State budgetary educational institution of Moscow "School No. 2200"
A flash in the pan or a real outstanding example to follow?
Olga Peshcherskaya

The number of the participants in the conference "My idol"
Total: 45 students

The spheres of activity of idols

Some qualities to admire

My intermediate conclusion can raise red flags
Tell me who your idol is…
Tastes differ, there is no accounting for tastes, but…

Purpose of the project
To learn and analyze the choice of icon figures of seventh-graders as one of the major indicators of their value system, reflection of their life preferences and word outlook and give a real and worthy example to follow for the rising generation

Despite the fear of becoming a laughing stock and unpopular among my classmates, I’d like to prove that a wise choice of a role model in adolescence can have a beneficial impact on personality formation and even secure the future prosperity

I posed some questions point-blanks :
1. Who is a real cult-figure for young generation?
2 . Why did Sergey Lavrov become an icon figure for me?
3 .What life plan should I work out to follow his example?
4 .What have I already achieved on the way to my prosperous future ?

Guide to the project
- Theoretical part
- Definition of “Idol" and its significance
- Spheres of activity of the chosen idols
II.Practical part
- Analysis of the results of our school conference
- Introduction of the most significant stages of Lavrov’s biography and his international breakthroughs
- Famous quotations and evaluation of his work by the international community
- Comparative table with character traits that led to success
- My self-examination: life victories, achievements and marked progress
III. Conclusions on the project
IV. Sources of information

Who is “Idol“?
Total: 58 people, 7th grade students

Why do teens seek any idols?
1. REPLACEMENT OF emotional
3. an object of idealization
and unattainable ideal
2.Clear-cut and pronounced
need in ideals and heroes

Types of consequences
Positive consequences of fan love
Negative consequences of fan love
A source of motivation and inspiration
A source of passionate addiction and unrealistic expectations of an idol.
Guidepost to action and building a brilliant future
A source of problems in interpersonal relationships
A source of self-development, self-education and
Formation of low self-esteem
A way to increase self-esteem and gain authority
A blind copying someone else's life
One of the ways to mould a great personality and form the right world outlook
A way to educate a pronounced civic position

Heroes in bygone days
Heroes of the days of old
Yuri Gagarin
Vladimir Vysotsky
Georgy Zhukov
Joseph Stalin
Leo Tolstoy
Alexander Solzhenitsyn
Maya Plisetskaya
Vladimir Lenin
Andrey Sakharov
Irina Rodnina

The results of the Internet opinion poll among Russian teens
Historical figures
Vladimir Putin
Heroes of TV series
Modern Russian politicians
Successful businessmen
Relatives, close people
Pop and rock stars, representatives of the "golden" youth
Someone else
There are no idols
I find it difficult to answer

The comparison of the idols of different generations
What changed for the worse?
We chose the greatest and the most prominent people of our country
Money, public recognition and fame weren't so important
The previous idols were modest, with rich spiritual world and high moral ground
Their contribution to the development of our state was meaningful and significant
They were inspirational people with unquestioned authority

- Who is my idol?What is he famous for?
2. What my current achievements and beginnings can be counted towards my prosperous future?

Why is Sergey Lavrov my choice as an icon figure?

Sergey Lavrov is a Soviet and Russian diplomat long-liver,a statesman, politician and an example of excellent education, severe and pure taste and polished manners.

What does an icon of style look like?

BIOGRAPHY: his door to success was not easy to open

His rise to fame, power and success
1967 - he finished the school with an in-depth study of English in Noginsk with a silver medal.
1972 - graduated from Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO) where he mastered three languages:French, English and Sinhalese
1 973-1975 –was advisor, translator and attache in Sri-Lanka
1 976-1988 - worked as a senior adviser to the Soviet mission to the United Nations
1987-1990 - worked as Deputy Head of the Department of International Economic Relations
1992 – director of the Department for International Organizations and Global Issues in the Foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation
1994 – Lavrov became the permanent representative of the Russian Federation to the UN
2004-present – Russian President Vladimir Putin appointed Sergey Lavrov to the post of Foreign minister of Russia
His diplomatic rank- the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary / the highest diplomatic rank in the Russian Federation

He mounts several absorbing hobbies

44 %
Popularity rating of the country's leaders among Russians
69 %
73 %

The most famous quotations of Sergey Lavrov
1. It is necessary to negotiate. By and large, this is diplomacy - the ability to negotiate.
2. "We do not force anyone, we do not blackmail anyone, we do not threaten… We are polite people..."
3. Every country has its political face and political traditions.

4. We are ready to be friends with everyone, we express our readiness to partner with everyone who is ready for it on an equal basis .
5. " The Russian world exists. This is not a project, this is an objective reality”
6. No, Russia is not squeaky clean . Russia is what it is. And we are not ashamed of showing who we are.
7. “ As you know, it takes two to tango , but it seems to me that our US partners keep performing individual breakdance.”
8. "Are you saying that you don't understand Russian? It's time to learn “
9 . “Russia has interests, and people should remember this fact. Russia has “red lines.”

The Minister's spectacular action
" I stumbled. However, it's good, not on the diplomatic front, but on the step“ (forum on March 16, 2018)

Correlation of life principles and positive qualities of Sergey Lavrov
"Our Lavrov shows his sometimes applauding irony , coupled with erudition, intelligence and some sarcastic old-fashioned"
Important principles
Ambitiousness ,personal leadership
, intelligence, talent, endurance
Service to society, the desire to fulfill the mission assigned to it in a competitive struggle in the international arena.
Integrity, calmness and comprehensive education
Sociability, tolerance, friendliness
Objectivity in decision-making
Ambitious, firm, confident
having a clear stance on the matter, no-compromise approach,
charm, sense of humor
Strengthening the best traditions of Russian diplomacy

A leader takes people where they want to go. A great leader takes people where they don't necessarily want to go, but ought to be .
Important principles
Perfectibility, all-rounded person with wide interests
Well-mannered, with Leardership Practices
Adaptability, optimism and flexibility
Large mindedness
Humanism, a desire to keep and revive good national traditions
Workaholism, creativity, brightness
Riskiness, originality and ambitiousness

Lavrov's rating: кeep putting one foot in front of the other
Sergey Lavrov: opinions
Votes: 1661
Votes: 1661
Votes: 1661

Weighty opinions of foreign and Russian politicians about Sergey Lavrov
- With Putin, they bond over sports, but disagree on smoking
- Swearing at statesmen and journalists as a threat response to false complaints
- He inherited the nickname Mr.No (Mr. Nyet)from Gromyko
- Poet , a fan of Beatles and Frank Sinatra
- Putin’s loyal spokesman who never took the position of Putin’s competitor
- Sergei Lavrov is an experienced diplomat who has enjoyed considerable respect for his position for a long time.
- Sergei Lavrov is well-known not only as a charismatic politician, but also as a loving father, an active football fan and a person with a great sense of humor.
- Lavrov since February, 2022 is under personal sanctions in the European Union, Switzerland, the UK, the USA, Canada, Japan, New Zealand and Australia for his role in the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine.
If they are afraid of him, it means he is a well- respected and high-profile politician

Nothing human is alien to him
- Sergey Lavrov is the author of the text of the MGIMO anthem.
- He was in a student construction brigade building the Ostankino TV Tower
- He received the nickname "Moose“ during his student years
The MGIMO Anthem
To study so eagerly, and to drink so to the end,
Not to fall and go stubbornly to the goal.
There are warm hearts scattered around the world, Reliable both in business and in fun.

Why is this politician and public activist my idol?
I’d like to work as a professional synchronist for high-ranking politicians
I see myself in the future as a student of Moscow State University or MGIMO

What qualities and skills should I acquire or develop to build a career and a promising future?

Sound advice: how to stand on your own two feet
- Follow your dream
- Get a solid education
- Be an optimist
- Slave away at building your career
- Carry the ball and love your business
- Always communicate with Winners and Optimists
- Don’t complain.
- Know the value of your time
- Paddle your own canoe
- Be an unchallenged authority
- Believe in yourself, form your team and never give up!
- Shoot for the stars
- Slow and steady wins the race
- Who learns wins

1. I’ve proved: if you form all necessary qualities and follow the definite life principles systematically from school days, you will become a successful and respectable person for your country
2. I’ve formulated some useful practical tips for becoming a successful and outstanding person in our country after analysis of my idol’s ’ life way and character traits.

S.Lavrov's quote about …S.LAVROV:
" It is permissible to lose your head only to a beginner who for the first time finds himself in an insurmountable impasse and gives up. Professionalism and patience, which is necessary for any person, are especially appreciated in our profession"

Thank you for your attention!

- Idol, icon figure, example to follow
- Politics
- Politician Diplomat Ambassador
- Value system
- Generation gap
- foreign policy
- Life principals
- Achievements
- Contribution
- Personality traits
- successfulness
- ambitiousness
- personal leadership
- Self-confidence
- Endurance
- Flexibility, adaptability
- no-compromise approach
- Patriotism
- Workaholism
- Large mindedness

Sources of information
- Мы - вежливые люди! Размышления о внешней политике 2017
- Между прошлым и будущим 2011
- Последний компромисс с Богом 2020
- Избранные стихи Сергея Лаврова выходят в необычном - двуязычном формате на русском и македонском языке
- Страны мира, 2006
- Российские ветераны о миротворчестве ООН 2020
- https://www.rbc.ru/person/617bf30d9a7947f92ee2d266
- http://government.ru/gov/persons/15/bio/
- https://tass.ru/encyclopedia/person/lavrov-sergey-viktorovich
- https://secretmag.ru/enciklopediya/sergei-lavrov.htm
- https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Лавров,_ Сергей_Викторович
- https://tass.com/tag/sergey-lavrov
- https://zoomboola.com/biographies/biography-sergey-lavrov.html
- https://iz.ru/tag/sergei-lavrov