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Starlight 6 Module 1a Проверка HW

Данная разработка расчитана для того, чтобы проверить выполненное домашнее задание в РТ Module 1a

Содержимое разработки

Module 1a (1 var.)

Match the words to their definitions.

Zebra crossing, pavement, bridge, road sign, tunnel

  1. It allows people or vehicles to cross over a river, road. ________________

  2. An underground passage for cars or trains. _________________________

  3. Pedestrians should use it when they cross the road. __________________

  4. It gives information to drivers. ___________________________________

  5. Place where pedestrians walk next to the road. ______________________

Complete the sentences, using the words:

Level crossing, traffic lights, bus lane, road sign, bridge

  1. You must stop when the __________________ is red.

  2. You have to cross the ____________________ to get over the river.

  3. Drivers should be careful of trains when going over a _________________.

  4. Pay attention to the ______________________ so that you don’t get lost.

  5. Cars are not allowed to drive in the _____________________.

Module 1a (2 var.)

Match the words to their definitions.

Level crossing, traffic lights, bus lane, road sign, tunnel

  1. It stops and starts traffic. _____________________

  2. Only public transport vehicles can travel along it. ______________________

  3. It gives information to drivers. __________________________-

  4. An underground passage for cars or trains. _________________________

  5. A place where train crosses a road. _________________________

Complete the sentences, using the words:

Pavement, tunnel, zebra crossing, traffic lights, road sign

  1. Pay attention to the ______________________ so that you don’t get lost.

  2. Always check the road before stepping off the _______________________.

  3. You must stop when the ______________________ is red.

  4. You can cross the street at the ______________________.

  5. It’s quicker if you take the __________________ through the mountain.

Курсы повышения квалификации

Активные и интерактивные методы и формы организации учебной деятельности на уроке иностранного языка

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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