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"Music"(В мире музыки) Spotlight 9

Это открытый урок, который может быть обобщающим и завершающим в системе уроков учебника Spotlight 9, Module 5. Так как учащимся было дано предварительное задание по подготовке этого урока, они творчески подошли к его осуществлению.


Содержимое разработки

Урок английского языка в 9-м классе по теме"Музыка"

Габдрахимова А.Р.- учитель английского языка

Тема урока « В мире музыки»

( По учебнику «Spotlight» 9 класс )

Цели урока:

Учебная: совершенствование лексико-грамматических навыков говорения и умения вести диалогическую и монологическую речь по заданной тематике, совершенствование представления о некоторых музыкальных стилях (джаз, блюз, фолк-музыка, кантри-музыка), совершенствовать умение понимать англоязычную речь на слух, совершенствование техники поискового чтения и письменной речи, развивать навыки сотрудничества через работу в парах и группах.

Развивающая: развивать познавательную активность обучающихся в процессе обучения иностранному языку и музыке с использованием интегрированных уроков и ИКТ, развивать речевые умения, способность к языковой догадке, сравнению, обобщению.

Воспитательная: воспитывать у учащихся уважительное и толерантное отношение к мнению собеседника, развивать стремление узнать больше о музыке других стран, расширение общего кругозора учащихся; усиление интереса к урокам английского языка и музыки в целом.

Тип урока: урок совершенствования знаний, умений и навыков, целевого применения усвоенного материала.

Оборудование урока: презентация, гитара; опорный конспект.

Технологии: здоровьесберегающие, игровые, информационно- коммуникативные, карточки с заданиями.

Методы обучения: творческий, наглядный, частично-поисковый, рефлексия.

Ход урока

  1. Орг. момент. T: Hello, children. I am glad to see you. Hello, dear guests. We are glad to see you, too. Today we have an unusual lesson. Before telling the name of the lesson I want you to see two surprises, which were prepared by our pupils. (Звучит отрывок игры на гитаре. Далее рассказывают 2 учащихся стихотворение «Музыка» Уолтера де ла Мэра на английском и русском языках).

  2. Целеполагание. Today we are going to talk about music. Music is a universal language.

  3. Речев.зарядка Look at the blackboard. there is a spidergram. You are to fill it in.

types -----MUSIC-----people----instruments

Do you play any musical instrument? What kind of music do you prefer? Have you got an MP3-player?

-T: What do you think about when you listen to music?

P1: When I listen to music it pictures in my mind days off.

P2: When I listen to music it makes me remember happy days.

P3: When I listen to music it makes me think of different seasons.

P4. When I listen to music I forget about everything.

P5. When I listen to music I want to sing and dance.

P6. When I listen to music I dream about my future life.

P7. When I listen to music I see green forests, high mountains, deep sees and rivers.

-T. Where can we hear music?

P4. We can hear music everywhere: in concert halls, shops, on TV, over the radio, in the parks, at homes, in transport and even in the street.

-T: But what role does music play in your life?

P1: Music helps me to work and to rest.

P2. Music helps me to live and to learn.

P3. It reflects our mood, our state of soul, our style of life.

P4: Music appeals to our hearts and feelings.

P5: Music transforms our feelings.

T. 1. Some people say it is difficult to understand this music. One can hear this music at theatres, on TV and over the radio. This music was composed by great famous composers. Performers usually sing or dance to this music.


3. This music is popular mostly with young people. It is performed by modern electronic instruments. There are hard and heavy-metal styles.

4. This music lives for centuries. Every nation has its own national music and dance ensembles.

5. It is a musical style where the singer speaks or shouts the words.

6. It is an American style of music. It was created by black Americans. The constant elements are improvisation.

7. You can hear this music every day and everywhere. There are a lot of musical groups who perform this kind of music.

  1. Фон. зарядка. One smart man, he felt smart. Two smart men, they both felt smart. Three smart men, they all felt smart.

  2. Чтение текста Look at our spidergram. We’ve spoken about types of music, about music itself. I think now it’s time to speak about people- one of the most famous composers W.A.Mozart and answer the questions.

  3. Диалоги Which types of music do you prefer? (Микродиалоги о музыкальных вкусах.) Discuss your likes/dislikes with your partner. E.g.: I like classical music, I find it relaxing. – I prefer the hip-hop miusic. It makes me want to dance. You are to choose a favourite piece of music you’d like to listen to while you do each activity.

1 studying ______________________________

2 driving ______________________________

3 falling asleep ______________________________

4 waking up ______________________________

5 travelling by train ______________________________

6 cooking ______________________________

To be honest, I’m not too keen on it. I prefer

  1. Аудирование T. When I listen to music I can think about nothing but music. As for me, I’m fond of pop music and I want you to get closer to the music of my youth. Listen to the song of a very popular group ABBA “Thank you for the music” and do the task.

  2. Релаксация. Загадка, как прием релаксации. What can run but never walks? Has a mouth but never talks? Has a bed but never sleeps? Has a head but never weeps? (a river)

  3. ПисьмоT: Here’s a chance to write to your favourite actor or pop star. Complete the letter below. If you need any help, look at the suggestions below. Then send your letter and wait ….wait… wait …….and may be one day you’ll get an answer.

Dear ( 1) ________________ ,

My name is (2)_______________ .I am (3)_______ years old and I’m your greatest fan. I think you are (4) _________________________.

The thing I like most about you is your (5) _______________________. And the way you (6)______________________ . If you ever come to (7) ________________I hope you’ll come to see me. We could (8) ______________________________together and talk about (9) ___________________________ .Then you could answer the one question I’ve always wanted to ask you about (10)________________________________?

I know you get a lot of letters from fans but just please answer mine.

Your (11) ___________fan.


(1)Phillip, Alla, Britney, Craig, other

(2)Olga, Peter, Natasha, Tanya, other

(3)14, 15, 16

(4) wonderful, fantastic, drop dead gorgeous, handsome, other

(5) voice, smile, hair, nose, other

(6) move, dance, sing, play the guitar, other

(7) Moscow, St Petersburg, Ufa, Belebey, other

(8) go to a disco, walk in the moonlight, have dinner at McDonald’s, other

(9) music, money, life, our future, other

(10)Will you marry me? Will you love me? Is that your real hair? Are you tattoos fake? others

(11) loving, devoted, number one, crazy, other

Итоги урока. Выставление и комментирование оценок.

Рефлексия с помощью опор на интерактивной доске. Which emotions do you feel? – I feel:

Positive emotions

Negative emotions












Because I:

was not bored,

worked hard

was active

received a good mark.

The lesson is over. Good bye, class.

T. So my dear friends, today you have had a good opportunity to express your attitude to music. You were creative at the lesson. Your opinion about our lesson. Continuo the sentences.
«1. The lesson was…2. I learned about…3. For me was very interesting to know that…»

I liked your music topic and I am going to put you good and excellent marks. You really did your best and I am extremely pleased to have such good pupils. Maybe you have some questions. We can speak and tell much else but it is time to finish. And your task for the next lesson is to write about your favourite singer …Our lesson is over. Good luck! And good-bye!

Курсы повышения квалификации

Практическая грамматика английского языка

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
1000 руб.
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