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Система лексико-грамматических упражнений в рамках подготовки старшеклассников к ЕГЭ по английскому языку

Предлагаемая разработка системы упражнений не только отвечает тре-бованиям актуальности, но и органично вписывается в привычный порядок следования разделов и тем учебной программы по предмету.

Содержимое разработки

Система лексико-грамматических упражнений

в рамках подготовки старшеклассников к ЕГЭ по английскому языку

Анализ результатов ЕГЭ по английскому языку, представленный на сайте ФИПИ, свидетельствует о том, что определённую трудность для учащихся представляет раздел «Грамматика и лексика», позволяющий проверить уровень сформированности у экзаменуемых навыков «оперирования грамматическими единицами на основе предложенных текстов, использования языкового материала в коммуникативно-ориентированном контексте». Наряду с трудностями в выборе правильных форм глаголов и синонимичных лексических единиц выпускникам старшей школы часто приходится решать проблему выбора адекватных словообразующих аффиксов, необходимых для подстановки в предлагаемый контекст.

Таким образом, перед педагогом возникает острая необходимость в корректировании деятельности при организации на уроках работы с основными лексико-грамматическими элементами учебной программы и использовании дополнительных материалов для отработки навыков выполнения упражнений данного формата.

Предлагаемая разработка системы упражнений не только отвечает требованиям актуальности, но и органично вписывается в привычный порядок следования разделов и тем учебной программы по предмету. Данные упражнения можно использовать одновременно как элемент системной подготовки к ЕГЭ, а также как вариант контрольных и повторительно-обобщающих заданий при изучении следующих тем в курсе английского языка:

Название темы




«Чтение. Хобби. Досуг»

Charles Dickens, The History of Writing

«Подростки», «Образование. Планы на будущее»

Choosing a Career, Extreme Sports

«Каникулы. Путешествие»


«Наука и технический прогресс»

Science, Computers, Space Exploration

В представленных ниже упражнениях школьникам предлагается заполнить в тексте пропуски, поставив слово, стоящее на полях справа, в соответствующую форму.

При выполнении заданий учащимся даются следующие рекомендации:

  • прочитать весь текст, чтобы понять его основное содержание;

  • прочитать отдельно предложение с пропущенным словом;

  • определить, какая часть речи пропущена (для этого вспомнить особенности порядка слов в английском предложении);

  • определить часть речи данного на полях слова;

  • вспомнить основные аффиксы, используемые для образования нужной вам части речи от предложенной на полях (при этом помнить, что суффиксы обычно меняют часть речи, а префиксы – значение основы);

  • обратить внимание на число имён существительных и отрицательное значение глаголов, имён прилагательных и наречий;

  • использовать необходимые аффиксы для образования требуемой лексической единицы (помнить, что иногда вместо одного требуется использовать несколько аффиксов);

  • прочитать весь текст сначала для проверки правильности выполнения задания.



Television is considered one of the most

popular leisure 1… all over the world. 1 act

It is an 2… way to relax. You can 3… find a person 2 enjoy 3 hard

who spends a day without 4… TV. Modern families 4 watch

have two or three TV sets in their flats therefore

every member can choose any channel he/she likes.

TV companies broadcast such a great 5… of films, 5 vary

shows and other programmes that 6… could be 6 every

satisfied. Information is presented on TV in a more 7… 7 effect

way that makes things more 8… . 8 memory

There are some 9… channels which can be 9 education

10… for schoolchildren. 10 use

But 11… there is a serious problem here. 11 fortune

Spending so much hours in front of the screen

more and more people become 12... to television. 12 addict

They can't 13... their lives without TV and they are 13 imagination

absolutely 14... in everyday communication. 14 help

Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens books are read by all – learnt and

simple, rich and poor. The main cause of his 1… is 1 popular

the great 2… of Dickens. He loved his fellow-man. 2 kind

His 3 … , understanding eye looked with 3 humor

4… on good and bad alike. His characters are real 4 tolerant

and true to life. He became 5… after “Pickwick 5 fame

Papers” publication. The story was strange.

A firm of 6… had a number of funny pictures. 6 publish

They wanted to get some articles 7… them. 7 illustrate

Someone suggested that the young newspaper

8… Charles Dickens could do this job. It was 8 report

a 9… job for Dickens and he agreed but asked 9 fascinate

for more 10… in writing. So “Pickwick Papers” 10 free

came into being and had a great success. At one

stride Dickens became one of the most popular 11… . 11 novel

The History of Writing

The 1… of writing gave a huge advantage to the world and 1 develop

we might see it as the 2… of the media. 2 begin

Pieces of pottery with marks on have been 3… in China. 3 covered

Hieroglyphics and other forms of picture 4… developed in the 4 write

area around Mesopotamia where the ancient Sumerian 5… 5 civilize

was based. However the Phoenicians had the first true alphabet.

It had 22 letters and was in use for 1000 years. The first 2 signs

were called “aleph” and “beth” which in Greek became “alpha”

and “beta”. The modern 6… alphabet is based on the Greek 6 Europe

and spread to other countries under the Romans. A number of

changes took place as the time passed. The Romans added the

letter G, and the letters J and V were 7… to people in 7 know

Shakespeare’s time.

If we look into the history of punctuation we also find some 8… 8 interest

facts. The Romans used to write quaesto at the end of the

sentence to show that it was a question. They started to write Qo

in place of the whole word and then put the Q above the o. In

the end that became the question mark “?”


Science is always 1… and thrilling. 1 excite

You never get bored because practically every day

you make a 2…. and explore something 3… . 2 discover 3 know

Science always presents opportunities for your personal 4… . 4 develop

Doing a science is like doing a puzzle.

The more you work the more 5… it becomes. 5 interest

The next important fact is the 6… to study and solve 6 possible

7… problems which influence life on our planet. 7 differ

Your scientific research and 8… may contribute 8 achieve

to the social progress so a lot of people can be 9…. 9 satisfy

Some of us think that you have to be a genius

to become a 10… but that’s not so. Scientists are common 10 science

people but they are very curious and hard-working.

Choosing a Career

Young people don’t often know what job to choose

when they leave school. Some of them have their own 1… 1 decide

others feel 2… from the family or want to follow 2 press

the 3… people’s steps. Tastes differ. 3 fame

But one fact remains 4… . Everybody has high 4 doubt

5… about the future career. 5 expect

6…, when you start thinking about future 6 one

remember that every job requires different 7… skills 7 person

and 8…. 8 able

Moreover, to become a real professional you should

get proper 8… and experience. 9 educate

The next important thing is to do all the tasks 10… 10 proper

All in all choosing a career can’t be a problem if you are a 11…, 11 patience

purposeful, hard-working and 12… person. 12 create


Not so many years ago people didn’t realize the 1… 1 possible

computers give us. But today PCs have occupied

all the sides of our lives and became practically 2… . 2 dispense

Computers are everywhere. They are very 3… for 3 use

finding information. You can widely 4… with people from 4 act

different parts of the world and 5… purchase everything 5 easy

you want without cash. PCs are also a great source of 6 … 6 entertain

for both children and adults. Doing most of the work

they save our time. But many scientists say they really

do harm to people’s health making them stay 7… 7 motion

in front of a monitor for many hours.

Computers waste our time if they are 8… used 8 purpose

for watching films, listening to music or chatting.

But the main problem is that these 9… machines 9 life

substitute friends and family.

Space Exploration

Space has always been quite 1… and 1enigma

2… for people. They have been looking in the sky 2 attract

since early times thinking and dreaming of it.

They wished they could fly and reach the stars.

Space 3…was developed by sending satellites into space 3 explore

in the early 20th century. Then large rockets with people

were launched. This 4… was a giant leap for mankind. 4 achieve

The 5… of the benefits and advantages given by space 5 aware

exploration will bring the 6… to different nations. 6 unite

Today the space exploration is seeing new horizons

with the 7… of space tourism. It is also a chance 7 introduce

for us to explore the survival 8… of outer space.  8 probable

We’ll reach new 9… flying to other planets. 9 high

But the deeper we dive into the realms of nature,

the more 10… we acquire 10 know

the more 11… things we discover . 11 comprehend


The word “travelling” is always associated with any 1… 1 delight

events. For 2… it’s a dream that comes true once a year for 2 some

the annual vacation. For others, it’s a 3… process to find 3 challenge

themselves and express their own 4 ... . You can also enjoy 4 individual

new experiences or learn a new language. Anyway travelling

is fun and lots of people travel with the purpose of 5…, 5 enjoy

relaxation and 6… . You could never be tired of visiting new 6 amuse

places. Travelling 7… gives you a whole new outlook on life. 7 real

While travelling you learn the history and culture of the other

nations. The most 8… and illustrative places to know about 8 access

these things are museums. They are store of the past.

Many things, which were used many years ago,

are kept there. 9… of that tells us much about culture. 9 every

We can easier understand people’s character and the way

they live. Also museums teach us history by showing

the attributes of history events. Visiting museums we

understand that we must save our history and traditions

as they are the property of the nation.

10 … in future somebody will be interested in everything 10 doubt

what we do now.

Extreme Sports

A lot of people have never done extreme sports

and never 1… intended to. They think it is very 1 real

2… to put their lives at risk. But there are a lot of 2 reason

young people who are very fond and interested

in them. What makes people 3… risk for a short 3 regular

adrenaline buzz? Perhaps, it’s like a drug.

You do it just because your friends said it was great

and then it turns into 4… . Probably you start doing 4 addict

it having the desire to show how strong and 5 … 5 courage

you are and then end up liking it. But the 6 … 6 major

of people said they 7… wanted a change and 7 simple

and 8 … in life. You get bored with daily routine and 8 diverse

looks for the perfect escape in something new and 9… . 9 excite

When you do such sports it seems that your 10… 10 person

problems go away and you are surrounded by thrill

and 11… . So I quire understand teens doing extreme 11 please

sports but I’m not 12… going to follow their example 12 definite

because I/m addicted to 13… . 13 safe


Television: 1 activities 2 enjoyable 3 hardly 4 watching 5 variety 6 everyone/everybody

7 effective 8 memorable 9 educational 10 useful 11 unfortunately 12 addicted 13 imagine 14 helpless

Charles Dickens: 1 popularity 2 kindness 3 humorous 4 tolerance 5 famous 6 publish

ers 7 illustrating 8 reporter 9 fascinating 10 freedom 11 novelists

The History of Writing: 1 development 2 beginning 3 discovered 4 writing 5 civilization 6 European 7 known 8 interesting

Science: 1 exciting 2 discovery 3 unknown 4 development 5 interesting 6 possibility 7 different 8 achievements 9 satisfied 10 scientist

Choosing a Career: 1 decision 2 pressure 3 famous 4 undoubted 5 expectations 6 firstly 7 personal 8 abilities 9 education 10 properly 11 patient 12 creative

Computers: 1 possibilities 2 indispensable 3 useful 4 interact 5 easily 6 entertainment 7 motionless 8 purposelessly 9 lifeless

Space exploration; 1 enigmatic 2 attractive 3 exploration 4 achievement 5 awareness 6 unity 7 introduction 8 probabilities 9 heights 10 knowledge 11 incomprehensible

Travelling: 1 delightful 2 someone 3 challenging 4 individuality 5 enjoyment 6 amusement 7 really 8 accessible 9 everything 10 undoubtedly

Extreme Sports: 1 really 2 unreasonable 3 regularly 4 addiction 5 courageous 6 majority 7 simply 8 diversity 9 exciting 10 personal 11 pleasure 12 definitely 13 safety

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Современные педагогические технологии в образовательном процессе

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Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
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