Разработки  /  Английский язык  /  Уроки  /  5 класс  /  Musical instruments

Musical instruments

в этом уроке мы проходили с Excel, было очень весело. использовала видео с диска и слушание тоже было.


Содержимое разработки

Short term plan

Unit 5: Creativity

School: School-gymnasium named after Gani Muratbaev Muratbayev


Teacher name: Muratova Assel


Number present: 14


Lesson title

Musical instrument

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to (link to the Subject programme)

5.L5 Understand most specific information and detail of supported, extended talk on a range general and curricular topics.

5.R3 Understand the detail of an argument on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

5.S6 Communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

  • recognize particular information and details while listening;

Most learners will be able to:

  • identify actual details in a given argument related to the topic

Some learners will be able to:

  • present ideas and thoughts clearly

Assessment criteria

  • identify the speaker's point of view in a simple conversation on general topics with some support

  • recognize factual details in a given argument related to the topic

  • express the opinions and thoughts clearly

Language objectives

Learners can: talk about musical instruments

Specific phrases: I can play.., in my mind…, in my opinion;

Key words: Musical instruments (piano, harp, drums, accordion, acoustic guitar, violin, electric guitar, bass guitar, saxophone, synthesiser, cello); Types of music (rock, jazz, classical, ethnic, folk, heavy metal, disco, pop).

Value links

love for music, desire for knowledge, friendship, ability to listen , ability to assess

Cross curricular links


Previous learning



Planned timings

Planned activities





Class organization

The teacher greets the learners and asks questions to them.

Learners have to choose one card and are divided into 2 groups with the help of these cards:

1st group- kobyz

2nd group-dombra

Warm-up and lesson objectives presentation


What kind of kazakh national instruments do you know?

Ok, now listen and guess!

  1. Dombra

  2. Zhetygen

  3. Kobyz

Teacher introduces the lesson objectives.



interactive board CDR








Basketball question” strategy.

What kind of musical instruments do you know?

What can you say about our kazakh instrumenst?

Do you play any musical instrument?

What is your favourite musical instrument?

Who is your favourite group?

What kind of music do you like to listen to?

Who is your favourite Kazakh singer?

Learners guess the topic of the lesson.

Presentation of new topical vocabulary (I)

Harp- [hɑːp] Арфа

Drums-[drʌm] Барабандар

drumstick [ˈdrʌmstɪk] барабан таяқшасы

Accordion- [ əˈkɔː.di.ən ] аккордеон

acoustic guitar- [ əˈkuː.stɪk ] аккустикалық гитара

Violin- [ ˌvaɪəˈlɪn ] скрипка

Saxophone-[ ˈsæk.sə.fəʊn ] саксафон

synthesizer- [ ˈsɪn.θə.saɪ.zər ] синтезатор

cello - [ ˈtʃel.əʊ ] виолончель

Task 1. Listen and match the types of music A-H to the musical instruments in the pictures.

Musical instruments (piano, harp, drums, accordion, acoustic guitar, violin, electric guitar, bass guitar, saxophone, synthesizer, cello); Types of music (rock, jazz, classical, ethnic, folk, heavy metal, disco, pop)

Descriptor: a learner

  • listens and matches the active words

  • spells the words correctly

Differentiation task 2. Reading (P)

Conversational approach” strategy.


Some learners will be able to:

  • present ideas and thoughts clearly

Read the paragraphs 1-3 about the effects of music. Match the headings to the correct paragraphs 1-3.

A. Music for stress and pain

B. Get a better score and remember more

C. The right music to study better

D. All kinds of music have an effect

1.__A__Music is not just entertainment. It is medicine for both the brain and the body. Don Campbell is an expert on The Mozart effect and the incredible power of music. He says that all kinds of music, from Mozart to jazz, from Latin to rock can affect our learning and our health.

2.__D__ Many people use music to help them feel relaxed after a busy day at work. Music can also reduce the stress of being ill, especially by reducing pain. The director of Baltimore Hospital says that thirty minutes of classical music has the same effect as ten milligrams of the painkiller Valium.

3.__B___ Music helps you to study better and it can also actually make you more intelligent. In one study, students who listened to Mozart before doing a test got much higher marks than those who didn't. Many studies also show that children who learn to play a musical instrument before the age of twelve have better memories for the rest of their lives.


  • reads the paragraphs for general information

  • matches the headings with the paragraphs

B- Level

Most learners will be able to:

  • identify actual details in a given argument related to the topic

Read the text. Mark the statements True (T), False (F) or Not given (NG).

1.____Music is not just entertainment. It is medicine for both the brain and the body. Don Campbell is an expert on The Mozart effect and the incredible power of music. He says that all kinds of music, from Mozart to jazz, from Latin to rock can affect our learning and our health.

2.____ Many people use music to help them feel relaxed after a busy day at work. Music can also reduce the stress of being ill, especially by reducing pain' The director of Baltimore Hospital says that thirty minutes of classical music has the same effect as ten milligrams of the painkiller Valium.

3._____ Music helps you to study better and it can also actually make you more intelligent. In one study, students who listened to Mozart before doing a test got much higher marks than those who didn't. Many studies also show that children who learn to play a musical instrument before the age of twelve have better memories for the rest of their lives.

1. Music is good for our bodies and brains. __T__

2. Don Campbell loves Mozart's music. __NG__

3. Music helps many people to relax after work. __T__

4. Many hospitals use music to help with pain. __T__

5. Only Mozart's music helps you study. __F__


  • reads the paragraphs for general information

  • finds factual details and distinguishes True, False or Not given statements


All learners will be able to:

  • recognize particular information and details while listening and reading

Read the text and fill in the gaps

1.____Music is not just entertainment. It is medicine for both the brain and the body. Don Campbell is an expert on The Mozart effect and the incredible power of music. He says that all ___(kind, sort, type) of music, from Mozart to jazz, from Latin to rock can affect our learning and our___ (hand, eyes, health).

2.____ Many ___( animals, people, cars) use music to help them feel relaxed after a busy day at work. ___( play, music) can also reduce the stress of being ill, especially by reducing pain' The director of Baltimore Hospital says that thirty minutes of ___( classical, time, clock ) music has the same effect as ten milligrams of the painkiller Valium.

3._____ Music helps you to study ___( better, bad) and it can also actually make you more intelligent. In one study, students who listened to Mozart before doing a test got much higher marks than those who didn't. Many studies also show that ___( children, cat, adults) who learn to play a musical instrument before the age of twelve have better memories for the rest of their lives.

Peer assessment sheet.


  • reads the paragraphs for general information

  • fill in the gap correctly

Formative assessment task 3. Listen and match the people to the instrument they play.

  1. Maggie A. electric guitar

  2. Leslie B. harmonica

  3. David C. flute

  4. Simon D. accordi0n

  5. Laura E. violin

  6. Ann F. drums

G. synthesizer

H. bass guitar

Descriptor: a learner

  • listen to the song;

  • talks to a partner or in a group;

  • match the words

Formative assessment: Teacher assesses learners with oral comments such as: excellent, good work, well done etc.

Task 4 “ Kahoot”

Play with team the game “ Kahoot”

There are 8 questions about musical instruments

Choose only one answer

PPT (slide 5)

PPT (slide 6)

Students book


(slide 8)


(slide 9)


Gtade 5








Home task

Feedback: "Choice" strategy.

Name:_______ Sign: + or -

I think that the lesson was interesting for me.

I think that the lesson was boring for me.

I have learned more things today.

I have learned little things today.

I have listened other learners carefully

I haven`t listened to other learners carefully

I have often participated in the debates

I haven`t often participated in the debates

I am grateful for my achievements in class

I am not grateful for my achievements in class

Students should make a poster about “ My favourite instrument”


(slide 10)

feedback sheets

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Health and safety check

Differentiation by support, giving more help to certain learners within pairs and/or groups.
Allow thinking time.
Offer differentiation by differentiating questions (yes/no, open ended questions).

A teacher assesses student understanding by listening to the learners’ responses and by taking anecdotal notes.
Learners assess their understanding by comparing with the answers.
Learners record what they consider they have learned from the reading passage and from the lesson.

The room is aired before lessons.
Students are informed of the rules how to behave in the classroom


Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?

What did the learners learn today?

What was the learning atmosphere like?

Did my planned differentiation work well?

Did I stick to timings? What changes did I make from my plan and why?

Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson.

I think my objectives are realistic. Because objectives are smaller steps that help learners to achieve main aim. My planned differentiation work well, because I prepare tasks includes of all level learners. Next time I will take more understandable strategies in order to improve learners’ speaking, reading, writing and listening skills.

Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?

In my opinion in this lesson was good to read the paragraphs 1-4 about the effects of music, match the headings to the correct paragraphs 1-4 and connecting with new theme.

What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?

I think using feedback during the lesson improves learners’ motivation and then we need to establish the correct assessment criteria on a regular basis.

What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?

I learned from this lesson how to use lesson objectives and assessment criteria.

«Таңдау» әдісі.

Орындаған: «+,-» белгісін қою

Мен үшін сабақ қызықты болды деп ойлаймын.

Мен үшін сабақ қызықсыз


Мен сабақта көп нәрсе үйрендім

Менің сабақта үйренгенім аз


Мен басқаларды мұқият тыңдадым

Мен басқаларды зейінсіз


Мен пікірсайыстарға жиі қатыстым

Мен пікірсайыстарға сирек


Мен сабақтағы өз жетістіктеріме ризамын

Мен сабақтағы өз

жетістіктеріме риза емеспін.

Курсы повышения квалификации

Исследовательская деятельность учащихся

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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