Test 2.
Translate the words into English.
Complete the sentences. Use nationality words.
… tea comes from China.
In some … restaurants you can eat borsh, blini and drink tea from a samovar.
The … live on the British Isles.
The Grimm brothers are … .
Sumo is a … sport.
Make up sentences as in the example.
Example: Tom comes from Italy. He is in Spain now.
Tom speaks Italian and he can also speak Spanish.
Patrick comes from Germany. Now he is in China.
Barbara comes from Norway. Now she is in Japan.
Oleg comes from Russia. Now he is in Canada.
Victor comes from France. Now he is in the USA.
Sue comes from Ireland. Now she is in New Zealand.
Make up sentences using Past Simple and Present Perfect.
win chess game Past Simple
buy a pet Past Simple
write a poem Present Perfect
build a house Present Perfect
eat mango Past Simple