1. Match the verbs with their meanings
2. Fill in: decompose, replace, reused, wrap, encourage, swap, save.
Some people in my class waste a lot of resources that are difficult to____________________. For example, some classmates always______________________ their lunches in silver paper which cannot be _______________________. Silver paper _____________________ very slowly. I think school should______________________students to eliminate waste. As there are so many ways to protect the environment, people should _____________________ ideas on their favorite ways. That way, we can _______________________ the Earth.
3. Translate into English:
1) Можешь выключить музыку? Я не могу сконцентрироваться (concentrate).
2) Мы должны уменьшить количество бумаги, которую мы используем (use).
3) Ты не должен выкидывать батарейки (batteries).
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