Разработка внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку «Своя игра» для 11 классов
Состовитель: учитель английского языка II квалификационной категории Андронова Е.В.
Цели мероприятия:
Обучающие- 1. закрепить в нетрадиционной форме страноведческий материал;
2. научить учащихся применять полученные ими знания по различным предметам( истории, географии, литературе).
Воспитательные- 1. воспитать у учащихся чувство уважения к культуре, обычаям, радициям людей, проживающих в англоговорящих странах;
2. воспитать у учащихся чувство гордости за культурное наследие своей страны.
Эстетические- 1. прививать у учащихся вкус к прекрасному через изучение культуры, традиций англоговорящих стран, через оформление актового зала.
Развивающие- 1. развивать у учащихся умение общаться на иностранном языке;
2. развивать у них память, быстроту реакции.
- 10 столов и стульев для участников игры;
- места для жюри;
- карточки с именами участников;
- 8 сигнальных карточек из цветной бумаги;
- доска;
- магниты;
- карточки с названиями рубрик;
- экран;
- слайды с видами англоязычных стран;
- микрофоны;
- музыкальная аппаратура;
- диски с музыкой (торжественная для начала мероприятия и звук фанфар);
- караоке (6548- Dancing Queen "ABBA”; 6643- Let It Be " Beatles”; 6828- Yellow Submarine " Beatles”; 6827- Words F. R. David; 6830- Yesterday " Beatles”).
- ноутбук;
- проектор;
- экран соревнования;
- плакат с названием игры.
(Перед началом игры идёт показ слайдов с видами англоговорящих стран под спокойную мелодичную музыку.)
Good evening, dear friends! We are very glad to meet you in our school hall.
Today our 11th formers will take part at the game named «My own game». I want you to be very attentive, to give correct answers, to get good results.
I think, it is time to welcome our players. So meet them. (Представление участников игры.)
First of all a few words about our rules: the game consists of three parts. The first part is the green one. The second is the red and the third is the blue round. Every round will last 10 minutes. Every question of the first round will cost from 5 to 50 points, of the second one from 50 to100 points and of the third game from 100 to 150 points. If you give a correct answer you will get your points. If your answer is wrong you will lose your points. Our experts will help us. (Представление членов жюри.) If you are ready to answer my question you may use a special card raising it up. If everything is clear we’ll start. Good luck! Now it’s time to begin the first round. You are welcome!
The 1st round (green)
The topics of the 1st round are: London, Towns and Cities, Capitals. Choose a topic and the number of the question.
1. What building was the 1st residence of English kings? – (the Tower of London)
2. Big Ben is a part of a large building. What is it? – (the Houses of Parliament)
3. Where is the Speaker’s Corner? – (in Hyde Park)
4. What do people in England call ”the Father of London”? – (The Thames)
5. Where is Nelson’s Column? – (in the center of Trafalgar Square)
6. In what street are all government offices situated? – (Wall Street)
7. How many parts dose London consists of and what are they? – (4: the City, the West End, the East End and Westminster)
8. What is the greatest work of Sir Christopher Wren? – (St Paul’s Cathedral)
9. Why is one of the squares in London called "circus”? – (It’s Piccadilly Circus. It’s round in shape.)
10. In what square do Londoners gather on New Year’s Eve? – (Trafalgar Square)
11. What is a financial and business center of London? – (the City)
12. Where dose the British Prime Minister live? – (at number 10, Downing Street.)
13. Where can you see traditional changing of the guard in London? – (in the Tower of London)
1. What is the capital of Wales? – (Cardiff)
2. What is the capital of Australia? – (Canberra)
3. What is the capital of the USA? – (Washington, DC)
4. What is the capital of Scotland? – (Edinburgh)
5. What is the capital of the UK? – (London)
6. What is the capital of Canada? – (Ottawa)
7. What is the capital of GB? – (London)
8. What is the capital of Northern Ireland? – (Belfast)
9. What is the capital of New Zealand? – (Wellington)
10. What is the capital of French Canada? – (Quebec)
11. What is the capital of England? – (London)
12. What was the 1st capital of Russia? – (Kiev)
13. Where did Tsar Peter the Great move the Russian capital in 1772? – ( to St. Petersburg)
14. What is the capital of Ireland? – (Dublin)
Towns and Cities
1. What town is a birthplace of W. Shakespeare? – (Stratford- on- Avon)
2. In what English town was the 1st airport built? – (Manchester)
3. What town in GB is situated on 7 hills? – (Edinburgh)
4. The twin- city of Volgograd. It’s situated in England. What is it? – (Coventry)
5. What American city is called "the city of skyscrapers”? – (New York)
6. What city was named after the 1st president? – (Washington, DC)
7. Where is Hollywood ? – (not far from Los Angeles)
8. Where was Robert Burns born? – (in Edinburgh)
9. Where was Pavlov awarded the title of the Honourary Doctor? – (Cambridge)
10. What are the most famous university centers in England? – (Oxford and Cambridge)
11. What city in Britain has the nickname of "the Smoke”? – (London)
12. What American city is called the "Athens of America”? – (Boston)
13. The capital of New Zealand is the 2nd largest city in that country .What is the 1st largest city in New Zealand? – (Auckland)
So the 1st round is over. Let’s sing a song. (Учащиеся 11- А поют песню под караоке «Танцующая королева» группы «АВВА») And it’s time to sum up our results. (Подведение итогов первого раунда.)
(Звук фанфар)
The 2nd round (orange)
The topics of the second round are: History, Geography and Famous People.
1. When and where was the first stamp made? – (in 1840 in England)
2. Who were the Pilgrim Fathers? – ( They were a group of English religious people who founded a colony which they called Plymouth Colony, Massachusetts, in 1620)
3. Why did the Romans call Britain "Albion”? – ("Alba” means "white” in Latin and the 1st thing the Romans saw when they came were the white chalk cliffs on the southern coast of Britain)
4.What was the name of the poet who was called "The Father of English poetry”? – (Jeoffrey Chauser)
5. What was the name of the king the founder of the British Navy? – (Alfred)
6. When did the Great Fire of London take place? – (1666)
7. What countries made early settlements in America? – (Spain, France, England, the Netherland)
8. What animal did nearly ruin Australia? – (a rabbit)
9. Who was the 1st American president? – (George Washington)
10. What was the name of the ship which brought the 1st English emigrants to America? – (" the Mayflower”)
11. How long did Robinson Crusoe live on the uninhabited island in the real life and in the novel? – (4 and 28 years)
1. What is the longest river in Great Britain? – (the Severn)
2. What is the longest river in the USA? – (the Mississippi)
3. What is the name of the Scottish lake in which there is supposed to be a monster? – (Loch Ness)
4. What is the largest state of the USA? – (Alaska)
5. What name is given to the official residence of the US president? – ( the White House)
6. What famous English center of education got its name from the river? – (Cambridge)
7. Where is the Statue of Liberty situated and what country made it? – (New York – France)
8. On what river is the capital of the UK situated? – (the Thames)
9. Australia’s most popular state was given its name by a British explorer. Who was he? – ( Captain James Cook. He named the eastern coast of Australia New South Wales.)
10. What are the aboriginal people of New Zealand called? – (Maoris)
Famous People
1. Who is the author of the famous English song "Auld Lang Syne”? – (Robert Burns)
2. Who was the 1st Englishman reached the South Pole? – (Robert Scott)
3. Who was the 1st Englishman made a round- the world-voyage? – (Francis Drake)
4. What is the name of the legendary hero of the English ballads of the 12th and 13th centuries? – (Robin Hood)
5. Who was Aesop? When and where did he live? – (He was a story- teller who spoke fables. He lived in Greece more than 2 thousand years ago.)
6. Who of the famous people lived and worked in Cambridge? – (Darwin, Newton, Cromwell, Pavlov)
7. Who described the time of the Gold Rush in Alaska? – (Jack London)
8. Whose life did Charlotte Bronte describe in her novel "Jane Eyre”? – (her own life)
9. In whose honour was the largest clock in London called? – (in the honour of Sir Benjamin Hall, who was responsible for the building of the Clock Tower.)
10. What is the real name of Mark Twain? – (Samuel Clemens)
11. What is the pen- name of Charles Dodgeson? – (Lewis Carroll)
12. There is a column in Trafalgar Square in London. Whose monument is it? – (to Admiral Nelson)
13. What was the name of the architect who built St Paul’s Cathedral? – (Sir Christopher Wren)
14. Who was America named after? – (Amerigo Vespucci because he was the 1st man who understood it was the new continent)
15. Who was the founder of the "Globe” theatre? – (William Shakespeare)
It’s time to listen to one more song. The 11 А is singing. (Let It Be "Beatles” )
And now let’s listen to the results of the 2nd round. (Подводятся итоги второго раунда.)
(Звук фанфар)
The 3rd round (blue)
The topics of the 3rd round are: Symbols, Holidays and Traditions, Plant world.
1. What colour is a bus in England? – (red)
2. What colour is a letter- box in England? – (red)
3. What profession does robin symbolize? – (a postman)
4. What is the symbol of Scotland? – (thistle)
5. What colours can you see in the British flag? – (red, blue and white)
6. The King Arthur organized the Round Table. What does it symbolize? – (It shows that all were equal)
7. What was the 1st stamp like? – (a small piece of paper with 1 p stamped on it)
8. What is the emblem of England? – (a rose)
9. The flag of what country did Scott see in the South Pole? – (Norway)
10. What is the flag of the USA like? – (It is blue, red and white. It has 13 stripes and 50 stars.)
11. What is the flag of our country like? – (It’s red, white and blue.)
12.What colour is a taxi in England? – (black)
Holidays and Traditions
1. What are the two traditional dishes of Christmas? – (a pudding and a roasted turkey)
2. What song do English people sing in New Year’s night? – ( Auld Lang Syne by Robert Burns)
3. What holiday is celebrated on the 25th of December? – (Christmas)
4. What holiday is celebrated on the 31st of October? – (Halloween)
5. What holiday is celebrated on the 14th of February? – (St Valentine’s Day)
6. What postcards do people receive without names? – (a Valentine card)
7. What old tradition is connected with the Tower? – (People feed the ravens living there.)
8. Why are public holidays in England called Bank holidays? – (Banks are closed on holidays)
9. How do the Londoners call taxis? – (cab)
10. Why do the students and teachers in Cambridge wear dark clothes? – (It’s an old time tradition)
11. When do people celebrate Thanksgiving Day? – (on the 4th Thursday in November)
12. When did the history of Thanksgiving Day as a holiday begin? – (since 1621)
13. In what church are the English kings crowned? – ( Westminster Abbey)
14. Where do English people traditionally put presents before Christmas? – (Christmas stockings)
Plant World
1. What is the symbol of Wales? – (daffodil)
2. What tree grows only in Australia? – (bottle – tree)
3. What tree do people decorate before Christmas? – (Christmas tree)
4. What is the symbol of England? – (rose)
5. What is the symbol of Scotland? – (thistle)
6. What tree do people in the world call as the Russian tree? – (birch)
7. What trees do koalas like? – (eucalyptus)
8. What kinds of hard fruits grow well in many parts of Britain? – (apples and pears)
After the 3rd round we’ll listen to the song singing by the 11-A. (Песню Words
F.R. David под караоке исполняет 11-А) And now we are ready to listen to our jury. (Подведение итогов 3-го раунда.)
(Звук фанфар)
And now the three leading players will compete for the right to become the winner of our game. It’s high time to begin the super game. You can see a sheet of paper in front of you. I ask you to write down your points and your answer. Please listen to the final question of today’s game. (Во время подготовки 11-В поёт песню Yellow Submarine "Beatles”) And we’ll listen to the 11-B. This song is for you, my dear friends.
Super Game:
What is the name of the 44th President of the USA? (Barak Оbama)
Let’s listen to your ideas about the last question.
(Слушаются ответы участников супер-игры и подводятся итоги всей игры, звучат фанфары в честь победителя игры.)