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Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 11 классов Unit 2

к УМК "Rainbow English"

Содержимое разработки

Фамилия, имя _____________________________________

Класс _______________

Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 11 классов Unit 2

I вариант

  1. Match the nouns from the two columns. Write the appropriate letters into the box. (12 баллов)

  1. to deny a) постоянный

  2. a trend b) обнаружить, проявить, раскрыть

  3. a masterpiece c) карусель

  4. a swarm d) направление

  5. a school e) учебный план, программа

  6. constant f) рой

  7. value g) отрицать

  8. to reflect h) отражать, размышлять

  9. to reveal i) ценность

  10. a merry-go-round j) шедевр

  11. a curriculum k) косяк, стая рыб

  12. sincere l) искренний













  1. Use а/ аn or zero (-) article to complete these sentences. (11 баллов)

1) a) There was a little bottle of_____ perfume on her dressing table.

b) "Chanel 5" is ___ expensive perfume.

2) a) Ron picked up a piece of_______paper and gave it to her.

b) Could you buy _______paper for me to read on the train?

3) a)____ iron is a strong hard metallic element that is found in rocks.

b)____ iron has a handle and a flat metal base.

4) a) Could I have ___ coffee and ____ ice cream, please?

b) For dessert there was ______ vanilla ice cream.

5) a) His parents gave him ____very good education.

b) I think the government's policy on ______ higher education is a disaster.

  1. Choose the appropriate colour idioms from the box and write them in the correct form(!) to complete the sentences. (10 баллов)

to become green with envy black humour blue with cold to show a white feather

a red rug to a bull to have green fingers brown bread as red as a beetroot

out of the blue a black look

  1. Could you, please, buy some ________________________________________ on your way home?

  2. When Paul realized that George had won, he ___________________________________________.

  3. I`m afraid Gregory is something of a coward. He again _____________________ during the battle.

  4. All William`s jokes deal with the unpleasant side of human life. Evidently he is fond of ____________.

  5. Duncan told a lie and become _________________________________________________ at once.

  6. That night Julian came back very late. He was ___________________________________________. No wonder, it was really freezing outside.

  7. Rose is a true feminist, so jokes about women are like ______________________________ to her.

  8. Fiona arrived completely __________________________. We didn’t expect her to come back so early.

  9. Gerald was furious. He gave me __________________________________ and rushed out of the room.

  10. Sue, they say, has a natural skill in making plants grow well. She really _____________________.

  1. Write down the noun + the underlined word using the possessive case. (5 баллов)

For example: The toy for the dog was so expensive. - ___the dog’s toy____

  1. The dinner for the cat is in the fridge, don’t forget to warm it.


  1. That was the day when I met the new friend of my sister-in-law for the first time.


  1. In the hall I noticed the coats and hats belonging to Dora and Sandra.


  1. My father never reads newspapers that came out yesterday, only fresh ones. _______________________________________________________________________________

  2. These toys belong to Ben and Mike, the boys share them and always play together.


5. Choose the appropriate words to complete the sentences. Circle them. (9 баллов)

1) Somebody has to speak (out/for) the poor and unemployed.

2) We’d rather stay at home and watch TV. — Please speak (for/up) yourself, I prefer to go out.

3) If you have a better idea, please, speak (for/out).

4) Will you speak (up/out), please: it’s rather noisy in here.

5) The number of people who came to the show spoke (for/to) itself: the show was great success.

6) If there is anything you don’t like about this plan, do speak (to/out).

7) Liz spends too much time in front of the computer. I have spoken (for/ to) her two or three times, but nothing changes.

8) Today I’m speaking not only (to/for) myself but (for/to) all my classmates and friends.

Итого набрано баллов:


Фамилия, имя _____________________________________

Класс _______________

Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 11 классов Unit 2

II вариант

1. Match the nouns from the two columns. Write the appropriate letters into the box. (12 баллов)

  1. an image a) великолепный, славный

  2. a herd b) охапка, вязанка

  3. passers-by c) ссылаться, иметь отношение

  4. glorious d) оценивать

  5. to refer e) не важно

  6. to be yellow f) узнавать

  7. to estimate g) неясный, нечеткий

  8. vague h) образ, представление

  9. to recognize i) пассажиры

  10. a stone j) быть трусом

  11. no matter k) фруктовая косточка

  12. a bundle l) стадо













  1. Use а/ аn, or zero (-) article to complete these sentences. (11 баллов)

  1. a) There was ____ glass full of____ water on the table.

b) _____ glass is made of _____sand.

  1. a) Would you like _____ chicken or meat for dinner?

b) There was _____ tiny yellow chicken near the hen.

  1. a) Is there _____ fish in the fridge?

b) There is ______ beautiful goldfish in the bowl.

  1. a) There was_______ apple in the pie.

b) There was ______ big red apple on the plate.

  1. a)______ glass of water and _____salad, please.

  1. Choose the appropriate colour idioms from the box and write them in the correct form(!) to complete the sentences. (10 баллов)

a red rug to a bull to have green fingers brown bread as red as a beetroot

to become green with envy black humour blue with cold to show a white feather

out of the blue a black look

1. That night Julian came back very late. He was ____________________________________________. No wonder, it was really freezing outside.

2. Rose is a true feminist, so jokes about women are like ___________________________________to her.

3. Fiona arrived completely __________________________. We didn’t expect her to come back so early.

4. Gerald was furious. He gave me __________________________________and rushed out of the room.

5. Sue, they say, has a natural skill in making plants grow well. She really _________________________.

6. Could you, please, buy some ____________________________________________ on your way home?

7. When Paul realized that George had won, he _______________________________________________.

8. I`m afraid Gregory is something of a coward. He again _________________________ during the battle.

9. All William`s jokes deal with the unpleasant side of human life. Evidently he is fond of _____________.

10. Duncan told a lie and become ____________________________________________________ at once.

  1. Write down the noun + the underlined word using the possessive case. (5 баллов)

For example: The toy for the dog was so expensive. - ___the dog’s toy____

  1. The lunch for your son is in the fridge, don’t forget to warm it.


  1. That was the day when I met the new friend of my brother-in-law for the first time.


  1. In the living room I noticed the coats and hats belonging to Dima and James.


  1. My father never reads newspapers that came out yesterday, only fresh ones. _______________________________________________________________________________

  2. These toys belong to Betty and Milly, the girls share them and always play together.


5. Choose the appropriate words to complete the sentences. Circle them. (9 баллов)

1) Somebody has to speak (out/for) the poor and unemployed.

2) We’d rather stay at home and watch TV. — Please speak (for/up) yourself, I prefer to go out.

3) If you have a better idea, please, speak (for/out).

4) Will you speak (up/out), please: it’s rather noisy in here.

5) The number of people who came to the show spoke (for/to) itself: the show was great success.

6) If there is anything you don’t like about this plan, do speak (to/out).

7) Liz spends too much time in front of the computer. I have spoken (for/ to) her two or three times, but nothing changes.

8) Today I’m speaking not only (to/for) myself but (for/to) all my classmates and friends.

Итого набрано баллов:


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Активные и интерактивные методы и формы организации учебной деятельности на уроке иностранного языка

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