea is … unknown part of our world (the most large; the largest; the most largest)

Тест по английскому языку к учебнику Биболетовой (Раздел 3 Секция 1)

№3. Complete each sentence with the most suitable word: do or make. Mind tenses.

1. I don't usually... well in mathematics, but I'm quite good at English.

2. I like babysitting, although the children always... such a mess.

3.It doesn't matter if you don't win. Just... your best.

4. I … a few mistakes in the test.

5. I haven't … my homework.

6. It has nothing to … with you.

7. Smoking … a lot of harm to your health.

8. I can't hear. They are … a lot of noise.

9. Drink this cup of tea. It'll … you good after your shock.

10. Come on! You never … the washing up!

11. Sorry. I can't come out tonight. I've got to … my hair.

12. Henry was so stressed out that he … a decision last week to quit his job.

13. After dinner, my children have to clear the table and … the dishes before playing computer games.

14. Although Mike was very tired, he … an effort to stay in the race and bike to the finish line.

15. I would like to … a phone call and ask my parents.

№4. Translate into English:

1) цивилизация

2) археология

3) ледниковый, ледникового происхождения.

Содержимое разработки

Unit 3 Section 1

Test (grammar and vocabulary)


Rewrite each sentence so that it contains can't, might, must.

a) I'm sure that David took your books by mistake.

b) I'm sure that Liz hasn't met Harry before.

c) Ann possibly hasn't left yet.

d) I'm sure they haven't eaten all the food. It's not possible!

e) Perhaps Pam and Tim decided not to come.

f) I think it was the cat that took the fish from the table!


Complete each sentence with the most suitable word or phrase.

  1. Honesty is …policy (the best; better; more better)

  2. …men declare war. But it is youth that fight and die. ( oldest; older; elder)

  3. Of two evils choose the … (less; little; least)

  4. What’s the …news of today ? (later; latest; last)

  5. If you require … information or assistance, ask at your local station. (further; farther; furthest)

  6. Actions speak …than words (more louder; the loudest; louder)

  7. Hotels are becoming …nowadays (more expensive; the most expensive; expensiver)

  8. The damage to the car could be …, that we expected (bad; worse; the worst)

  9. That was …case in his practice (the least difficult; the less difficult; the less difficulter)

  10. The sea is … unknown part of our world (the most large; the largest; the most largest)


Complete each sentence with the most suitable word : do or make. Mind tenses.

  1. I don't usually ... well in mathematics, but I'm quite good at English.

  2. I like babysitting, although the children always ... such a mess.

  3. It doesn't matter if you don't win. Just ...your best.

  4. I … a few mistakes in the test.

  5. I haven't … my homework.

  6. It has nothing to … with you.

  7. Smoking … a lot of harm to your health.

  8. I can't hear. They are … a lot of noise.

  9. Drink this cup of tea. It'll … you good after your shock.

  10. Come on! You never … the washing up!

  11. Sorry. I can't come out tonight. I've got to … my hair.

  12. Henry was so stressed out that he … a decision last week to quit his job.

  13. After dinner, my children have to clear the table and … the dishes before playing computer games.

  14. Although Mike was very tired, he … an effort to stay in the race and bike to the finish line.

  15. I would like to … a phone call and ask my parents.


Translate into English:

  1. цивилизация

  2. археология

  3. ледниковый, ледникового происхождения

  4. относится к … (к какому-то времени)

  5. инструмент

  6. вид, разновидность

  7. существо

  8. эволюция

  9. выживание

  10. трудность, вызов

  11. требование

  12. миниатюрный

  13. карликовый

  14. изобретение

  15. приспособление, прибор

  1. доисторический

  2. доклад; докладывать, сообщать

  3. послужить причиной, поводом (для чего-л.)

  4. выдержать, пережить, перенести

  5. ключевой; критический, решающий

  6. сильно ослабеть; разрушаться; потерпеть крах, неудачу

  7. кончаться, иссякать

  8. засуха

  9. заброшенный; захолустный; безлюдный

  10. немедленно, тотчас, незамедлительно

  11. ресурсы, припасы, запаc; снабжать (чем-л.), поставлять; доставлять

  12. чудо; интересоваться; размышлять, сомневаться

  13. в ответ на

  14. густо, плотно населенный

  15. охотник-собиратель


Translate into English:

  1. В прошлом году ученые сделали одно из самых изумительных открытий в археологии – они обнаружили кости существ, которые были крошечной разновидностью человека.

  2. Каждый день его жизни был борьбой за выживание.

  3. Возможно, новая археологическая находка расскажет нам больше об эволюции человека.

  4. Новые свидетельства, найденные русскими археологами, относятся к доисторическим временам.

  5. Полиция приложила большие усилия для расследования этого инцидента.

  6. Должно быть, доисторический человек выживал в суровых природных условиях.


№ 1

  1. David must have taken your books by mistake.

  2. Liz can’t/couldn’t have met Harry before.

  3. Ann may/might/can/ could not have left yet.

  4. They can’t/couldn’t have eaten all the food.

  5. Pam and Tim may/might/can/ could have decided not to come.

  6. It must have been a cat that took the fish from the table!

№ 2

1 –С


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