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Контрольная работа


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Ф.И _________________________________________________________________

1. Дополни предложения данными словами: amazing/ miracles/ melt/suitable/ worth

1) Put the ice cream in the freezer. I don’t want it to___________.

2) Our new football team are_________ their weight in gold.

3) _________ don’t often happen in life but the arrival of help when I needed it most was one of them.

 4) She was an _____________teacher, knowledgeable, caring and always helpful.

5) The hall is perfectly _______________ for weddings, banquets and other celebrations.

2. Переведите выделенные слова, чтобы корректно дополнить предложения.

1. The child read the story but couldn’t _______________ понять its full meaning.

2. She spent the _____________ весь day in bed.

3. They have dealt with the situation as _____________ взрослые people do.

3. Переведите предложения.

1) The rest of the staff have been hired on short-term contracts.


2) The conference on the problems of modern linguistics attracted a lot of scholars.


3) The man turned out to be a hired killer.


4. Напишите свои предложения с этими словосочетаниями.

1. Famous scholar ___________________________________________________________________________________

2. captivating beauty __________________________________________________________________________________

3. hired car


5.Прочитайте текст про себя в течение 1,5 минут, затем вслух.

What Is Evolution?

In trying to explain the existence of the complicated body structures we see in living things around us, the theory of evolution has been developed. While most scientists accept this theory, many people do not. They feel it goes against what is written in the Bible. This theory says that all the plants and animals in the world today have developed in a natural way from earlier forms that were simpler. These earlier forms developed from still simpler ancestors, and so on back through millions of years to the very beginning when life was in its simplest form, merely a tiny mass of jellylike protoplasm. According to this theory man, too, developed from some simpler form, just as the modern one-hoofed horse is the descendant of a small five-toed ancestor.



Ф.И _________________________________________________________________

  1. Дополни предложения данными словами: exhibition/ possesses/ captivated /adult /comprehensible

1) She_____________ all the qualities required of a good manager.

2) The children were very quiet_____________ by the cartoon they were watching.

3) The text we had to read was very difficult, I found it not ____________________

4) He is an ______ person already.

5) There was an _____________ of new books in the school library.

2. Переведите выделенные слова, чтобы корректно дополнить предложения.

1. It’s quite _____________ удивительно that we should be so unaware of what’s going on.

2. The dancer quickly _______________ пленила the audience.

3. The____________________восстановление of a prehistoric village shows what it must have looked like.

3. Переведите предложения.

1) A scholar is a person with great knowledge of a subject, especially a non-science subject.


2) They have recently rented a four-roomed house and the money they pay is quite affordable.


3) Nicholas Copernicus, a Polish astronomer, was a great scientist of his time.


4. Напишите свои предложения с этими словосочетаниями.

1.an amazing story


2. an art exhibition


3. to search for something


5.Прочитайте текст про себя в течение 1,5 минут, затем вслух.

What Is Evolution?

In trying to explain the existence of the complicated body structures we see in living things around us, the theory of evolution has been developed. While most scientists accept this theory, many people do not. They feel it goes against what is written in the Bible. This theory says that all the plants and animals in the world today have developed in a natural way from earlier forms that were simpler. These earlier forms developed from still simpler ancestors, and so on back through millions of years to the very beginning when life was in its simplest form, merely a tiny mass of jellylike protoplasm. According to this theory man, too, developed from some simpler form, just as the modern one-hoofed horse is the descendant of a small five-toed ancestor.



Ф.И _________________________________________________________________

  1. Дополни предложения данными словами: figure/ suitable/ fired/ stuff /stir

1) Please put your ___________away. I want the place to look clean and tidy.

2) No one should be allowed to_________ up the feeling of racial hatred.

3) It took me a lot of time to______________ out what I had done wrong.

4)  Jane turned out a bad secretary and was____________

5) These shoes are not____________ for walking in the country.

2. Переведите выделенные слова, чтобы корректно дополнить предложения.

1. Your conditions are not ____________ подходят for me. I can’t work on Sundays.

2. Jessica’s words________________ напомнили me of the summer we spent in the mountains with her brother.

3. The police _________________освободила Wilson from prison, which was quite unexpected.

3. Переведите предложения.

1) Sadly, the ship sank and some passengers and some members of the crew got drowned


2) We decided to hire a boat and have a day trip to the island.


3) The swimmer went out too far and almost drowned.


4. Напишите свои предложения с этими словосочетаниями.

1. a real miracle


2. hardly comprehensible


3. to restore peace


5.Прочитайте текст про себя в течение 1,5 минут, затем вслух.

What Is Evolution?

In trying to explain the existence of the complicated body structures we see in living things around us, the theory of evolution has been developed. While most scientists accept this theory, many people do not. They feel it goes against what is written in the Bible. This theory says that all the plants and animals in the world today have developed in a natural way from earlier forms that were simpler. These earlier forms developed from still simpler ancestors, and so on back through millions of years to the very beginning when life was in its simplest form, merely a tiny mass of jellylike protoplasm. According to this theory man, too, developed from some simpler form, just as the modern one-hoofed horse is the descendant of a small five-toed ancestor.



Ф.И _________________________________________________________________

  1. Дополни предложения данными словами: luxurious/ faith/ suspect/ possesses/ worth

1) The contract is not__________ the paper it is written on.

2) I don’t____________ Alex of being not loyal: I know that he is the most devoted of my friends.

3) Max _____________ all the qualities required of a good surgeon.

4)  I’ve got no___________ in her.

5) We don’t need a ________________ flat, a simple one will be quite suitable.

2. Переведите выделенные слова, чтобы корректно дополнить предложения.

1. Alice’s parents tried _______________ убедить her of the necessity to enter Oxford University.

2. Try and__________________ решите how much it will all cost.

3. We are looking for the cottage to buy rather than______________________ арендовать.

3. Переведите предложения.

1) Ski equipment can be hired locally._____________________________________________________

2) My friends and I enjoy going to museums, exhibitions and things like that.


3) The thing is, I’ve never been able to understand why they always quarrel.


4. Напишите свои предложения с этими словосочетаниями.

1. a luxurious hotel


2. to go diving


3. to pick up a bag


5.Прочитайте текст про себя в течение 1,5 минут, затем вслух.

What Is Evolution?

In trying to explain the existence of the complicated body structures we see in living things around us, the theory of evolution has been developed. While most scientists accept this theory, many people do not. They feel it goes against what is written in the Bible. This theory says that all the plants and animals in the world today have developed in a natural way from earlier forms that were simpler. These earlier forms developed from still simpler ancestors, and so on back through millions of years to the very beginning when life was in its simplest form, merely a tiny mass of jellylike protoplasm. According to this theory man, too, developed from some simpler form, just as the modern one-hoofed horse is the descendant of a small five-toed ancestor.

Курсы повышения квалификации

Организация и сопровождение олимпиадной деятельности учащихся

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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