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Разработка урока по английскому языку на тему «The party «Travellling»»

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Описание разработки


To develop creative abilities and abilities to work in groups

To develop interest and learning English

To develop pupils` communication abilities. To develop pupils` memory, attention, logical mentality.

To form pupils` positive attitude to the action and learning English

To educate individuality of the pupils by the acquire of the human worth (sense of liability, regard to each other and foreign culture).

To enlarge the using of pupils` abilities acquiring in learning English

The plan of the party:

The 1st competition (introducing)

The 2nd competition (travelling)

The 3rd competition (5 things)

The 4th competition (auding)

The 5th competition (puzzles)

The 6th competition (crosswords)

The 7th competition (storytelling)

The result

The procedure of the party.

Good afternoon dear children and our guests! Today we`ll travel to some countries and seas!

The 1st competition (introducing)

(slide 1) And for my travelling I need the best sailors. I see there are 2 teams here. Let`s have competitions between them. The winner will be my sailors. For our competition we need jury, here they are… Let`s begin the 1st competition, where our teams need to introduce themselves. (в визитку входят: фильм о команде, эмблема, девиз. После визитки командам раздаются корабли).

The 2nd competition (travelling)

(slide 2) So you have got ships and now we are going to Great Britain and the next competition is for captains. (slide 3)

You are to write in these columns how can we travel. (капитаны команд друг за другом вписывают типы путешествий. После завершения командам раздается карта Великобритании)

Разработка урока по английскому языку на тему The party Travellling

The 3rd competition (5 things)

I see you are very good captains. I gave you maps for travelling and now I give you bags and some things in it. You must choose only 5 things and explain why do you choose them. (slide 4). (командам даются сумки с вещами: веревка, компас, нож, йод, спички, бинт, бинокль, фонарь и т.д. Им можно взять только 5 вещей и объяснить, почему они пригодятся им в путешествии. Пока команды решают что взять, ставится 1ая сценка на тему «Путешествие»)

The 4th competition (auding)

(slide 5) Oh, we are in the USA. It is the motherland of fastfood and basketball. now let`s listen to the girl and ask questions to each other about this country. What games are popular in America? Complete the table and tell us about games in the USA. (slide 6) (Пока команды заполняют таблицу, ставится 2ая сценка. После завершения командам раздается карта США)

The 5th competition (puzzles)

(slide 7) 2 days our ships were in the center of the storm. We lost our way and came to Africa. (slide 8) and while we are coming back let`s guess some riddles:

(командам раздается карта Африки и корабли,находящиеся в шторме).

The 6th competition (crosswords)

We are at America again. I am so hungry. I think it is time to eat. So you need to exchange you crosswords on the theme «Food».(каждая команда готовит кроссворд команде соперника на тему «Еда» как домашнее задание). While they are guessing the crosswords, let`s give Russian equivalents of the proverbs and sayings:

A friend in need is a friend indeed

All is well that ends well

Better late than never

Like mother like son

No news is good news

No smoke without a fire

Out of sight out of mind

Tastes differ

 2 is a company but 3 is none

1 for all and all for 1

Bad news travels fast

While there is life there is hope

Actions speak louder than words

Весь материал - в документе.

Содержимое разработки

Открытый урок на тему «The party «Travellling» for the 5th form»

Учитель английского языка ОСШ №25

Буременко Лилия Игоревна

The party «Travellling» for the 5th form.


  • To develop creative abilities and abilities to work in groups

  • To develop interest and learning English

  • To develop pupils` communication abilities. To develop pupils` memory, attention, logical mentality.

  • To form pupils` positive attitude to the action and learning English

  • To educate individuality of the pupils by the acquire of the human worth (sense of liability, regard to each other and foreign culture).

  • To enlarge the using of pupils` abilities acquiring in learning English

The plan of the party:

  1. The 1st competition (introducing)

  2. The 2nd competition (travelling)

  3. The 3rd competition (5 things)

  4. The 4th competition (auding)

  5. The 5th competition (puzzles)

  6. The 6th competition (crosswords)

  7. The 7th competition (storytelling)

  8. The result

The procedure of the party:

Good afternoon dear children and our guests! Today we`ll travel to some countries and seas!

The 1st competition (introducing)

(slide 1) And for my travelling I need the best sailors. I see there are 2 teams here. Let`s have competitions between them. The winner will be my sailors. For our competition we need jury, here they are… Let`s begin the 1st competition, where our teams need to introduce themselves. (в визитку входят: фильм о команде, эмблема, девиз. После визитки командам раздаются корабли).

The 2nd competition (travelling)

(slide 2) So you have got ships and now we are going to Great Britain and the next competition is for captains. (slide 3)

You are to write in these columns how can we travel. (капитаны команд друг за другом вписывают типы путешествий. После завершения командам раздается карта Великобритании)

The 3rd competition (5 things)

  1. I see you are very good captains. I gave you maps for travelling and now I give you bags and some things in it. You must choose only 5 things and explain why do you choose them. (slide 4). (командам даются сумки с вещами: веревка, компас, нож, йод, спички, бинт, бинокль, фонарь и т.д. Им можно взять только 5 вещей и объяснить, почему они пригодятся им в путешествии. Пока команды решают что взять, ставится 1ая сценка на тему «Путешествие»)

The 4th competition (auding)

(slide 5) Oh, we are in the USA. It is the motherland of fastfood and basketball . now let`s listen to the girl and ask questions to each other about this country. What games are popular in America? Complete the table and tell us about games in the USA. (slide 6) (Пока команды заполняют таблицу, ставится 2ая сценка. После завершения командам раздается карта США)

The 5th competition (puzzles)

(slide 7) 2 days our ships were in the center of the storm. We lost our way and came to Africa. (slide 8) and while we are coming back let`s guess some riddles:

(командам раздается карта Африки и корабли ,находящиеся в шторме).

The 6th competition (crosswords)

We are at America again. I am so hungry. I think it is time to eat. So you need to exchange you crosswords on the theme «Food».(каждая команда готовит кроссворд команде соперника на тему «Еда» как домашнее задание). While they are guessing the crosswords, let`s give Russian equivalents of the proverbs and sayings:

  1. A friend in need is a friend indeed

  2. All is well that ends well

  3. Better late than never

  4. Like mother like son

  5. No news is good news

  6. No smoke without a fire

  7. Out of sight out of mind

  8. Tastes differ

  9. 2 is a company but 3 is none

  10. 1 for all and all for 1

  11. Bad news travels fast

  12. While there is life there is hope

  13. Actions speak louder than words

(раздаются картинки еды)

The 7th competition (storytelling)

So you know the words on the theme «Food» well. Now we are in the Caribbean islands . (slide 9) Now your task is to make a story of your travelling to the Caribbean islands and the pictures, which I have given to you help you in it.(каждая команда составляет рассказ)

While our teams are preparing a story let`s guess the riddles:

  1. I have 4 legs but I can`t walk (a chair)

  2. I am tall and green and I am in the garden (a tree)

  3. It doesn`t have legs but it goes (a watch)

  4. It doesn`t have legs but it jumps (a ball)

  5. 2 brothers but they don`t see each other (eyes)

  6. It is white and cold and sweet and all children like it (ice-cream)

  7. It is not a man it is not a woman but it teaches us

  8. It gives us milk and butter too it is very kind and likes to Moor (a cow)

  1. The result

Now jury tells us who is winner of this party. Who will be my sailors.

Курсы повышения квалификации

Организация и сопровождение олимпиадной деятельности учащихся

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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