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Срезовая работа Present Simple для 5 класса

Небольшая срезовая работа по английскому языку для проверки усвоения грамматических конструкций предложений в Present Simple.


Содержимое разработки

Present simple 5th form, Q3




A) Choose the correct option.

1. I eat / eats vegetables every day.

2. You rarely drink / drinks coke.

3. Pamela like / likes strawberries.

1. Richard and Paul like / likes watermelon.

2. Peter adore / adores chicken.

3. Susan never have / has breakfast.

B) Fill in with the Present Simple of the verbs given.

1. We __________ (eat) an ice-cream a day.

2. Violet ____________________ (hate) garlic.

3. They _______________ (eat) soup regularly.

1. Children usually _____________ (like) soup.

2. I always ____________ (eat) lunch at home.

3. Daniel _____________ (enjoy) eating pasta.


C) Fill in with don’t or doesn’t.

1. You _______________________ like salad.

2. Bella _________________ eat watermelon.

3. Mark and I ________________ drink tea.

1. My mother _______________ drink wine.

2. David and Philip ______________ like peas.

3. I ___________________ eat lettuce.

D) Rewrite the sentences in the negative.

1. I eat oranges.

2. Kate likes butter.

1. Julie and Garry drink much water.

2. My sister reads a lot.


E) Fill in with Do or Does.

1. ______________ you like salad?

2. ______________ Paul like peas?

3. ______________ they eat bananas?

1. ______________ Charles drink juice?

2. ______________ your cat drink milk?

3. ______________ they like cheese?

F) Rewrite the sentences in the interrogative.

1. They prepare dinner.

2. Emma likes peaches.

1. David drinks lemonade.

2. Sally and Alan like broccoli.

Short answers

G) Write the answer according to the symbol.

1. Does Rita like strawberries? ---------- ()

2. Do they eat yoghurt? -------------()

3. Does Sophie like fish? ------------------ ()

4. Do your parents prepare meals? ----------- ()

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