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Научно-исследовательская работа по предмету английский язык " Почему мы изучаем английский язык"

Научно-исследовательская работа по предмету английский язык " Почему мы изучаем английский язык" на английском языке

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Тақырыбы:Ағылшын тілін үйрену неге маңызды?

Тема: Почему важно изучать английский язык?

Table of content

1Introduction......................................................................................................... 3

1.1 Hypothesis........................................................................................................ 4

1.2 Method ............................................................................................................ 4

2 The main part…….............................................................................................. 5

2.1-2.9 Results.......................................................................................................5-8

2.10 Disccusion........................................................................................................ 8

2.11 Reasons of Difficulty of Learning English............................................... 11

2.12 Reasons to learn English.................................................................................. 13

3 Conclusion.......................................................................................................... 17

4 References.......................................................................................................... 18

1 Introduction

Language could be an implication of oral communication between individuals. In this world, there are numerous languages, one among them is English. English has been an all-inclusive language for communication between nations. It is broadly utilized day by day to talk, not only in nations that utilize English as the primary language, but too in nations that use it as analternative language, such as Austria, Poland, Netherlands, and other nations. English makes it less challenging for us to get it each other who has language contrasts.

Language is a crucial part of human life. Language allows a person to make statements, express facts, and information. Explain or report something, and sustain social relationships among language users. Language enables individuals to communicate their thoughts and emotions. In our modern world plays a significant role in science and technology. Additionally, it can be utilized to build interactions in international forums and establish global partnerships.

In Kazakhstan, English has been instructed from kindergarten to college. The amount of English courses in Kazakhstan appears the significance of learning English. But numerous of them still discover it troublesome to get it. The reasons are multiple, including the state of the language, knowledge of the language, lack of practice, encouragement, speed of the speaker, listening tactics, nervousness; translation, the type of the test, lack of attention to detail, and facilities.

The mindset, abilities, and motivation are factors that influence language learning success.Motivation is an important aspect in English language learning. It can have a significant impact on a student's ability to acquire and retain the language. Students who feel inspired are more likely to devote the time and effort necessary for mastering the language.

1.1 Hypothesis

However, there have been distinctions in the ways that educators and researchers have defined "motivation." It presents four theories in an effort to provide a non-theoretical explanation of motivation:

1. The Intrinsic Hypothesis: motivation derives from an inherent interest in the learning tasks the learner is asked to perform.

2. The Resultative Hypothesis: learners who do well will persevere; those who do not do well will be discouraged and try less hard.

3. The Internal Cause Hypothesis: the learner brings to the learning situation a certain quantity of motivation as given.

4. The Carrot and Stick Hypothesis: external influences and incentives will affect the strength of the learner’s motivation (as cited in Ellis 1994, p 509).

So, the current study aims to assess students' motivation in English, which could affect their outlook toward the lessons in English as well. Furthermore, the study's findings are expected to assist instructional professionals in improving the present teaching technique employed throughout the course as a way to increase student motivation to learn English.

1.2 Method

The goal of this research was to investigate the English language learning motivation of first- and second-year students at The Higher College of Culture named after Akan Sere. To collect data for this quantitative study, the researcher used a questionnaire-based survey approach. Finding out more about the various methods used by first- and second-year students to stay motivated to learn English was the aim of the study.

All first- and second-year students received information about the plan, and they were offered the option to withdraw participation if they were uncomfortable about it. Also, they were told that they would remain anonymous throughout the research.

2 The main part


The results of the questionnaire will be shown in the section that follows. Every question will be handled.

2.1 How difficult do you think it is to learn English on a scale of 1-5? (5 indicates the highest level of difficulty).

Figure 1

Most of the students - 46.2% answered 3 on the scales, an almost equal number of students answered 2 – 20% and 4 – 21.5% , and 7.7% replied 1 , 4.6 – 5.

2.2 How would you rate your language proficiency on a scale of 0-10?

Figure 2

In this figure, you can see that most students answered that they have an intermediate level of English (level B1-B2). And the rest answered in terms of quantity that they have a primary level and a smaller part that they have the highest.

2.3 Do you find it important to learn English?

Figure 3

The major found it important to learn English. And only 1.5% thinks that not that it matters.

2.4 Motivate why or why not you find it important to learn English?

Table 1

.5 How motivated are you to learn English on a scale of 1-5? (5 indicates the highest level of motivation).

Figure 4

9.2% stated 5 , 30.8 % stated 4, 40% stated 3, 13.8 % stated 2 and 6.2 % stated 1 on the scale. This shows most students are well motivated to learn English.

2.6 When do you use your English skills outside of classroom?

Table 2

2.7 In the future, how or when do you think that your English skills will be useful?

Table 3

2.8 What types of language barriers are most typical, in your opinion?

Figure 5

51.4% answered vocabulary, 22.9% replied accent, 25.7% - grammatical differences, and no one stated cultural differences .This shows that vocabulary is the hardest for most students.

2.9 How do you maintain your desire to continue learning a language? (if you are studying) ?

Table 4


This essay aims to investigate upper secondary school pupils' attitudes regarding the English language as well as what drives them to acquire it. The questionnaire results, as well as the attitudes and motivation of the students with regard to the English language, will be covered in this part.

Figure 1 illustrates that these pupils regard learning English to be both difficult and somewhat easy.In terms of English competence, Kazakhstan is ranked extremely low among other nations, according to Education First's (EF) yearly study. Out of 113 countries worldwide, it came in at number 104 on the English Proficiency Index in 2023 [EF, 2023]. Given that multilingual education is one of Kazakhstan's top priorities in terms of education policy, the situation appears to be somewhat contradictory. One of the required national curriculum subjects in all of the nation's schools is English. In a number of Kazakhstani universities, English is the primary language of instruction.I think there's an explanation for the low English proficiency in Kazakhstan, and I'll give you a couple reasons why. Limited exposure to English in daily life in Kazakhstan, English is not commonly used in everyday life, which makes it difficult for learners to practice their language skills outside of the classroom. Most people speak Kazakh and Russian, which limits the opportunities for English learners to immerse themselves in the language and use it in real-life situations. This lack of exposure to English in daily life can hinder the progress of learners and make it difficult to develop their speaking and listening skills.And so some people consider English language unnecessary.

The majority of the students' responses in Section 1.6, which describes how they utilize their English outside of the classroom, are related to information services like artificial intelligence, movies, TV, the Internet, books, and music. When traveling and interacting with new people, the students also employ their English in these situations. These are the same explanations Modiano (2009) gives for why English is becoming more and more common throughout the EU. According to McKay (2002), popular music and the dominance of English in the film industry are the primary factors influencing today's youth's formation of a global culture. She lists travel and tourism as additional factors contributing to the enormous demand for English.

Figure 3 shows that most students are very motivated to learn English, but will this motivation persist throughout all grades? One of the hardest things to do, for both teachers and students, is to help the students maintain their motivation. This conflict might have a detrimental effect on their capacity to remain motivated. Although motivation is a process, how conscious are the students of it? A person's motivation can be impacted by a wide range of variables, both positively and negatively. There could be thirty students in a classroom, and each has a different level of drive, aspiration, and interest. It is the teacher's responsibility to engage each of these pupils on their level and provide them with the tools necessary to advance their learning. When it comes to learning a language, motivation is essential, but how much do teachers and students know about this process in the classroom?

Motivational theories are utilized to account for environmental observational data and provided results; however, how do educators apply this knowledge to modify a student's language learning style? How can someone work motivated and actively in the classroom from a pedagogical perspective? According to Lightbown and Spada (2006), not much research has been done on the relationship between motivation and pedagogy in second language classrooms. They make reference to the field of educational psychology and talk about research showing a correlation between pedagogical practices and students' increased levels of motivation. For instance:

Motivating the students into the lesson at the opening stages of Lessons (and within transitions) it has been observed that remarks teachers make about forthcoming activities can lead to higher levels of interest on the part of the students.

Varying the activities, tasks, and materials Students are reassured by the existence of classroutines they can depend on. However, lessons that always consist of the same routines, patterns, and formats have been shown to lead to a decrease in attention and increase in boredom. Varying the activities, tasks, and materials can help to avoid this and increase students’ interest levels.

Using co-operative rather than competitive goals Co-operative learning activities are those in which students must work together in order to complete a task or solve a problem. These techniques have been found to increase the self-confidence of students, including weaker ones, because every participant in a co-operative task has an important role to play. Knowing that their team-mates are counting on them can increase students’ motivation (Lightbown and Spada 2006, p 65)

Although these approaches are helpful in the classroom and contribute to the creation of positive learning environments, schools ultimately need to update both their curriculum and their teaching materials. The participants in this research have stated that their motivation for learning English stems from their use of the Internet, their viewing of TV and movies, their use of printed materials, their travels, and their need to interact with individuals globally.

2.11Reasons of Difficulty of Learning English

For anassortment of reasons, foreign language learners struggle to learn English. In spite of the fact that a few language learners consider it very straightforward to memorize, there are in any case more learners who have trouble learning than those who don’t.

There are several reasons why learning English is tricky. Students have trouble listening to and speaking English. A lack of vocabulary skills is a significant contributor to hearing difficulties. Students struggle to grasp audio or video discussions because they lack word knowledge. There are three types of causes that cause difficulties hearing. First, the message's features, such as difficult vocabulary and syntax, unfamiliar themes, and rapid delivery, make it difficult for students to pay attention. Second, the type of message delivery, whether reciprocal (interactive conversation) or non-reciprocal (one-way communication), influences the listener's ability to raise questions or seek clarification. Non reciprocal tuning in, like listening to radio broadcasts or declarations, is considered more troublesome. Lastly, person contrasts among audience members, such as inspiration, age, capacity to concentrate, and physical condition, can affect how well they get it the message. For occurrence, physically frail people may got to tune in to a message different times compared to those who are physically fit.

Moving on to the next component, we have the Speaking section. . Many students struggle with this part due to internal factors, including feelings of anxiety and fear of mispronunciation. This is often associated with external factors such as poor pronunciation, limited vocabulary and lack of grammar. Difficulty speaking often has a variety of causes, including difficulty expressing ideas, a limited vocabulary that causes sudden interruptions in speech, and limited knowledge of grammar that makes it difficult to follow important rules. Accurate and incomplete pronunciation leads to confusion and misunderstanding of the listener. And the last factor is insecurity in speaking because of fear of making a mistake.

The question arises ‘how to make learning English easier?’There are a few strategies that can be utilized to rearrange the method of learning English. The beginning approach includes creating a veritable satisfaction for the language. When people have an honest to goodness intrigued in English and discover delight in obtaining information around its grammar and structure, it is profoundly likely to assist the learning handle. Another effective technique is to preserve tirelessness when confronting the challenges of learning English. In spite of the fact that acing the language isn't a simple accomplishment, it is basic to stay decided and not allow up. Within the nonappearance of consider materials, one can continuously visit a library and borrow books to encourage learning at domestic. By tirelessly devoting time and exertion to learning English, learners are more apt to make strides their language abilities. Also, English can be made more available by practicing it in different settings. This may incorporate instructing others, locks in in conversational hone , perusing broadly , effectively tuning in to English audio or videos, singing melodies in English, utilizing test taking techniques , and completing diverse sorts of English language works out . It is vital to note that learning English could be a time consuming handle that cannot be fulfilled rapidly. It may take a few a long time to gotten to become proficient. However, the longer one dedicates to learning English, the more extensive their vocabulary will become, and they will gain a deeper understanding of grammar and structural elements within the language.

2.12Reasons to learn English

There are numerous reasons why learning English is crucial for effective communication in today's world.

Increase your significance.

As previously mentioned, English is the foremost widely talked language worldwide. It’s utilized in in various fields such as science, aviation, technology, diplomacy, and tourism, but its use extends far beyond these industries. The truth that so numerous industries depend on English as the language of instruction makes it unimaginably imperative in all viewpoints of life. By getting to be familiar in English, you’ll improve your esteem, particularly when it comes to advancing your instruction and finding work. Also, acing English will increment your chances of landing an incredible work at a multinational company inside your nation or indeed overseas.

English enables you to communicate with a large audience.
English is the most broadly spoken tongue in all of humanity. English is the most commonly spoken second language. Learning English allows you to interact with a far bigger audience than learning any other language.That’s why everyone needs to learn the language in order to get in touch on an international level.

English is the designated language of communication in a staggering 53 nations across the globe. This remarkable fact opens up a myriad of opportunities for individuals to immerse themselves in unique cultural experiences and effortlessly connect with people from diverse backgrounds, all without the need for mastering any additional languages.


Education is a crucial area where the importance of English is evident. In numerous countries, children are not just taught but also encouraged to study English as a second language, regardless of whether it is not an official language. In the realm of science, engineering, and higher education, English plays a significant role as many curriculums and educational materials are composed in this language. Its dominance in the scientific community is evident, with the majority of research and studies within various scientific fields being written in English. Moreover, at the university level, students from diverse backgrounds study almost all their subjects in English, aiming to make the content more accessible to international students. English continues to be a primary medium of instruction in schools and universities, emphasizing its importance and prevalence in the education sector. Furthermore, the vast and rich world of English literature adds to the significance of this language in education. Additionally, many of the latest scientific breakthroughs and discoveries are documented and shared in English, further highlighting its indispensable role in the field of education.

English language is beneficial for enjoyment and leisure activities.

Apart from being the language of instruction for all knowledge, learning English gives us access to a wide range of entertainment such as top films, books, and music. It also allows for a better cultural understanding. Speaking English eliminates the need for translations and subtitles when enjoying our favorite books, songs, films, and TV shows.

Easy to learn

Learning English may seem daunting to some, but in reality, it is considered one of the easiest languages to learn due to the abundance of resources at your disposal. Once you make the decision to start learning, you will find that there are countless tools and materials available online and in physical stores to support your language journey.

It is widely believed that English is not the most challenging language to master. The dictionary is easy to comprehend and has been created in various languages. Therefore, understanding the origins of English concepts allows many speakers of these languages to easily adapt and grasp the fundamentals of English.

Travel and business

Generally, English has ended up a vital device for victory in both travel and trade. By acing the language, people can extend their skylines, interface with individuals from distinctive foundations, and flourish in a competitive worldwide advertise. Within the commerce world, English aptitudes are exceedingly esteemed by managers. When applying for occupations in different businesses, having a great get a handle on of the language can set you separated from other candidates. Numerous companies prioritize contracting people who are fluent in English, because it is the essential language utilized for worldwide commerce communication. Being able to successfully communicate in English is pivotal for proficient development and progression in a worldwide workforce. Having a solid command of the English language is basic for both travel and commerce endeavors. English is the all-inclusive language for communication and understanding, making it less demanding for people to explore through diverse nations and societies. Whether booking a trip online or conducting trade gatherings, English capability opens up endless openings for victory.

Have you ever felt the excitement of uncovering something new? Learning English can give you a similar feeling of accomplishment. English is not only a practical tool for communication, but it also encourages you to appreciate the process of learning and inspires you to chase after your aspirations.

The significance of the English language in research cannot be understated. When conducting research, whether it be online or through traditional journal sources, English language articles and journals are prevalent. Without an understanding of English, the ability to effectively research is severely hindered, particularly in fields such as design where a majority of sources are in English. Additionally, advancements in technology, science, and the dissemination of scientific findings are predominantly communicated in English. Therefore, proficiency in the English language is essential for successful research endeavors.

A wonderful and thought-provoking challenge.

Engaging in the intricate puzzle that is the English language presents a formidable mental challenge. With its nuanced differences, intricate pronunciations, peculiar regulations, and frustrating exceptions, mastering this language requires unwavering dedication and perseverance. Opting to learn English can be a rewarding decision for those seeking a fresh intellectual endeavor. The widespread usage of English provides access to a rich tapestry of diverse cultural encounters, fostering the growth of communication abilities, fostering connections with a diverse array of individuals, and bolstering the ability to navigate unfamiliar situations with confidence.


In addition to its status as the dominant language of the Internet, English offers more than just educational content. It provides access to a plethora of entertaining materials, such as memes, funny videos, and quirky jokes. By learning English, individuals can fully appreciate the humor behind popular memes and enjoy the unique entertainment they offer. This opens up a world of amusement and enjoyment that would otherwise be inaccessible without a good grasp of the English language.

English in Science, Technology, and Innovation

Envision being instrumental in pioneering breakthroughs in the realms of science and technology. Through mastering the English language, you will have the incredible opportunity to actively engage with international research networks, forging collaborations with exceptionally talented individuals from diverse nations. By communicating your concepts and pioneering inventions in English, you will become an integral part of the worldwide endeavor to mold the future and generate a profound positive influence on society.


English is a diverse language that has developed over many years and is now spoken in different forms worldwide. Despite this diversity, English is important for international communication and needs some standardization to ensure understanding among different social groups. The challenge is to find a balance between diversity and a common language. Learning English is valuable and can provide many opportunities in personal and professional life. Continuously practicing will make you more confident in using English. Additionally, enjoying the process of learning English, including grammar and structure, can contribute to faster learning. Learning English is necessary because it helps with communication and research. It is important to start teaching English at a young age to establish a strong foundation.

Motivation is a crucial factor in learning. Without motivation, it is difficult to achieve learning goals as the effort and desire of students affect their ability to reach these goals. Having motivation will inspire students to actively participate in the learning process and better understand English. A lack of motivation may hinder success in learning a foreign language. Therefore, having high motivation can positively impact language learning success. Most students recognize the importance of English in both their academic and personal lives, and but some of them have problems with the desire to continue learn English. They view English as a tool to satisfy their internal desires and achieve their goals. Students with high motivation are more likely to learn English effectively and be more successful than those without motivation. The combination of motivation and strategy is key to successful language learning, while the improper use of learning strategies can lead to failure.

Before starting your English studies, it is important to ask yourself why you want to learn English. This will help you determine your personal goal and choose the best learning method that aligns with your interests.


Ellis, R. (1994). The Study of Second Language Acquisition. London: Oxford University Press.

Lightbown, P. M., & Spada, N. (2006). How Languages Are Learned (3rd ed.). Oxford: Oxford University.

Wentzel, Kathryn R. &Wigfield, Allan (2009) (red.), Handbook of motivation at school, Routledge, New York, NY, 2009.

McKay, Sandra (2002) Teaching English as an international language: rethinking goals and approaches, Oxford University Press, Oxford

Modiano, Marko (2009) EIL, Native-speakerism and the Failure of European ELT in Sharifian, Farzad (red) English as an international language: perspectives and pedagogical issues, Multilingual Matters, Bristol

Education First (2023). English Proficiency Index 2023. Retrieved fromKazakhstan | EF English Proficiency Index | EF Global Site (English)

Link to the questionnairehttps://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeBGk1pp8jxN0MIg63cbTt7uEP0rbhSBj9atrz74KQMPkJZgQ/viewform?usp=sf_link

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