Study Kate’s family tree (Изучите семейное древо Кэйт и скажите, кем ей приходятся эти люди)
1. Edith is her grandmother |
2.Harold is her |
3.Jimmy is her |
4.Wendy is her |
5.Diana is her |
6.Ned is her |
7.Fred is her |
8.Edward is her |
9.Maud is her |
Kate’s Familr Tree
Дайте краткий ответ на вопрос.
Did you go to the country last summer? Yes, I did
Did you go for a picnic last Sunday? No,
Can you see the sun now? No,
Does your pet sleep at night? Yes,
Do you like watching the clouds? No,
Are they going to meet him? – No,
Дополните «хвостики» в tag-questions 0. She doesn’t like watching TV, does she?
Her brother is older that she, ?
He doesn’t go to extra classes, ?
You should tell your husband the truth, ?
I was a good student, ?
Dolphins are very kind animals, ?