
My profession is a Teacher

There are professions – vocations – and people surrender themselves wholly to these professions. Undoubtedly, the profession of a teacher is one of them.


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There are professions – vocations – and people surrender themselves wholly to these professions. Undoubtedly, the profession of a teacher is one of them.

Even if you want to be a teacher you can’t become a good one. You must be born one. Love for children, an ability to communicate with them, understand and teach them – these are the most important qualities of a genuine teacher. An ability to be a genuine teacher is God’s gift; it’s a talent like the talent of a writer, an artist or a musician. In my point of view it’s even more – it’s fate. I think a teacher is like a sculptor: he moulds a personality out of a child like a sculptor creates a beautiful statue out of clay.

Pedagogy is a very complex and responsible study; probably, no less responsible than medicine. As a patient hands to the doctor the most expensive thing – his life, so parents entrust the teacher with the most valuable creature – their child. And mainly it depends on a teacher what kind of person a child will grow up to be: a genius or a villain. If you have been dreaming of become a teacher since your childhood, it’s not a problem nowadays.

In Russia there are more than 250 teachers training colleges and universities; six of them are in Moscow. Every year thousands of young people graduate from these colleges to come to school on September 1st. According to a survey, more than 70 per cent of students enter these colleges by their own choice, and it is well-known to them what difficult and sometimes ungrateful work is waiting for them after receiving their diplomas. In the process of education when they were asked whether they were sorry about their choice of profession, 60 per cent said that they were not sorry at all. Judging by these facts, I can say that teachers come to school not for money (the salary of a teacher is laughable), but they simply can’t help coming because it’s their vocation to work with children.

The profession of a teacher combines both joy and sorrow.

A person who gets pedagogical training should master a lot of knowledge. But the main thing he should understand is according to what laws and rules the personality of a child develops. The most important of them are love and mercy. Doctors have a rule: “Don’t do harm”. I think teachers must also follow this rule; because there is nothing more valuable than children and it depends on teachers what kind of people the children will become. In my opinion, a teacher is responsible for all his pupils, for, according to Antoine de Saint Exupйry we are answerable for those whom we have tamed.

To be a teacher means to share your knowledge with children. It is an indescribable feeling when children come to you and tell: “Thank you for the lesson”.

To be teacher is to be a student for life. And I am going to improve my knowledge in my sphere and some other, because teacher need to know much in order to teach children and answer their questions. Nowadays new technologies and methods are appearing and teacher need to be able to use them. That is why teacher is not only a teacher, but also a student.

And of course teacher should love children. I really love to work with children. For me, it is very enjoyable, interesting and useful, because I can learn something new from my pupils and can share my knowledge with them. Therefore I chose the profession of a teacher.

Some people think that the profession of a teacher is important and noble, while others claim it has lost its positions and it is not as respected as it used to be.

A teacher is a person who plays a very important role in children's development, upbringing and education. One should have some particular traits of character to be a success in this profession.

I strongly feel that the profession of a teacher is one of the most important professions in the world. A teacher is always responsible for his or her pupils. He or she should encourage their inner development, protect them from any negative influence and watch their progress carefully. A teacher's responsibility is not only to educate a child. He or she should also understand pupils' feelings and dreams, share their problems and give good advice. A real teacher is a person who can inspire his pupils with interest and love for his or her subject. What is more, a teacher may even become as important for children as their parents.

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