Writing skills
Before We Start :
What is our task?
Why do you need to write stories?
How can we solve our task?
a story
past linkers adjectives
tenses adverbs
a story
climax direct
event verbs speech
Read the story and answer the questions:
1. How does the writer set the scene?
character – place – time – weather
2. Which is the climax event in the story?
3. How did the characters feel in the end?
Useful Language
At the End of the Lesson
What was our task?
Did we manage to solve it?
How can you practice at home?
A Very Strange Tale
- Plan – Ex. 10 p. 51
- 120 – 180 words
- Past tenses
- Linking words
- A variety of adjectives and adverbs
- Direct speech
At today’s English lesson
I found out that …
It was interesting to learn that …
It was difficult to …
I have learned to …
Now I can …
I’ll try to …
I want to know how to …