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Starlight 5 Home task Sports and Hobbies (part 1)

Данная разработка является домашним заданием к уроку "Sports and Hobbies" - работа с текстом - чтение текста на заданную тему и выполнение упражнений по тексту.


Содержимое разработки

Home task – Sport and hobbies

John is a reporter of a school newspaper. Here is his article about pupils of his school. Read the article and do the tasks.

Many pupils of our school have interesting hobbies. Lara is 11 years old. She likes writing poems and painting pictures. Tom is 15 years old and he has very interesting hobbies. He likes dancing, designing Internet sites and playing piano. Robert is almost 13 years old. His hobbies are playing football and reading detective stories. Our pupils do many interesting things and they are very busy. They also love different subjects. Tom is the best pupil at math. Lara is good at art and literature and Robert is one of the best pupils at PE. Their hobbies help them study well too.

Ex. 1 Answer the questions

1. How old is Robert? ___________________________________________________________________

2. Who has the most hobbies? Copy the sentence that helped you decide. ________________________


3. Is Tom older than Robert? _____________________________________________________________

4. Who likes playing football? ____________________________________________________________

5. Is playing piano Lara’s hobby? __________________________________________________________

6. Who writes the article about hobbies? ___________________________________________________

7. Who is the best pupil in math? _________________________________________________________

8. Who is 13 years old? _________________________________________________________________

Ex. 2 Complete the sentences

1. Lara is ________years old.

2. Tom likes designing __________________.

3. Robert is the best pupil at_____________.

4. The hobbies help them ________________.

5. Lara likes __________poems and _______.

6. Reading ________stories is Robert’s hobby.

Ex. 3 Write True or False

  1. Lara’s hobby is math._____

  2. Playing football is Robert’s hobby._____

  3. Lara is good at art._______

  4. Robert is 15 years old.______

  5. Tom is good at literature.______

  6. Circle the correct word._____

  7. John is a teacher/reporter.____

Ex. 4 Circle the correct words

  1. Tom, Robert and Lara are reporters/ teachers/pupils.

  2. Lara likes art/music/football.

  3. Tom’s hobby is football/poems.

  4. Robert is 11/13/12 years old.

  5. Lara is good at art and literature/ football and math.

Курсы повышения квалификации

Повышение эффективности овладения учащимися грамматическими средствами в современном иноязычном образовании в условиях ФГОС

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
1000 руб.
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