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Памятка по выполнению задания 38 ЕГЭ


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Памятка по выполнению задания 38.

  1. Читаем задания. Выбираем один вариант, который будем писать.

  2. Внимательно читаем план работы.

  3. Во введении пишем: общий тезис по теме проекта, указываем, что выполняем проект, его тему, о том, что нашли результаты опроса по теме.

  4. Во втором абзаце – описываем 2-3 факта из опроса. Обязательны числовые показатели.

  5. В третьем абзаце – приводим 1-2 сравнения, комментируем сравнение.

  6. В четвертом абзаце описываем проблему, которая может возникнуть, (в задании указано в какой сфере). Предлагаем ее решение.

  7. указываем свое мнение и объясняем его (о чем должно быть мнение – указано в последнем пункте задания).

  8. Не забываем делить текст на абзацы (для каждого пункта плана рекомендовано выделять один абзац). Используем вводные фразы, логические переходы от одного абзаца к другому.

  9. Проверяем написанную работу.

Полезные фразы для написания текста


  • It goes without saying that (today / nowadays) …

  • There has recently been much interest in the popularity of …

  • ____ has/have been the subject of much recent discussion and debate.

  • ____ has/have generated much interest (among e.g. adolescents) in recent times.

  • ____ has/have been the subject of much discussion and debate in recent times.

  • ____ has/have attracted much attention in recent times.

  • I am currently working on an important project to find out ……

  • That is why I am currently working on an important project to find out ……

  • (e.g. Teenagers) (always) talk about / complain that _______ and I am currently working on an important project to find out _____

  • (e.g. Many people) have difficulty deciding _______ and I am currently working on an important project to find out _____

  • As part of the project, I have found some useful statistics / data on the given topic in the form of a table / pie chart, to help give my opinion on the subject (of the project).

  • I have found some figures related to the topic, in the form of a table / pie chart, which contains some useful information, to help give my opinion on the subject of the project.

Основная часть

  • The information in the table / pie chart shows how common ____ is /are , in percentage terms,

  • The information in the table / pie chart shows the popularity of ____ , in percentages.

  • The information in the table / pie chart shows the importance of ____ , in percentage terms.

  • The information in the table / pie chart shows how important each ___ is / are, in percentages.

  • The information in the table / pie chart shows the most common reasons for which (e.g. people) prefer to _____

  • The information in the table / pie chart shows the most important options regarding ____, in percentages

  • The information in the table / pie chart shows the relative frequency of / a range of (e.g. factors).

  • According to the statistics, (e.g. travelling) is / are the most (e.g. popular activity), with ___% of the (e.g. respondents) polled choosing it / them.

  • According to the information presented, (e.g. learning environment) is / are the most (e.g. important factor), with ___ % of the (e.g. adolescents) questioned selecting it / them.

  • According to the data taken from the opinion poll, (e.g. willing to look nice) is / are (e.g. a moderately held desire), with ___ % of the (e.g. teenagers) polled choosing it / them.

  • According to the results of the opinion polls, ____ is / are moderately popular, with ___ % of (e.g. the people) polled choosing it / them.

  • According to the data, _____ is / are relatively unpopular, with ____ % of the people polled selecting it / them.

  • Importantly, ____ % of those questioned name (e.g. emailing) as their preferred (e.g. activity).

  • Notably, ____ % of the people surveyed / the respondents choose (to) _____.

  • ____ is / are the least popular choice, with just ___ % of the (e.g. people) questioned selecting it / them.

  • (e.g. Watching videos) have / has the lowest popularity rating, with just __ % of the respondents selecting it / them.

  • (e.g. Hobbies) is / are the least (e.g. important value), with just ____ % of the (e.g. respondents) choosing it / them.

  • _____ have / has a low importance rating, with just ___ % of (e.g. the people) polled selecting it / them.

  • _____ is / are the least popular (e.g. option), scoring quite low with the respondents, with just ___% of those questioned selecting it / them.

  • _____ score(s) the lowest, with just% of the respondents selecting it / them.


  • Clearly, there is a significant difference in (e.g. the activities) that the respondents opt for.

  • Obviously, the pie chart shows a significant difference in _____ that the respondents opt for.

  • It is important to note that there is a significant difference in ______ that the respondents like most.

  • It is rather apparent that two of the (e.g. eating habits) are rated almost identically.

  • (e.g. Being a teacher) is / are almost as popular as (e.g. being an engineer), with the latter having a ___ % popularity rating and the former having just ____ % less.

  • (e.g. Gymnastics) is / are the least popular (e.g. sport), and is / are not nearly as (e.g. popular / desired / liked) as (e.g. football), having a ___ % popularity rating, against only ___%.

  • (e.g. Saving electricity) is / are nowhere near as (e.g. popular) as (e.g. shopping wisely), having only a ___ % popularity rating, against ____ %.

  • (e.g. novels) are twice as popular as ______.

  • Whereas (e.g. playing computer games) have / has a ____ % popularity rating, (e.g. communicating with other people) have / has ___ %.

  • While (e.g. emailing) have / has a ___ % (e.g. importance) rating, (e.g. shopping from home) have / has only ___ %.

  • Whereas (e.g. playing computer games) is / are considered very popular, with a rating of ___ %, (e.g. playing outdoor games) come(s) a close second among (e.g. teenagers), with a ____ % rating.


  • It can be inferred that

  • It is reasonable to assume that ______


  • Notably, the statistics (presented in the table / pie chart) point to an underlying problem.

  • The results of the opinion polls point to an underlying problem.

  • The information / data in the table / pie chart points to an underlying problem.

  • It is important to note that ______ can be problematic.

  • A typical problem that can arise with (e. g. reading) is that ____

  • There is an underlying problem___

  • However, a serious problem can arise with ____

  • Obviously, a typical problem that can emerge from (e. g. surfing the Internet) is that _____

  • Undoubtedly, a problem may arise while (e.g. using computers).

  • As (e.g. being an IT specialist) is the most popular / widely- preferred / the least popular (e.g. profession), it is clear that / there is a danger that (e.g. adolescents) choose (e.g. money) over (e.g. happiness).

  • As the data shows that (e.g. the positive influence of a teacher) is the second most important factor in (e.g. motivating students), it is important to note that ____

  • As (e.g. instilling family values into teenagers) is considered to be the most important, it is likely that___

  • As (e.g. leisure) is the main reason (e.g. people travel), it is clear that ______

  • This can lead to ___


  • However, this problem can be solved if ____

  • One way of dealing with _____ is _____

  • In order to avoid, I would personally recommend (not to) _______

  • One way to solve this problem is

  • A practical solution to this problem is (e.g. for people) to ________


  • In conclusion, I believe that ___ is / are important / absolutely essential because _________

  • In conclusion, I believe / think (that) ______ play(s) an important role in our lives / in life because ____

Курсы повышения квалификации

Организация и сопровождение олимпиадной деятельности учащихся

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
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