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Must a Politician be Kind?

Целью данного урока является создание условий для развития способностей учащихся к сравнению, формулированию выводов из прочитанного, сказанного и услышанного по теме.

Содержимое разработки

 Must a Politician Be Kind?

Must a Politician Be Kind?

What kind of people can   succeed in politics?  2. What traits of character   should they have?  3. What kind of person is an   ideal politician in your   opinion?
  • What kind of people can succeed in politics? 2. What traits of character should they have? 3. What kind of person is an ideal politician in your opinion?
р opular   трудолюбивый strong-willed   честный hard-working   патриотический honest   популярный sociable   общительный patriotic   одаренный risky   властолюбивый power-loving рискованный gifted волевой
  • р opular трудолюбивый
  • strong-willed честный
  • hard-working патриотический
  • honest популярный
  • sociable общительный
  • patriotic одаренный
  • risky властолюбивый
  • power-loving рискованный
  • gifted волевой
Positive traits Negative traits

Positive traits

Negative traits

Niccolo Machiavelli wrote that it was necessary for a politician to be…

Niccolo Machiavelli wrote that it was necessary for a politician to be…

A politician should be power-loving. A politician should be risky. A politician should be ruthless. A politician should be pliable. A politician should be a real personality.
  • A politician should be power-loving.
  • A politician should be risky.
  • A politician should be ruthless.
  • A politician should be pliable.
  • A politician should be a real personality.
1. What traits of character should a good politician have? 2. Who is an ideal politician in your opinion?
  • 1. What traits of character should a good politician have?
  • 2. Who is an ideal politician in your opinion?
Konnik V.V., a teacher of History A good politician should be honest, tolerant and hard-working. As for me, an ideal politician is Peter Stolypin. He fought for equality for peasants. He did his best to make Russia equal with other European countries.

Konnik V.V., a teacher of History

  • A good politician should be honest, tolerant and hard-working.
  • As for me, an ideal politician is Peter Stolypin. He fought for equality for peasants. He did his best to make Russia equal with other European countries.
Bliznuk O.I., a teacher of History I think that V.V.Putin is a good example of an ideal politician. He is a strong-willed and hard-working person. He understands all the problems that our society has and tries to solve these problems.

Bliznuk O.I., a teacher of History

  • I think that V.V.Putin is a good example of an ideal politician. He is a strong-willed and hard-working person. He understands all the problems that our society has and tries to solve these problems.
Kharchenko N.V., a teacher of History A good politician should be honest with people, competent and principled. V.V. Putin is a strong-willed and confident politician. He has his own opinion but his main trait is that he can convince people.

Kharchenko N.V., a teacher of History

  • A good politician should be honest with people, competent and principled.
  • V.V. Putin is a strong-willed and confident politician. He has his own opinion but his main trait is that he can convince people.
D.Medvedev V.Putin V.Zhirinovsky




An ideal politician

An ideal politician

I  feel … because I … Negative emotions irritation boredom sadness anxiety unsatisfaction Positive emotions proud admiration surprise happiness satisfaction was bored didn’t relax worked hard got a good mark fulfilled the task  was active, emotional answered properly got much new information

I feel …

because I …

Negative emotions

  • irritation
  • boredom
  • sadness
  • anxiety
  • unsatisfaction

Positive emotions

  • proud
  • admiration
  • surprise
  • happiness
  • satisfaction

was bored

didn’t relax

worked hard

got a good mark

fulfilled the task

was active, emotional

answered properly

got much new information

Homework:   write an essay on the topic “ A Good Politician, as I Understand It”.


  • write an essay on the topic “ A Good Politician, as I Understand It”.
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Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
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