Разработки  /  Английский язык  /  Подготовка к ЕГЭ  /  11 класс  /  Множественное число английских существительных

Множественное число английских существительных


Содержимое разработки


Упражнение 1. Образуйте форму множественного числа нижеприведенных существительных.

month, horse, flower, potato, book, plan, bridge, match, nose, bus, box, army, carrot, watch, onion, shop, address, day, fly, hotel, lady, key, gate, clock, office, city.

Упражнение 2. Распределите существительные по колонкам в зависимости от того, как произносится окончание множественного числа.

Friend, cinema, bottle, lake, bus, glass, bed, boy, hat, cap, tape, shop, brush, bench, box.



















Упражнение 3. Давайте попрактикуемся в образовании множественного числа для существительных с определенными окончаниями.


Вставьте следующие слова во множественном числе в следующие предложения.

Story, city, country, dictionary, key, party, tray

  1. The students in my class come from many ... of our republic.

  2. My money and my ... are in my pocket.

  3. By the end of the term we’ll have to read a few ... by S. Maugham.

  4. I like going to ... because I enjoy socializing with people.

  5. People carry their food on ... at a cafeteria.

  6. We always look up words in ... when we write essays.

  7. Sportsmen from different ... of the world take part in the Olympic Games.


Knife, life, thief, roof, loaf, cliff, wolf

  1. Please put the forks, … and spoons on the table.

  2. Packs of ... hunting nearby caused so much fear that nobody went to the forest mushrooming.

  3. We all have some problems in our ...

  4. All the houses were covered with tiled ...

  5. The ... were caught and arrested.

  6. We could see the white ... of Great Britain in the distance.

  7. The kitchen bread-bin contained three ... of sliced white bread and two buns.


Dish, glass, match, potato, bush, tax, bus, tomato, photo

  1. Bob drinks eight... of water every day.

  2. Can you take a few ... of me and Rachel?

  3. Please put the ... and the silverware on the table.

  4. All citizens pay money to the government every year. They pay their ...

  5. I can see trees and ... outside the window.

  6. I want to light the candles. I need some ...

  7. When I make salad, I use lettuce and ...

  8. Sometimes Sue has a hamburger and French-fried ... for dinner.

  9. Are there any ... from here to the town center?

 Упражнение 4.

Найдите 6 ошибок в образовании множественного числа существительных, заканчивающихся на –O.

Photoes, dodoes, zeroes, tomatoes, Negroes, potatos, kiloes, buffaloes, videos, pianoes, mosquitoes, stereoes, radios, studios, echos, heroes.

Упражнение 5. Образуйте форму множественного числа нижеприведенных существительных, оканчивающихся на – O.

Cargo, piano, video, zoo, potato, Eskimo, hero, dodo, disco, cockatoo, tomato, Negro, volcano, mosquito, studio, photo, dingo, kangaroo.

Упражнение 6. Образуйте множественное число существительных, оканчивающихся на –F/-FE.

Shelf, calf, grief, cliff, life, knife, proof, reef, sheaf, wife, safe, gulf, self, elf, leaf, loaf, wolf, chief.

Упражнение 7. Образуйте множественное число следующих существительных и аббревиатур.

Mouse, deer, foot, woman, sheep, p., goose, Norman, ox, swine, aircraft, M.P., tooth, child, man, German, grouse.

Упражнение 8. Образуйте множественное число следующих заимствованных существительных.

Phenomenon, crisis, stimulus, index, antenna, formula, datum, nucleus, criterion, analysis, apparatus, basis, appendix, tableau, radius, miasma, hypothesis, axis, genus, vertebra.

Упражнение 9. Образуйте множественное число следующих сложных существительных.

Boy-messenger, sister-in-law, text-book, pocket-knife, statesman, fellow-worker, merry-go-round, man-servant, hotel-keeper, forget-me-not, lady-bird, woman-doctor, looker-on, editor-in-chief, passer-by, commander-in-chief, handful.

Упражнение 10. Напишите перевод слов в скобках, используйте единственное или множественное число.

  1. (Дети) should not forget to brush their (зубы) twice a day.

  2. How many (вулканов) are still active in Japan?

  3. (Моя свекровь) always got along with her three (невестками).

  4. Look! How beautiful the (ландыши) are!

  5. On your way home buy some (картофеля) and (помидоров) and pick up the (фотографии) from the photographer’s.

  6. The job of (пожарных) is quite dangerous.

  7. (Почтальоны) deliver mail early in the morning.

  8. They sailed from India with (грузами) of (шелка, чая и табака разных сортов).

  9. Laura has always given me good (советы).

Упражнение 11. Раскройте скобки, употребите в нужном числе и согласуйте предложение при помощи глагола to be (где необходимо).

  1. All the dirty (одежда)... in the washing machine.

  2. These two (перекрестка) ... dangerous places for (водителей) and (пешеходов)...

  3. Both the (средства)... of transport save energy.

  4. (Эти деньги)... not mine. I can’t take it.

  5. The bad (новость)... that the train is delayed by an hour.

  6. Many (видов)... of aquatic plants need very little light.

  7. She got some (советов) ... from the tourist agency. (Они) ... very useful.

  8. Several (пешеходов)... injured during the accident.

  9. There (много полезных советов) ... in the book on baby care.

  10. (Эти виды)... of birds are very rare.

  11. The (полиция) ... investigating a series of attacks in the area.

  12. We found with a sense of relief that there ... no (комаров) ... at the campsite.

  13. (Физика) ... her favourite subject.

  14. (Фонетика)... a brand of linguistics.

  15. In summer (скот) ... mainly fed on green grass.

Упражнение 1. Months, horses, flowers, potatoes, books, plans, bridges, matches, noses, buses, boxes, armies, carrots, watches, onions, shops, addresses, days, flies, hotels, ladies, keys, gates, clocks, offices, cities.

Упражнение 2.




1. lakes

2. hats

3. caps

4. tapes

5. shops

1. friends

2. cinemas

3. bottles

4. beds

5. boys

1. buses

2. glasses

3. brushes

4. benches

5. boxes


A – 1 cities, 2 keys, 3 stories, 4 parties, 5 trays, 6 dictionaries, 7 countries

B  -  1 knives, 2 wolves, 3 lives, 4 roofs, 5 thieves, 6 cliffs, 7 loaves

С – 1 glasses, 2 photos, 3 dishes, 4 taхes, 5 bushes, 6 matches, 7 tomatoes, 8 potatoes, 9 buses

Упражнение 4. Photoes, dodoes, zeroes, tomatoes, Negroes, potatoes, kiloes, buffaloes, videos, pianoes, mosquitoes, stereoes, radios, studios, echoes, heroes.

Упражнение 5. Cargoes, pianos, videos, zoos, potatoes, Escimos, heroes, dodo (e) s, discos, cockatoos, tomatoes, Negroes, volcano (e) s, mosquitoes, studios, photos, dingo (e) s, kangaroos. 

Упражнение 6. Shelves, calves, griefs, cliffs, lives, knives, proofs, reefs, sheaves, wives, selves, gulfs, selves, elves, leaves, loaves, wolves, chiefs.

Упражнение 7. Mice, deer, feet, women, sheep, pp., geese, Normans, oxen, swine, aircraft, M.P.s, teeth, children, men, Germans, grouse.

Упражнение 8. Phenomena, crises, stimuli, indices or indexes, antennae, formulae, data, nuclei, criteria, analyses, apparatus или apparatuses, bases, appendices или appendixes, tableaux, radii, miasmata, hypotheses, axes, genera, vertebrae.

Упражнение 9. Boy-messengers, sisters-in-law, text-books, pocket-knives, statesmen, fellow-workers, merry-go-rounds, men-servants, hotel-keepers, forget-me-nots, lady-birds, women-doctors, lookers-on, editors-in-chief, passers-by, commanders-in-chief, handfuls.

Упражнение 10. children / teeth, 2 volcanos, 3 my mother-in-law / daughters-in-law, 4 lilies-of-the-valley, 5 potatoes / tomatoes / photos, 6 firemen, 7 postmen, 8 loads / silk / tea / tobaccos, 9 advice

Упражнение 11. clothes are, 2 crossroads are /  drivers / pedestrians, 3 means, 4 this money is, 5 news is, 6 species, 7 advice / it is, 8 pedestrians were, 9 is much useful advice, 10 These species, 11 police are, 12  were no mosquitoes, 13 Physics is, 14 phonetics is, 15 cattle are

Курсы повышения квалификации

Современные педагогические технологии в образовательном процессе

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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