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Презентация на тему: William Shakespeare

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 School № 4   Form 10  Osman Ashirov   « William Shakespeare »

School № 4

Form 10

Osman Ashirov

« William Shakespeare »

William Shakespeare (1564-1616)

William Shakespeare


William Shakespeare was born  on April 23, 1564, in Stratford-upon-Avon,in the family of a merchant and a respectable citizen John Shakespeare.

William Shakespeare was born on April 23, 1564, in Stratford-upon-Avon,in the family of a merchant and a respectable citizen John Shakespeare.

In the autumn of 1599 the « Globe theatre » was opened. Above the entrance of the theatre there are winged words: “The Whole world is the stage

In the autumn of 1599 the « Globe theatre » was opened. Above the entrance of the theatre there are winged words: “The Whole world is the stage". Shakespeare was one of its co-owners, the actor of the troup and the main playwrighter. In the year of opening of the "Globe" he wrote the roman tragedy "Julius Caesar" and the comedy "As you like it".

The most famous works by William Shakespeare are : 1.

The most famous works by William Shakespeare are :

1. "Romeo and Juliet"

2. "Hamlet"

3. "Macbeth"

4. "Midsummer Night's Dream"

5. "Othello"

6. "King Lear"

7. "The Merchant of Venice"

Hamlet is one of the most famous plays of William Shakespeare and one of the most famous in the drama world. For the first time it was performed on the stage in 1601.Richard Berbage a famous English actor of the Renaissance, Shakespeare’s friend and partner was starring in this play. It is interesting to know that Hamlet  is the longest Shakespeare’s play. It has 4042 lines and 29,551 words.

Hamlet is one of the most famous plays of William Shakespeare and one of the most famous in the drama world. For the first time it was performed on the stage in 1601.Richard Berbage a famous English actor of the Renaissance, Shakespeare’s friend and partner was starring in this play.

It is interesting to know that Hamlet is the longest Shakespeare’s play.

It has 4042 lines and 29,551 words.

A fragment of the play « Hamlet »

A fragment of the play « Hamlet »

The play « Romeo and Juliet » was written in 1592 year. The first production of « Romeo and Juliet » was performed abroad in Brno, Czechoslovakia, on 30 December 1938. « Romeo and Juliet » is the most popular play among young people. People of all ages like this play.

The play « Romeo and Juliet » was written in 1592 year. The first production of « Romeo and Juliet » was performed abroad in Brno, Czechoslovakia, on 30 December 1938.

« Romeo and Juliet » is the most popular play among young people. People of all ages like this play.

A fragment of the play « Romeo and Juliet »

A fragment of the play « Romeo and Juliet »

I believe William Shakespeare is the greatest English writer and playwrighter. His stories, novels, plays , tragedies have entered the literature world as masterpieces. They are translated into many languages and are very popular.   Thank you for your attention.

I believe William Shakespeare is the greatest English writer and playwrighter. His stories, novels, plays , tragedies have entered the literature world as masterpieces. They are translated into many languages and are very popular.

Thank you for your attention.

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