Theme: Colors and Clothing
Materials: Color poster, Clothes poster, Clothing Cards, Markers, Paper.
Objectives: Students will be able to demonstrate the names of various articles of clothing, as well as different colors. Students will use printed cards to show their knowledge of the clothing and its color and present it to the class.
Lesson plan:
Warm Up – Hello, Hello,
Hello to you,
Hello, dear teacher,
We’re glad to see you. (1 minute)
Review: Humpty Dumpty poem – Teacher says, students repeat. (3 minutes)
Presentation: Colors will be displayed on the interactive board. Teacher will say each color, and students will repeat. (2 minutes)
Practice: 2 or 3 students will stand and present all of the colors displayed. (2 minutes)
Production: “The Rainbow Song” (2 minutes)
Presentation: Clothing poster. Teacher will say each article of clothing, students will repeat. Teacher will also demonstrate the structure: “My shirt is red, my shoes are black” etc. (3-5 min)
Practice: In groups, students will be given cards with items of clothing on them. One or two members of each group will stand and present “My dress is purple, my hat is red” etc. (10 min)
Production: In groups, students will be given outlines of two people. They will have to help each other as the teacher will give instructions of which colors and article of clothing should be colored. “Her hat is red, his trousers are blue” (7-10 min)
This activity will be graded.
Analysis: Three or four students will present what they are wearing by saying. For example, my suit is black, my shoes are brown, and my tie is blue. (3-5 min)
Extra Time: Repeat colors.
Homework: Draw a person with different colors/clothes.