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Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему "Телевидение"

Урок выполняет задачу: формировать умения выражать мнение; развивать критическое мышление, умение анализировать и обобщать.

Описание разработки

Цель: совершенствование речевых навыков учащихся

 Задачи: формировать умения выражать мнение; развивать критическое мышление, умение анализировать и обобщать


I. Вступительное слово учителя

 Today we are going to speak about television itself and TV - broadcasts. Every day, especially in the evening, people turn on their TV - sets to watch their favourite programmes and broadcasts. They spend their free time watching the news of a day or the TV - films, such as “Simple Maria” or “Santa - Barbara” and many others.

Let’s understand, what is it television. When and where was it born in Russia? Helen got a special task from me to prepare a small report on this topic. So, let us listen to her very attentively, paying attention to the answers on my questions.

II. Text “Television”.

 The system of television was first established in 1907. It was proposed by Petersburg’s professor Rosing. Now there are many independent television companies in Russia. “Ostankino” and “Russian TV” are the largest of them. The Television plays an important role in transformation of information to the population. It gives us the abroad information. The population can see not only news but many other interesting things. There are also many educational programmes. Even small towns have television companies. Television is one of the most important means of communication.

III. Ответы на вопросы по тексту.

 Questions on the topic:

  1. When and where was TV born?
  2. Who was its fonder?
  3. What are the largest TV companies in Russia?
  4. Does TV play in important role in transformation of information?
  5. How many TV companies has Saransk?
  6. Do you like the programmes of Videoarsenal?

IV. Nowadays TV became so popular so that we can’t even live without the blue screens of our TV - sets and almost everybody has its own favourite TV - programmes or cast and why? It was your hometask.

  1. My favourite TV - programme is “Morning”. It is an informational and amusing programme. Every morning millions of people watch it before the work. It gives you all the information about the news in Russia and abroad. Besides, it get acquainted us with interesting men and women and of course, it gives us the information about the weather. Between the meetings and informations there is a lot of music, songs and advertisement.
  2. 3. To my mind, it is, of course, the broadcast “What? Where? When?”. This cast is a game between the six - players and TV spectators. The spectators send the letters with puzzling questions for the players to answer the spectators’ questions. The game ends when somebody of them first has 6 points. I learn very many interesting things from this broadcast. The leader of this broadcast is Alexander Voroshilov.
  3. To my opinion it is a family broadcast “While the family is at home. I like it very much. I am fond of its leader – Timur Kizjakov. I always wait for Sunday because every Sunday I meet with popular actors or actresses, with famous composers or singers, with sportsmen or statesmen. They tell about their family life, about wives, their children, their problems. It is very interesting for me.
  4. I am very fond of animals, so that’s why my favourite TV - cast is “The world of animals. ” This broadcast is held every Sunday at 5 o’clock in the evening, on “Russian TV channel. This TV - cast shows us very interesting films about animals life, their habits and ways.

My favourite TV programme is one made by Dmitriy Krylov. It is a weekly programme. It is broadcast on Sunday. This programme is very popular in our country. They show many historical places, tell interesting facts about different countries and cities, broadcast interviews with famous people. I like this programme and try not to miss it.

My favorite TV show is Voice. It is a singing competition. There are four coaches. They listen to singers without seeing them, and turn their chairs to signify that they are interested in working with that artist. If more than one coach turns the chair, the artist chooses the coach. It is so interesting. The coaches sometimes can't understand if it is a woman or a man singing. Or they think that it is an old man, then turn their chair and see that it is a young woman. There you can see many talented people. I think this show is a good chance for talented people. I like this show very much

V. Драматизация 3 - х диалогов

Think 1 minute, please and I’ll give some of you special tasks. Here are 3 dialogues. Your task is to dramatize these dialogues.

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Содержимое разработки

Урок английского языка в 11 классе

Наталья Васильевна Бурова

Тема: Television

Цель: совершенствование речевых навыков учащихся

Задачи: формировать умения выражать мнение;  развивать критическое мышление, умение анализировать и обобщать


I. Вступительное слово учителя

Today we are going to speak about television itself and TV-broadcasts. Every day, especially in the evening, people turn on their TV-sets to watch their favourite programmes and broadcasts. They spend their free time watching the news of a day or the TV-films, such as “Simple Maria” or “Santa-Barbara” and many others.

Let’s understand, what is it television. When and where was it born in Russia? Helen got a special task from me to prepare a small report on this topic. So, let us listen to her very attentively, paying attention to the answers on my questions.

II. Text “Television”.

The system of television was first established in 1907. It was proposed by Petersburg’s professor Rosing. Now there are many independent television companies in Russia. “Ostankino” and “Russian TV” are the largest of them. The Television plays an important role in transformation of information to the population. It gives us the abroad information. The population can see not only news but many other interesting things. There are also many educational programmes. Even small towns have television companies. Television is one of the most important means of communication.

III. Ответы на вопросы по тексту.

Questions on the topic:

  1. When and where was TV born?

  2. Who was its fonder?

  3. What are the largest TV companies in Russia?

  4. Does TV play in important role in transformation of information?

  5. How many TV companies has Saransk?

  6. Do you like the programmes of Videoarsenal?

IV. Nowadays TV became so popular so that we can’t even live without the blue screens of our TV-sets and almost everybody has its own favourite TV-programmes or cast and why? It was your hometask.

  1. My favourite TV-programme is “Morning”. It is an informational and amusing programme. Every morning millions of people watch it before the work. It gives you all the information about the news in Russia and abroad. Besides, it get acquainted us with interesting men and women and of course, it gives us the information about the weather. Between the meetings and informations there is a lot of music, songs and advertisement.

  2. 3. To my mind, it is, of course, the broadcast “What? Where? When?”. This cast is a game between the six-players and TV spectators. The spectators send the letters with puzzling questions for the players to answer the spectators’ questions. The game ends when somebody of them first has 6 points. I learn very many interesting things from this broadcast. The leader of this broadcast is Alexander Voroshilov.

  3. To my opinion it is a family broadcast “While the family is at home. I like it very much. I am fond of its leader – Timur Kizjakov. I always wait for Sunday because every Sunday I meet with popular actors or actresses, with famous composers or singers, with sportsmen or statesmen. They tell about their family life, about wives, their children, their problems. It is very interesting for me.

  4. I am very fond of animals, so that’s why my favourite TV-cast is “The world of animals.” This broadcast is held every Sunday at 5 o’clock in the evening, on “Russian TV channel. This TV-cast shows us very interesting films about animals life, their habits and ways.

My favourite TV programme is one made by Dmitriy Krylov. It is a weekly programme. It is broadcast on Sunday. This programme is very popular in our country. They show many historical places, tell interesting facts about different countries and cities, broadcast interviews with famous people. I like this programme and try not to miss it.

My favorite TV show is Voice. It is a  singing competition. There are four coaches. They listen to singers without seeing them, and turn their chairs to signify that they are interested in working with that artist. If more than one coach turns the chair, the artist chooses the coach.It is so interesting. The coaches sometimes can't understand if it is a woman or a man singing. Or they think that it is an old man, then turn their chair and see that it is a young woman. There you can see many talented people. I think this show is a good chance for talented people. I like this show very much

V. Драматизация 3-х диалогов

Think 1 minute, please and I’ll give some of you special tasks. Here are 3 dialogues. Your task is to dramatize these dialogues.

Dialogue №1

- Have you seen the last “Santa-Barbara’s series?

- Of course, I saw all its series and you?

- So did I What is your favourite character in the film?

- It’s Mason and your?

- It’s Kruz Kastilio I think he is a real man: veryclever and brave.

- Are you tired of so very long film?

- A little. But I shall see it to the end of course.

Dialogue 2

- Did you watch the Winter Olympic Games on TV last month?

- Yes, of course and you?

- Not all of them. But the hockey matches I saw with a great interest.

- As for me I was interested in bob-steigh and free-style

- And I also watched skiing and skating

- We must say that our sportsmen were the best. They got 11 gold medals, 6 silver and 4 bronze medals.

Dialogue 3

  • Who is your favourite TV dictor or the programme’s leader, I wonder?

  • - As for me, it’s Andrey Malakhov. His programme is always actual and very interesting And whom do you like best of all?

  • - Best of all I like Leonid Yakubovich, the leader of the TV-show “Wonder’s field”

  • - But Vlad Listjev was its first leader.

  • - Well, I know it. But I think Leonid Yakubovich is better in this show.He so artistic.Do you agree with me?

  • - Yes, I do.

VI. You know pretty well that many people are working in television. They are: directors, producers, cameramen, actors and actresses, dictors, commentators. But we see only actors, dictors and the leaders of the programmes. We like some of them, don’t we? So, who is your favourite TV dictor? Who is your favourite commentator? Who is your favourite actor or actress? I want to have interview with some of you.

Questions for mini-interview

  1. Are you fond of TV?

  2. What is your favourite TV-programme or broadcast?

  3. Are you tired of the advertisement of chocolate and MMM-invest?

  4. Do you like to watch presentations?

  5. What would you prefer to watch on TV “Santa-Barbara or a hockey match?

  6. What is your favourite TV-film?

  7. Who is your favourite singer?

  8. Would you like to be the president of “Ostankino”? What would you have done then?

  9. Do you like to watch videoclips?

  10. Who is your favourite actors, actress?

  11. Would you like to take part in one of the TV-programme? In what?

VII. Конкурс будущих телеведущих

And now I invite you to take part in the competition of future – TV-dictors. I’d like our guests especially the teachers of foreign languages to be our judges. Please, don’t refuse of taking part in a game. Your cards with marks. So, who wants to take part in the competition of future TV-dictors? All right. So two girls: Helen and Inna. Your task is to speak about yourself giving us an interesting information. Please, don’t forget that you will be future dictors. Pay special attention to your pronounciation and melody. So, try to do your best

  1. Let’s get acquaintance. My name is Natalya. Who are you?

  2. What are your hobbies, I wonder?

  3. Why do you take part in this competition? The judges, now it’s your turn. Give your marks to Helen(Inna). So….is your victress and…..is vanquished

VIII Подведение итогов

So, your hometask is to write the composition“Television in my life”

You have been great today! And you have good and excellent marks. The lesson is over.

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Система работы с высокомотивированными и одаренными учащимися по учебному предмету

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
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