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Контрольная работа по английскому языку 11 класс модуль 1

Контрольная работа по английскому языку 11 класс модуль 1

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Test 1 Spotlight 11 Vocabulary, Grammar and Reading

  1. Fill in: devoted, single, get, overweight, divorced, separated, widow, engaged

1. It’s difficult to be a __________ parent.

2. My parents are ____________, so my sister and I live with our mum.

3. If you think you are ____________ you should go on a diet.

4. She is a very __________ daughter who spends all her time looking after her sick mother.

5. His parents didn’t ______________ on well so they decided to get ___________.

6. Mrs. Ann’s husband died three years ago. She is a ___________ .

7. The recently _______________ couple are planning a summer wedding.

  1. Choose the correct verb form

  1. Linda has been trying/is trying to find a present for an hour.

  2. Mark has just had/is just having a fight with Tom because he used Mark’s laptop without asking him.

  3. Roses smell/are smelling very well.

4. The film starts/will start at 6 pm.

5. Watch out! You are crashing/are going to crash into that tree!

3. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets

  1. I ___________ (go) jogging every morning.

  2. I ___________(see) my aunt tonight.

  3. My brother always __________ (wear) my clothes.

  4. Our flight ____________ (reach) London at 7:30 p.m.

  5. I’m tired. I __________ (not / sleep) yet.

  6. Why _________ (you / look) at me now?

  7. How often __________ ( you /have) English lessons?

  8. The cake _______ (taste) great. Can I have another piece?

  9. The children are dirty. They _____________ (play) football since morning.

  10. We can’t buy the tickets. We ________ (already / spend) all our money.

  1. Fill in: across, into, over, up with, down with. (phrasal verb)

  1. Dan came _____ some great ideas for his grandparents anniversary celebration.

  2. My body aches and I feel hot. I think I`m coming _____ the flu.

  3. She came ______ a lot of money when her uncle died.

  4. Why don`t you come _____ to our place when you finish work?

  5. They come _____ at least once a week for a visit.

5. Match the texts A-G with the headings 1-8. Use each heading only once. There is one extra heading.

1 Thoughtless behaviour

2 Benefits of private business

3 Too complicated to use

4 Bad for business

5 Science brings hope

6 A Road incident

7 More parking places

8 Personal choice








A. City centre parking is expensive and many important roads are now closed to private

transport. This would be fine — if public transport was cheap and convenient, but it

is neither. The result is that people are avoiding the city centre so restaurants,

cinemas and shops are closing.

B. The motorcyclist drew along side and I heard abusive language as he banged on the

car roof. I immediately locked the car doors and tried to work out was wrong. He

then shouted that I had almost collided with him. Truth to tell — I didn’t see him

until now. I tried to apologise but he wouldn’t listen.

C. They now have cars that run on electricity, solar power and even on vegetable oil.

New petrol engines are super efficient and make less harmful emissions. More people

are working from home because of advances in communication technology and

computer security. At last we have some grounds for optimism.

D. As she approached the traffic lights the driver in front of her tipped out a mess of

fast food boxes, polystyrene cups and chip bags. She pressed her horn angrily. “Why

don’t people consider what they do” , she wondered helplessly. “Some one will have to

clear this up and we all have to pay for it.”

E. Sarah has worked for herself more than 10 years now. It had been risky but now her

interior decoration business is a success. She loves being her own boss. It constantly

amazes her that her friends in big corporations believe they have job security. How

can they think this way when these companies are constantly firing people to make

bigger profits?

F. It was not easy deciding. It never is when buying a new car. Reliability and comfort

are big issues as are fuel economy, maintenance and so forth. A car has to feel right

as well. Price and value for money are also critical. But in the end Ralph made his

decision confident that it was just the right one for him.

G. Jane studied the small print. To make a successful insurance claim for her accident

she needed so much information. Several complicated forms took hours to complete.

She then needed three independent quotations, a witness statement, and a police

statement and after everything she still had to pay the first J500 anyway.

Курсы повышения квалификации

Организация и сопровождение олимпиадной деятельности учащихся

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
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