
Структура Essay

Помощь в написание Эссе. подготовка к ЕГЭ

Содержимое разработки


1 абзац

- подводка к теме

- тема (списать из задания) + кого опрашивали + в каком месте

- таблица / пирожочек

2 абзац

- самые большие значения + %

- самое маленькое значение + %

3 абзац

- сравнение + %

- комментарий

4 абзац

- проблема (списать из задания)

- решение

5 абзац

- свое мнение по проблеме (списать из задания)

- пояснение


Подводка к теме:

 It is well known that (тема)

 Nowadays more and more people (действие, связанное с темой)

 Over the last few decades, there has been a significant increase in the number of people who (действие, связанное с темой).

 (Тема) plays an important role in our life

 Undoubtedly, all people (действие, связанное с темой)

 Nowadays it is impossible to imagine lives without (тема)


 I am going to analyse the results of the opinion poll in the pie chart/table and give my opinion.

 I have found an opinion poll on (действие, связанное с темой) and collected some data. I am going to comment on several key features of the results of the poll and express my opinion.

 While working on a project on (тема) I have found some data and I would like to analyze it and give my opinion on the importance of (тема).

Абзац 2


 one can see from the poll that

 if we look at the graph/table/pie chart, we can see that

 looking at the main features/facts

 as we can see

Самое большое значение:

 the main feature of this table/graph/pie chart is

 the most popular/the most important factor for choosing/the main reason for

 what stands out from the table/graph/pie chart is

Самое маленькое значение:

 on the contrary,

 the least popular/the least important factor for choosing

 another striking feature is that the least proportion/number/amount of people said that

 it is also clear/noticeable that

Как вписывать проценты:

обратите внимание, что в задании указано: «числительные пишем цифрами!»

 5% and 5% respectively

 5% of the respondents/interviewees

 at only/around/over/under 5%

 with 5%

 the difference between them being/is 5%

 (a bit/slightly) less than a fifth of teenagers do it

 5% more popular than

 (12%)

Абзац 3


В задании написано, что в 3-м параграфе нужно «make 1 – 2 comparisons where relevant and give your comments». Здесь предлагаю следующую схему:

 Cравнение параметров, которые не задействованы в абзаце 2 (+ процент!)

 Комментарий к сравнению

Первая фраза

 Looking at the details,

 Turning to details, we can see that

 According to the data in the table/ pie chart,,

Если хотите вписать еще 1 сравнение

 Moreover,

 It can be also noticed that

 Another important thing to mention is that


 It is (not) surprising as/because …

 It is quite/not obvious as/because …

 I find this information quite/not surprising as/because …

 Interestingly …

Surprisingly …

 Strange as it may seem …

Так как в этом параграфе мы сравниваем, дальше отлично впишутся разные сравнительные структуры:

 (almost) twice/three/four/five times as many people prefer … as …

 … (almost) twice/three/four/five times more popular/preferable/important/common/interesting than …

 … not as important/popular/common/preferable/interesting as …

 while/ whereas / although / but / however

 are equally popular/common/preferable


В задании написано, что в 4-м параграфе нужно «outline a problem that can arise with … (тут в самом задании будет жирным написана тема) and suggest a way of solving it». Схема написания будет вот такая:

 Проблема

 Способ решения


 the most serious problem with … is …

 one of the biggest problems associated with … is that …

 the main problem that can occur with/while … is …

 the foremost problem here is …

 one problem that can be connected with … is that …


 the way to tackle this problem would be to …

 one effective solution to deal with … is …

 a solution that can prove successful here is …

 this problem can be solved by …

 … is the best solution to this problem


В плане, приведенном в задании, написано, что нужно «conclude by giving and explaining your opinion on the role of … (тут написана тема)». То есть, мы:

 пишем, какую роль тема играет в нашей жизни

 объясняем, почему


In conclusion, I believe that … is important/crucial in our life because …

 Overall, I think that … play an important/crucial role in our life as …

 To conclude, I believe that … has a huge impact on our lives because …


Nowadays it is impossible to imagine our lives without (общая тема) because … . I have decided to do a project on (списать из задания) and found a table/a pie chart with the results of an opinion poll on this topic. Below I will give my comments on the results of the poll.

Looking at the main features of the pie chart/table, I must say that … .

Another striking feature is that …

Turning to details, it can be seen that … . It is not/quite surprising as/because … .

One problem that can be connected with (списать из задания) is that … . This problem can be solved by … .

Overall, I strongly believe that (списать из задания) … because … .

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Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
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