Разработки  /  Английский язык  /  Уроки  /  1 класс  /  Разработка урока по английскому языку "My pet"

Разработка урока по английскому языку "My pet"

На уроке учащиеся знакомятся с названиями домашних животных, учатся употреблять новую лексику в устной и письменной речи.

Описание разработки

На  уроке учащиеся знакомятся с названиями домашних животных, учатся употреблять активную лексику урока в устой и письменной речи.

Конспект урока предусматривает развитие навыков говорения, письма, аудирования.Приемы, подобранные для урока, способствуют развитию памяти и быстрому запоминанию новой лексики, развитию логического мышления, развитию творческих способностей учащихся и создают благоприятную атмосферу для сотрудничества.

Игра- главный помощник  в изучении и запоминании иностранных слов. Весь урок пронизан игровыми моментами, песнями, творческой работой, прослушиванием аудиозаписей, просмотром видеозаписей и просто хорошим настоением, что и способствует качественному запоминанию нового материала.

Разработка урока по английскому языку My pet


to introduce the names of pets

 to introduce Hh, Ii letters

 to enlarge the vocabulary and practise new words

 to develop speaking, writing, listening, reading, drawing skills

 to practise the verb “have got” in speaking as well as in writing

 to develop memory and attention

 to create friendly atmosphere among the students

 to develop logical creative thinking

Warming up

The teacher greets students, asks how they feel today and invites them to sing the song “Good morning”.

Весь материал - смотрите документ.

Содержимое разработки



My pet


to introduce the names of pets

to introduce Hh, Ii letters

to enlarge the vocabulary and practise new words

to develop speaking, writing, listening, reading, drawing skills

to practise the verb “have got” in speaking as well as in writing

to develop memory and attention

to create friendly atmosphere among the students

to develop logical creative thinking


SWBAT say what kind of pets they have got / 2-3 sentences/


Rakhimzhanova S. D. “English” form 1, Almaty,2013.

“ Handbook for teacher”, Nazarbaev Intellectual Schools,2012

The Internet



The procedure of the lesson



Warming up

The teacher greets students, asks how they feel today and invites them to sing the song “Good morning”


Children express their feelings and mood and sing the song “Good morning”.

Announcing the topic of the lesson

The teacher announces the topic of the lesson and asks students if they have got any pets at home.

Children answer what kind of pets they have got at home. In this situation they can use their native language.


Introducing new letters and words


The teacher encourages students to try to do their best in today`s demonstrative lesson and proposes to revise the English alphabet.

The teacher introduces the next two letters: Hh and Ii and also shows the pictures of a horse and ice – cream.

  1. Read the English alphabet altogether.

  2. Point the letter on the poster, name it, name the sounds

  3. Recite A/B/C/D/E/F/G.

Students repeat Hh, Ii letters after the teacher thrice. Then students pronounce these letters in chain, pronounce their sounds, and write them down into their exercise books .The guys are offered to draw a horse next to the letter Hh and ice – cream next to the letter Ii. They show their drawings and name the letters and the objects.

Relaxing activity

The teacher gives praises to the students, emphasizes that they have worked hard and it is high time to relax.


Sing the song “ 1,2,3,4,5” and repeat the movements of the singer on the screen.

Watching the video

Playing games

Memorizing the new words

Listening to the animals` sounds

  1. The teacher invites guys to watch a very interesting video about animals and try to remember the names of the pets.


2) The teacher tapes the flash cards of the animals on the black board, says the name of the pet and asks the student to touch the pet pronounced by her.

3) The teacher asks the guys if the animals can speak.

4) The teacher encourages the guys to listen to the animals` sounds and guess the animal.


Students watch the video twice and repeat after the speaker:/ dog/cat/cow/rabbit/fish/duck/


  1. Students touch the pictures of the animals said in English by the teacher.

3) The guys try to reproduce animals` sounds.

4) Listen to the animals` sound and guess the animal.

Playing games with flashcards

Memorizing the new words

The teacher would like to know if the guys like to play and what their favourite games are. She invites the guys to play right now.

  1. Game “Slowly, slowly”

  2. The teacher distributes the pictures of the animals among the students. She names the animal and the student possessing the pronounced word stands up and shows the picture.

Tell what their favourite games are.

1) The students try to guess the animals.

2) Listen to the teacher carefully and stand up if they hear the name of the animal they have in their hands.




The teacher puts questions in English and answers in English herself:

-Have you got a pet?

-I have got a cat.

They revise the verb “have got” orally and each student gives answers.

Students revise and practise the verb “ have got”. Each student tells what pet he has got and writes the sentence down

I have got a … .

and draws the picture of the animal.

They show their drawings to the classmates and say what pets they have got.


The teacher asks students what new words they have learnt in the lesson today. Gives praises and gives marks.

The teacher invites to sing “Good bye song”.

Say what new words they have learnt or memorized in the lesson.

Sing “Good bye song”.

Курсы профессиональной переподготовке

Учитель, преподаватель английского языка

Продолжительность 300 или 600 часов
Документ: Диплом о профессиональной переподготовке
13800 руб.
от 2760 руб.
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