«Своя игра»6 класс учебник О. М Афанасьева «Своя игра»
Предлагается школьникам 6 класса как обобщающий урок по разделу: «Two capitals» «Две столицы» с целью проанализировать уровень освоенности лексических единиц. В человеческой практике игровая деятельность выполняет следующие функции:
- развлекательную (воодушевляет, пробуждает интерес);
- коммуникативную (освоение диалектики общения);
- самореализации в игре как полигоне человеческой практики;
-иглотерапевтическую (преодоление различных трудностей) на это и нацелена данная разработка.
За каждый правильный ответ команде начисляются баллы, за каждый неправильный - такая же сумма снимается.
You can choose a category and an amount (e. g. 100), you listen to CATEGORIES column and think of the answer. If your answer is correct you continue the game, if it is incorrect another person gets a chance to answer. A person who has the biggest sum is the winner of the game.
100 It was given to the | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
USA by France in | This city is famous for | It contains a lot of | It's a place where | contain = | East or west home is |
1886. It's unique. It | its Eiffel Tower and | exhibits. | President of Russia | (house) | best.
stands in the harbor of | Luvs Palace. (Paris) | What place is it? | works. |
| В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше. ааааааааадома лучше |
New York City and |
| (a gallery) | (The Kremlin) | 100 |
welcome people to |
| church= |
America. (The Statue |
| (cathedral) |
of Liberty) |
200 Here you can see | 200 This city was started as | 200 | 200 | 200 arms= | 200 |
wax models of famous | fortress by Romance 2000 | It houses a lot of | It contains the richest | (armory) | Honesty is the best |
and infamous people | years ago. It was destroyed many times but people | paintings. | collection of arms. | или | policy. Честность лучшая политика. |
(Madam Tussaud’s | restored it again and again. | (a museum) | (The Oruzheinaya | 200 destroys |
Gallery) | (London) |
| Palata) | (damage) |
300 It is the Kremlin's | 300 | 300 | 300 | 300 | 300 |
symbol. It has the main | The " Beatles" were | It's a place where | Russian emperors were | pictures= | Rome wasn't built in a |
clock of Russia. It | the boys from that city. | kings and queens live. | crowned there. | (paintings) | Day. Москва не сразу строилась |
strikes every quarter of | what city is it? | (a palace_) | (The Uspensky |
an hour. | (Liverpool) |
| Cathedral) |
(Spasskaya Tower) |
400 This building was | 400 This city was | 400 | 400 | 400 old= | 400 |
designed in Moscow | founded by Peter the | It's a place where | Many of unique icons | (ancient) | Talk of the devil and |
specially for the | Great in 1703. It's | many people are killed | and frescoes by Andrei |
| he will appear. Легок на помине |
museum It contains | considered to be the | and died. | Rublev are there. | 400 |
one of the richest | 2nd capital of Russia. | (a prison) | (The | belokamennaya= |
collections of Russians | (St. Petersburg) |
| Blagoveshchensky | (whit-stone) |
West European and |
| Cathedral) |
eastern arms? Silver |
| |
and gold works? The |
diamond collection. |
(Oruzheinaya Palata). |
500 It’s an Art Gallery in Moscow and one of the greatest museums in the world. It has a large collection of Russian art that was started by Pavel as a private collection. (Tretyakov Gallery) | 500 It is famous for its skyscrapers and for Statue of liberty. (New York) | 500 It's a place where monarchs are crowned (a church, a cathedral) | 500 The Cathedral was named after the patron of the Russian warriors. Princes of Moscow and Russian tsars are buried in that Cathedral. (The Arkhangelsky Cathedral) | 500 The Armory= (The Oruzheinaya Palata) 500 tsar= (king, queen) | 500 Business before pleasure. Сделал дело, гуляй смело. Сначала дело, потом удовольствие. |
600 In ancient world there were many wonderful cities famous for their sights and some ports had lighthouses. Pharos was the name of the island where the famous lighthouse stood. It was made of stone. It was one of the tallest buildings on the Earth. Its mirror was a mystery. It could reflect the light more than 50 km away. (The Pharos of Alexandria) | 600 This city is a part of the Golden Ring of Russia. Nobody knows who founded it. May be Vladimir Sviatoslavich in 990, may be Vladimir Monomach in 1108. (Vladimir) | 600 It's a place to protect the city. (a fortress) | 600 A fortress in St. Petersburg that was founded in 1703 by Peter the Great. It was completely built in 37 years. Russian tsars transformed it into a prison. when there was no need to have a fortress. (Peter and Paul Fortress) | 600 place of interest= (sight) Winter Palace= (the Hermitage) | 600 Bad news travels fast. Плохие вести не лежат на месте. |
700 A central street in New York. It is famous for beautiful buildings, skyscrapers and rich shops. Rich and famous people live there. (The 5th Avenue) | 700 This city is the capital of Scotland, stands on the hills. The fortress, Din Eidin, was built on the top of the rock in the centre of the city. The fortress became the Castle, the national symbol of Scotland. (Edinburgh) | 700 It looks like a fortress. (a castle) | 700 There are hundreds of them in St. Petersburg. They are all different and yet alike in something. There are long and short, wide and narrow, stone and wooden, across the Neva, the canals, the Fontanka and the Moika. Some of them can open to let the ships pass through, what am I speaking about… (St. Petersburg's Bridges) | 700 age= (century) | 700 Speech is silver silence is gold. Слово -серебро, молчание-золото. |