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План урока английского языка в 7 классе "Thanksgiving Day in the USA"

План урока английского языка в 7 классе "Thanksgiving Day in the USA"

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План урока английского языка в 7Б классе по теме День Благодарения в США

  1. Что общего у этих картинок? 1 слайд (What do these pics have in common?) They are about Thanksgiving

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  • What is the main symbol/food on Thanksgiving Day? 
    How do people celebrate that day? 
    Which countries celebrate this holiday?

  1. Лексика с комментарием - слайды

“The Pilgrims, the group of travellers who wanted a new church, went from Europe to the New World on a ship called the Mayflower in 1620. They travelled for 6 weeks. Their first winter in the New World was very long, cold and hard. In spring the native Indians helped them, gave them food and seeds and showed them how to grow corn. The harvest was very good and the Pilgrims had a lot of food for the next winter. They wanted to say thanks to Indians and invited their Indian friends to a big dinner/ feast with turkey, pumpkin pie, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes and other dishes.

  1. Now have a look, Varya has cooked a pumpkin pie for our lesson and now she will tell us how to cook it! (рассказ - рецепт)

  2. Let’s talk about T. more closely. Here are some words that can help you talk about this holiday (15) – ЛЕКСИКА


  • On the fourth Thursday of November, people in the United States celebrate Thanksgiving, a national holiday honoring the early settlers and Native Americans who came together to have a historic harvest feast.

  • Thanksgiving is a wonderful time for families to come together for good food, good company, and good cheer before all the Christmas preparations begin. Although we often describe Thanksgiving as a time to show gratitude, it's important to know the history of the holiday as well.

The Pilgrims Voyage on the Mayflower

  • The Thanksgiving story starts in England in September 1620, when 102 passengers, called Pilgrims, boarded a ship called the Mayflower. They sailed across the ocean to start a new life. It took 66 days at sea to reach their new home in New England

  • The Pilgrims landed in Cape Cod in November unprepared for the harsh conditions, and they had to spend their first winter in America on their ship. Due to disease and cold weather only half of the original Mayflower passengers were alive.

  • In the spring, the Pilgrims settled into a village they called Plymouth. However, this land was inhabited by various tribes of Native Americans with different languages, cultures, and customs.

  • - The Native Americans shared essential survival knowledge with the Pilgrims and taught them how to cultivate the land and how to hunt and fish.

  • Without this act of generosity and friendship, the Pilgrims would not have survived another winter. But with the help of Native Americans, they had a good harvest the following autumn and celebrated the first Thanksgiving.

  • . The Pilgrims and the Wampanoag people lived in an alliance for more than 50 years.

What Can Be Problematic About Thanksgiving

  • Many Americans still gather near Plymouth each year on Thanksgiving for a National Day of Mourning (национальный день траура), established to honor Native ancestors and their struggles. For many Native Americans, Thanksgiving symbolizes a history of mourning. Because after the Wampanoag helped the European settlers, many events that followed led to the loss of land and lives for millions of Native People.

  • Anyway, the story of Thanksgiving should remind us that we have so much more to gain in fellowship than in conflict.

What are you thankful for?

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