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Презентация по английскому языку по теме "Rudyard Kipling, outstanding British writer"

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Rudyard Kipling was born in Bombay, in British India in the family of a professor of the local school of arts John Lockwood Kipling and Alice (McDonald) Kipling. Rudyard name he received is believed to be in honor of the English Lake Rudyard, where they met the parents. Early years, full of exotic sights and sounds of India, were very happy for the future writer. But at age 5 with his sister, he goes to study in England. For 6 years he lived in a private school, the owner of which (Madame Rosa) mistreats him punished. This attitude is so much affected him, that by the end of his life he suffered from insomnia.

In London, he meets a young American publisher Wolcott Balestier, they work together on the story "The Naulahka. " In 1892 Balestier died of typhus, and shortly thereafter Kipling marries his sister Caroline. During their honeymoon bank in which Kipling had savings, went bankrupt. Money the couple left only then to get to Vermont (USA), where relatives lived Balestier. The next four years they lived here.

At this time, the writer begins again to write for children; in 1894-95 years out famous The Jungle Book and "Second Jungle Book. " Also published poetry collections «The Seven Seas» and «The white thesis». Soon born two children: Josephine and Elsie. After a quarrel with his brother-in Kipling and his wife in 1896, returned to England. In 1897 he published the novel «Captains Courageous». In 1899, during his visit to the United States, dies of pneumonia his eldest daughter Josephine, which was a huge blow for the writer.

In 1899 he spent a few months in South Africa, where he met with Cecil Rhodes, a symbol of British imperialism. In 1901 he published the novel «Kim», which is considered one of the best novels of the writer. In Africa, it begins to pick up material for a new children's book, which comes out in 1902 under the name of «Just So Story».

Презентация по английскому языку по теме Rudyard Kipling, outstanding British writer

In 1902 Kipling becomes a country house in Sussex (England). In this house was known book "Puck of Pook's Hill" and "Rewards and Fairies" - collections of Old English tales with the main character, borrowed from the works of Shakespeare, elf Puck. Rudyard Kipling starts to active political life: opposes the feminist movement, support the Conservatives, writes about the threat of war with Germany. Gradually political activity pushes literary sidelined.

Literary activity becomes less intense. Another blow was the death of a writer's eldest son John in the First World War in 1915. Kipling and his wife worked in wartime for the Red Cross. After the war, he became a member of the Commission on War Graves. It is they who chose the biblical phrase "Their names will live forever" on the obelisks memory. During a trip in 1922 to France, he met with King George V, which then fastened a great friendship.

Kipling continued his literary career before the 30s, although the success accompanied him less and less. Since 1915, the writer suffered from gastritis, which later turned out to be an ulcer. Rudyard Kipling died of ulcer perforation January 18, 1936 in London for 2 days before George V. He was buried in Poets' Corner in Westminster Abbey.

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Продолжительность 72 часа
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