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Промежуточная аттестация для 7 класса

Промежуточная аттестация по английскому языку для 7 класса на основе материала УМК "Rainbow English". Материал в виде контрольной работы

Содержимое разработки

Диагностика сформированности образовательных результатов обучающихся в рамках освоения ООП в 2024-2025 учебном году I полугодие

Класс 7Б

Учитель Шкаликова Т.В.

Предмет английский язык

Контрольная работа


1. Write the omitted form of the irregular verb.

swim - ______________ - swum

go – went - __________________

________________ - became – become

see - ______________ - seen

ring – rang - _______________

2. Complete the sentences with a\an, - .

  1. The Volga is such ______ powerful river.

  2. I’d like to help myself to such ______ tasty food.

  3. Thanks very much for such ______ lovely greetings card.

  4. I don’t like swimming in such _____ cold water.

  5. They were such ______ unusual little birds.

3. Complete the sentences with derivatives of the words in brackets. Use such suffices as –able, -an, -al, -er, -tion, -ing, - y, -th.

  1. The best football ______________________s get a lot of money. (play)

  2. Many _____________________________s decorate their homes on special days. (America)

  3. How big is your ________________________ of mugs? (collect)

  4. Jane has been keeping to a ________________________ diet since March. (health)

  5. Some days ago Jill had a ___________________________ with the manager. (meet)

  6. What a ________________________ little kitten! (love)

4. Open brackets and put the verbs in appropriate form of Present Perfect.

1. We ___________ never __________ (be) to the USA and we _______________________ (not, see) its capital.

2. I’m sure Boris ___________________ (read) this story.

3. ________ you _____________ (write) the letter yet?

4. She says she ________ _______________________ (never, speak) to any famous traveler.

5. We ______________________ (come). Where is Andrew? – He ___________________ (take) the children to the Zoo.

6. Kate _________________________ (not, eat) her vegetables.

7. Max _______________________ (fall) from his bike.

8. _________ you __________ (ring) me up , Betty? – Yes, I __________.

She ____________________________________ (already, begin) preparations for the party.

5. Write out British words.

Movie, autumn, stove, pants, lift, candy, chips, lorry, car park, fall, petrol, sweets.




Курсы профессиональной переподготовке

Учитель, преподаватель английского языка

Продолжительность 300 или 600 часов
Документ: Диплом о профессиональной переподготовке
13800 руб.
от 2760 руб.
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