
Spotlight The 4th form Module 5

Контрольная работа УМК Spotlight 4 класс модуль 5 включает в себя материал по проверке знаний лексики, грамматики: порядковые числительные, глагол to be в Past Simple.

Содержимое разработки

The 4th form. Module 5.


Variant 1.


I. Read and match.

1. The 3rd A. twenty - eighth

2. The 16th B. seventy - first

3. The 71st C. twelfth

4. The 12th D. third

5. The 28th E. sixteenth

II. Write the month:

1. The fifth month of the year is … .

2. The first month of the year is … .

3. The eighth month of the year is … .

4. The third month of the year is … .

III. Look, read and choose.

1. 2. 3.

A bored A happy A surprised

B angry B scared B sad


IV. Tom and Mike are talking about Sunday. Read and complete.

Use was, wasn’t, were, weren’t.

Tom: 1) …… you and Sam at home last Sunday?

Mike: No, we 2) …… . We 3) …… at the cinema.

Tom: How 4) …… the film?

Mike: Well, it 5) …… very good. I 6) …… bored. Where 7) …… you?

Tom: I 8) …… at home.

Mike: 9) …… you with Kim?

Tom: No, she 10) …… at the café with her friends.

V. Rewrite sentences. Use: last Sunday, three weeks ago, six days ago.

1. Jim was in the park on the twenty-second of February.

2. Kate was at school on the twenty-fifth of February.

3. Girls were at the theatre on the seventh of February.

Reading and Writing.

VI. Read about Jane’s day and complete. Use: was/were.

Yesterday Cindy and I 1.____ at the zoo. My mother 2.____ with us. There 3.____ lots of animals there: monkeys, elephants, giraffes and hippos. Snakes and crocodiles 4.____ really scary! There 5.____ seals clapping all the time. They 6.___ very funny. It 7.____ really exciting!


VII. Read again and answer the questions.

1. Where were Jane and Cindy yesterday?

2. Who was with them?

3. Which animals were scary?

4. Were the seals funny?

The 4th form. Module 5.


Variant 2.


I. Read and match.

1. The 2nd A. fifteenth

2. The 15th B. eighty - first

3. The 81st C. forty - ninth

4. The 20th D. second

5. The 49th E. twentieth

II. Write the month:

1. The sixth month of the year is … .

2. The first month of the year is … .

3. The twelfth month of the year is … .

4. The third month of the year is … .

III. Look, read and choose.

1. 2. 3.

A bored A happy A scared

B angry B sad B hungry


IV. Tom and Mike are talking about Sunday. Read and complete.

Use was, wasn’t, were, weren’t.

Tom: 1) …… you and Betty at home last night?

Mike: No, we 2) …… . We 3) …… at the café.

Tom: 4) …… the food good?

Mike: Yes, it 5) …… yummy! Where 6) …… you?

Tom: I 7) …… at home.

Mike: 8) …… you with Masha?

Tom: No, I 9) …… . She 10) …… at the cinema with her friends.

V. Rewrite sentences. Use: last Sunday, yesterday, a week ago.

1. Sam was at the birthday party on the twenty-second of February.

2. Kate was in the zoo on the eighteenth of February.

3. Boys were at the theatre on the sixteenth of February.

Reading and Writing.

VI. Read about Bill’s day and complete. Use: was/were.

I 1.____ at the circus yesterday. It 2.____ fun! There 3.____ lots of animals there: elephants, seals, monkeys and lions. There 4.____ two funny clowns, too! Their hair 5.____ red and their hats 6.___ orange. I 7.____ very happy!


VII. Read again and answer the questions.

1. Where was Bill yesterday?

2. What animals were there?

3. What colour was the clowns’ hair?

4. Was Bill happy?

Курсы повышения квалификации

Повышение эффективности овладения учащимися грамматическими средствами в современном иноязычном образовании в условиях ФГОС

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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