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Разработка урока английского языка "What character should have a politician?"

Урок на тему "Каким должен быть политик" позволит активизировать лексику и совершенствовать речевые навыки, сформировать глобальное мышление через осмысление единства и разнообразия мира, осознать уникальность каждой личности.

Описание разработки

Урок спроектирован по новой сингапурской методике обучения. Основная цель сингапурской методики – это работа в команде. В виду глобализации и быстрого развития информационных технологий, чтобы ученики могли стать полезными обществу, им просто необходимо уметь работать в команде.

По сингапурской методике ученики работают в команде, будь то ответы на вопросы, или письменные задания и постоянно взаимодействуют между собой. Сингапурская методика подобна игре, в которой воспитывается дух коллективизма. На данном уроке использовала такие обучающие структуры как  Write Round Robin, Stir the Class, Anticipation-Reaction Guide.

Главное, что ученики анализируют, обсуждают, делятся мнениями, сильные ученики помогают слабым ученикам.

Цели урока:

Развитие личности учащихся через активизацию понятий, описывающих качества личности.

Проблема нравственности в политике.

Формирование глобального мышления через осмысление единства и разнообразия мира, осознание уникальности каждой личности.


Активизация лексики и совершенствование речевых навыков.

Активизация творческих способностей через размышления и презентацию своих проектов.


Teacher: Dear Friends! We’ll speak about people’s traits of character.

What kind of person can be an ideal politician in your opinion?

Warm-up (используя структуру Stir the class)

Напишите в течение 30 сек черты, которыми должен быть наделён политик. После ответов прочертите линию, встаньте, найдите партнёра, зачитайте друг другу, добавить те слова, которых нет у вас. Далее за столом идёт закрепление материала при помощи структуры Write Round Robin.

popular ambitious energetic

strong-willed intellectual witty

generous reliable honest

gifted hypocritical shy

protective sly prudent

power-loving predictable creative

people-loving risk-taking flexible

patient deceitful polite

b) Please, answer.

- How do you call a person who is known and loved by many people?

P1: He is popular|famous.

- a person who has a strong will?

P2: He is strong - willed.

a person who works hard?

P3: He is hard - working.

- a person who always tells the truth?

P4: He is honest.

d) Please, explain, how do you understand the words:


P5: a person who likes to give commands.


P6: talented


P7; a person who is devoted to his country


P8: a person who likes to communicate with other people.

Разработка урока английского языка What character should have a politician?

2. Listening (Елизавета II) (запись на диске) Используем обучающую структуру Сингапурской методики Эй Ар Гайд (Учащиеся до прослушивания текста делают прогнозы, основанные на своих знаниях, и ставят +, если считают верным утверждение и - если считают неверным.

До После

- She is a busy woman.

- She has a lot of free time.

- She enjoys horse-racing, fishing.

- She is a rich woman.

- She doesn’t like pets.

- She works only 8 hours a day.

b) What personal traits are mentioned in the text?


In childhood Elizabeth II received home education. In addition to usual school subjects she was taught bases of economy, jurisprudence and constitutional laws. During the war she acted on military service. She got a trade of a driver in the military-transport centre. She changed trunks of lorries, assorted and collected motors.

Ceremony of her crowning in 1952 for the first time was broadcasted on TV.

Being queen is a really busy job. Elizabeth II gets up early and begins a day by looking through newspapers. Then she reads letters from the public and tells her staff how she would like them to be answered. The Queen has daily meetings with her private secretary, with ambassadors, new judges and bishops. The Queen is modest, simple, exact, fair, attentive.

In the afternoon she often goes out on public engagements. In the evening the Queen reads the report of the day from Parliament.

Being Queen is not a 9 to 5 job, and Elizabeth II has to work from early in the morning until late at night. Of course she has some free time, and some private life, but less than many ordinary people. In her spare time Elizabeth II enjoys horse-racing, fishing, walking in the countryside. She also likes photography. One of her weaknesses is a dog. She carries the favorites everywhere in a special machine. Elizabeth is considered to be one of the richest women in Europe.

c) Do you think that a woman should be involved into politics? (your opinions)

3. Reading for detail (ex. 1 page 54)

Read an opinion of a modern expert about the problem “Must a politician be kind?”

What characteristics are important for a good politician?

Are there unexpected ideas?

Ex 2 page52

Which of the expert’s ideas do the statements confirm?

Presentation of projects (каждая команда) Edward VII (1841-1910)

King of Great Britain from Windsor’s dynasty, governed in 1901-1910 years.

Весь материал - в документе.

Содержимое разработки

МБОУ “Заинская СОШ №3», РТ

Лялина Р.Н.

Traits of character. What character should have a politician?

Цели урока:

  1. Развитие личности учащихся через активизацию понятий, описывающих качества личности.

  2. Проблема нравственности в политике.

  3. Формирование глобального мышления через осмысление единства и разнообразия мира, осознание уникальности каждой личности.


  1. Активизация лексики и совершенствование речевых навыков.

  2. Активизация творческих способностей через размышления и презентацию своих проектов.


Teacher: Dear Friends! We’ll speak about people’s traits of character.

What kind of person can be an ideal politician in your opinion?

  1. Warm-up (используя структуру Stir the class)

Напишите в течение 30 сек черты, которыми должен быть наделён политик. После ответов прочертите линию, встаньте, найдите партнёра, зачитайте друг другу, добавить те слова, которых нет у вас. Далее за столом идёт закрепление материала при помощи структуры Write Round Robin

popular ambitious energetic

strong-willed intellectual witty

generous reliable honest

gifted hypocritical shy

protective sly prudent

power-loving predictable creative

people-loving risk-taking flexible

patient deceitful polite

b) Please, answer.

- How do you call a person who is known and loved by many people?

P1: He is popular|famous.

- a person who has a strong will?

P2: He is strong - willed.

  • a person who works hard?

P3: He is hard - working.

- a person who always tells the truth?

P4: He is honest.

d) Please, explain, how do you understand the words:


P5: a person who likes to give commands.


P6: talented


P7; a person who is devoted to his country


P8: a person who likes to communicate with other people

2. Listening (Елизавета II) (запись на диске) Используем обучающую структуру Сингапурской методики Эй Ар Гайд (Учащиеся до прослушивания текста делают прогнозы, основанные на своих знаниях, и ставят +, если считают верным утверждение и - если считают неверным.

До После

- She is a busy woman.

- She has a lot of free time.

-She enjoys horse-racing, fishing.

-She is a rich woman.

- She doesn’t like pets.

- She works only 8 hours a day.

b) What personal traits are mentioned in the text?


In childhood Elizabeth II received home education. In addition to usual school subjects she was taught bases of economy, jurisprudence and constitutional laws. During the war she acted on military service. She got a trade of a driver in the military-transport centre. She changed trunks of lorries, assorted and collected motors.

Ceremony of her crowning in 1952 for the first time was broadcasted on TV.

Being queen is a really busy job. Elizabeth II gets up early and begins a day by looking through newspapers. Then she reads letters from the public and tells her staff how she would like them to be answered. The Queen has daily meetings with her private secretary, with ambassadors, new judges and bishops. The Queen is modest, simple, exact, fair, attentive.

In the afternoon she often goes out on public engagements. In the evening the Queen reads the report of the day from Parliament.

Being Queen is not a 9 to 5 job, and Elizabeth II has to work from early in the morning until late at night. Of course she has some free time, and some private life, but less than many ordinary people. In her spare time Elizabeth II enjoys horse-racing, fishing, walking in the countryside. She also likes photography. One of her weaknesses is a dog. She carries the favorites everywhere in a special machine. Elizabeth is considered to be one of the richest women in Europe.

c) Do you think that a woman should be involved into politics? (your opinions)

3. Reading for detail (ex.1 page 54)

Read an opinion of a modern expert about the problem “Must a politician be kind?”

What characteristics are important for a good politician?

Are there unexpected ideas?

  1. Ex 2 page52

Which of the expert’s ideas do the statements confirm?

  1. Presentation of projects (каждая команда) Edward VII (1841-1910)

King of Great Britain from Windsor’s dynasty ,

governed in 1901-1910 years.

The son of the queen Victoria

and the prince Sacsen-Koburg- Gotsky

Albert was born in November 9, 1841.

The father paid a great attention to education of the son. He also wanted to give him good education. But disappointment waited for him. Edward did not like the books and clever conversations . He adored games and entertainments.

He had a kind heart, and straightforward character. After receiving home education the prince wanted to choose the career of the militarian, but the father sent him to receive University education. In Edinburgh Edward studied industrial Chemistry, in Oxford - jurisprudence, and in Cambridge - languages, History and Literature. In 1860 the prince made a large travelling in Canada and the USA. Having come back home, he got freedom. A small Palace Vaitladge became a residence of the prince. This Palace soon became the centre of high-society life.

Edward inherited a common sense and a good nature from the mother. He was very democratic on spirit, and widened the frames of democratic life. The financiers, industrialists, well- known sportsmen, and American friends of the prince received access to Sandrigem. In the man's company the prince always was a soul, carrying away the revival and jokes. With the ladies he was kind, he was considered to be Don Juan. The first years of married life were happy, but then Edward paid little time to his family. He had a lot of favorites.

Victoria did not allow the son to businesses of government because of his frivolousness. Edward had the perfect diplomatic features, knew a science of hints, cunning, thin deceits, vague promises and empty conversations. He could render the mother a large help in political affairs. Having become in 1901 the king, he proved it. In 1903 he managed to prevent a war between England and France, he played an important role in organization of Atlanta. In 1908 Edward visited Russia and improved mutual relation between two countries. In England he showed a large interest to social job and noble activity. As the king he was an embodiment constitutional monarch. He was differed with peaceful disposition and propensity to the compromises.

George V (1867-1953)

The king of Great Britain from Windsor’s dynasty

governed in 1910-1936 years.

The son of Edward VII and Aleksandra Danish.

George V differed from his father by character, appearance and conditions of life. Since ten years George almost constantly was in sea navigation because of his poor health. He got up at five in the morning, cleaned clothes and footwear himself, had simple meals and had all difficulties of a service in the ship.

He floated 14 years. He was in India six times, in Canada - four times, in Central Africa - two times and in Australia - two times. Prince George was a seaman by impressions and by profession. It provided him popularity,

But he felt lack of knowledge. When travels were finished, he attended lectures in a faculty of law. In Lausanne he spent a year, where practiced French and German languages. Having come back to England, he learned the rights.

George looked like his mother both in appearance and in character. He was phlegmatic, counterbalanced and religious. George married at the age of 24. The marriage was on love and the wife became a helper of George in state businesses. George changed order at a court yard, he introduced features of life of old England, has tried to create a comfort without superfluous luxury. The official receptions and dancing parties began to pass in another Palace, but George liked quiet life more. During the First World from George V refused all personal and family German titles and changed the name of a royal house whom Sacson-Koburg-Gotsky to Windsor’s.

In 1926 during a strike of miners and general strike the king used all opportunities for peaceful relations of the parties. During an economic crisis in 1931 he sped up negotiations of the leaders of a party and offered a candidate of Mac Donald as the head of coalition government.

  1. What kind of person should win elections?

In my opinion it’s very important what kind of person will represent me and my region in the Federal Assembly. A good politician, I believe, should be honest, well – educated. He should use power not for his own needs, but for improving the situation in the country. He should be a model for us.

Home task: prepare some information about the presidents of Russia and the USA

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