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Материал по английскому языку по теме "Основы для устной речи при сдаче ЕГЭ по разделу "Устная речь""

Материал познакомит с новыми лексическими единицами.

Описание разработки

1. Описание одной картинки.

One picture

I've chosen photo number. . . .

As I've told you/as you know photography is my hobby. More than that, it's the passion of my life. I take photos everywhere and I want you to look at this one.

You see, I took it when I was on holidays with my family. My mom said it was the best I'd ever taken. We had a good time there last (weekend/winter/summer/spring/autumn).

In the foreground you can see my friends and my family. They are . . . . You can't see me in this picture because I'm taking it. We (they) are enjoying ourselves (themselves) playing chess/looking at the camera/hiking/. . . In the background there's beautiful Russian nature/an industrial city. The colours are so wonderful, aren't they? It was a bright day, just the beginning of the holidays, that's why everybody was so exciting.

As a rule, I always put my best photos in the Instagram. Haven't you seen them? I took this one because I want to show how wonderful it is to spend time with the friends and family as it really unites people.

Moreover, I decided to show you this picture because I want you to join us the next time. Would you like to go with us? We would be glad to see you in our team. By the way, you'll be able to take a lot of unusual or even extraordinary pictures. All in all, life is so bright! Let's enjoy it greatly. That's all I want to tell you.

Материал по английскому языку по теме Основы для устной речи при сдаче ЕГЭ по разделу Устная речь

2. Сравнительное описание двух картинок.

Two pictures

To begin with I'd like to point out that sport plays a great role in our life. And these two photos prove that. They both show (display) people (things) involving into a sport game (connecting with sport). In the foreground there is (are) people/ a town/nature. In the background we can see. . . So I consider the common topic is sport.

First of all, I think, the pictures are similar, for example. . . Then, I suppose, an addition similarity is in the kind of activity. It's individual/team/manual/mental/outdoors/indoors. Afterwards, they display people in a similar way. They are cheerful, merry and happy(emotional, creative, exciting)(bright and attractive).

However, there are certain differences in these pictures (I can distinguish these pictures in some way). Firstly, I guess they're different in foregrounds (in the time of taking photos: after work/during the work). Secondly, they are different because. . . Thirdly. . .

As for me, I'd prefer (to. . . play football. . ), because it develops my personality/personal skills/broadens my horizon/evokes exciting ideas/thoughts in me.

In conclusion, I should say that it reminds me of my holidays (school/career promotion/leisure time/activity/childhood). That's why I can admit my emotions are so bright. That's all I want to tell you.


Задание для 9 класса.

I am going to tell you about teen's fashion. Speaking about up-to-date fashion I should say that it is an important part of modern life.

To begin with, I want to point out that I follow the trends of modern fashion. It gives me a feeling of joy, self-confidence and satisfaction. Besides, fashionable things such as . . . . make our life brighter and more exciting, sometimes extreme and beautiful.

As for me, I like wearing T-shirts because they are comfortable. My classmates like wearing dresses and coats. The choice depends on a situation, a character, surroundings. Moreover, I go shopping to the supermarket because. . . Shopping improves my mood and provides with some useful skills.

In conclusion, I should say that our society pays especial attention to personal development and fashion is an integral part of this process. That's why I think a lot of people are busy with developing teen's fashion. That is all I want to tell you.

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Содержимое разработки

Методическая разработка «Основы для устной речи при сдаче ЕГЭ по разделу «Устная речь» 2014-2015 гг.

Задание для 11 класса.

1.Описание одной картинки.

One picture

I've chosen photo number....
As I've told you/as you know photography is my hobby. More than that, it's the passion of my life. I take photos everywhere and I want you to look at this one.
You see, I took it when I was on holidays with my family. My mom said it was the best I'd ever taken. We had a good time there last (weekend/winter/summer/spring/autumn).
In the foreground you can see my friends and my family. They are ... . You can't see me in this picture because I'm taking it. We (they) are enjoying ourselves (themselves) playing chess/looking at the camera/hiking/... In the background there's beautiful Russian nature/an industrial city. The colours are so wonderful, aren't they? It was a bright day, just the beginning of the holidays, that's why everybody was so exciting.
As a rule, I always put my best photos in the Instagram. Haven't you seen them? I took this one because I want to show how wonderful it is to spend time with the friends and family as it really unites people.
Moreover, I decided to show you this picture because I want you to join us the next time. Would you like to go with us? We would be glad to see you in our team. By the way, you'll be able to take a lot of unusual or even extraordinary pictures. All in all, life is so bright! Let's enjoy it greatly. That's all I want to tell you.

2. Сравнительное описание двух картинок.

Two pictures

To begin with I'd like to point out that sport plays a great role in our life. And these two photos prove that. They both show (display) people (things) involving into a sport game (connecting with sport). In the foreground there is (are) people/ a town/nature. In the background we can see... So I consider the common topic is sport.
First of all, I think, the pictures are similar, for example... Then, I suppose, an addition similarity is in the kind of activity. It's individual/team/manual/mental/outdoors/indoors. Afterwards, they display people in a similar way. They are cheerful, merry and happy(emotional, creative, exciting)(bright and attractive).
However, there are certain differences in these pictures (I can distinguish these pictures in some way). Firstly, I guess they're different in foregrounds (in the time of taking photos: after work/during the work). Secondly, they are different because... Thirdly...
As for me, I'd prefer ( to...play football..), because it develops my personality/personal skills/broadens my horizon/evokes exciting ideas/thoughts in me.
In conclusion, I should say that it reminds me of my holidays (school/career promotion/leisure time/activity/childhood). That's why I can admit my emotions are so bright. That's all I want to tell you.


Задание для 9 класса.

I am going to tell you about teen's fashion. Speaking about up-to-date fashion I should say that it is an important part of modern life.

To begin with, I want to point out that I follow the trends of modern fashion. It gives me a feeling of joy, self-confidence and satisfaction. Besides, fashionable things such as .... make our life brighter and more exciting, sometimes extreme and beautiful.

As for me, I like wearing T-shirts because they are comfortable. My classmates like wearing dresses and coats. The choice depends on a situation, a character, surroundings. Moreover, I go shopping to the supermarket because...Shopping improves my mood and provides with some useful skills.

In conclusion, I should say that our society pays especial attention to personal development and fashion is an integral part of this process. That's why I think a lot of people are busy with developing teen's fashion. That is all I want to tell you.

Курсы повышения квалификации

Активные и интерактивные методы и формы организации учебной деятельности на уроке иностранного языка

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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