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Конспект урока по английскому языку для начальных классов "The ABC Party"

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Описание разработки


1. teaching and learning English language.

2. to widen students’ vocabulary

3. to develop speaking skills.

Visual aids: a book, the ABC, crosswords, the sums, the song “We’re all friends”, “ABC”, “The number song”, a tape, the anagrams, the act “The Marriage of Pretty Ratty”, poem “Little dog”.


I. Introduction.

 - Good morning our guests and teachers. Today we’re going to have the ABC party. And the reason isn’t only to show how we know English alphabet, how we can read, write, play, do sums and sing English songs. It’s our first step and it’s not so difficult and boring, we really enjoy it. Now, letters Welcome to our party!

II. Presentation.

A is for apples and apple-trees. You can see on apple-trees.

B is for books and for bookcase. I have many books in my bookcase.

C is for cat. My cat is grey. And with me it likes to play.

D is for dog and for doggy. I have a dog, not a doggy.

E is for 8 and for 11. How much is 8 and 11?

F is for flowers: red and blue, white and yellow and rosy too.

G is for girl and also for garden. I see a girl going to the garden.

H is for hands. I have two hands. This is the way I clap my hands.

I is for I. I’m a boy. I’m 8. I like to play with my sister Kate.

J is for jam. This is apple –jam. Jimmy likes it and so does Sam.

K is for kite. Kate has a kite. It’s little and it is white.

L is for letter. This letter is for me. It’s from my sister as you can see.

M is for May and for May Day, for March and for Mother’s Day.

N is for 9, 99 and 90. Children how much is 90 and 9?

O is for 1. 1 and 2 is 3. Three little cats are in a tree.

P is for pencils, with them I can draw: a red pen, a green tree or a pink door.

Q is for questions: How are you? How old are you? And how do you do?

R is for red. Many things are red. What can be red? Do you know Fred?

S is for street. This is my street. There are a lot of trees in my street.

T is for tick and for tock. “Tick-tock” –says the clock.

U is for under but not for at. “I’m under the tree” –says Pat.

V is in 5, and also in 7. It’s in 12 and in 11.

Конспект урока по английскому языку для начальных классов The ABC Party


W is for winter, when it’s cold. But I like winter and I like cold.

X is in 6. Let’s count up to 6. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6!

Y is for yard where children play. They play in the yard every day.

Z is for Zoo. Let’s go to the Zoo. I like to go to the Zoo, and you?

2. The Song: “ABC”

III. Practice.

1. The Game “Whose bike is quickly?” Your task’s to match the letters. Now before we start our competition, greet our team which is called “Green” and second team is “Red’. Now the pupils from each team, one by one, come up to the board and match these letters. Try to do it quicker.

Who will be the first, wins a point (in our case, it’s a balloon) for team.

“Green” – B F O H S K W J Q D Y M U

b h m q u w f j s d y k o

“Red” - L X G T C E A Z V P R N

z a g v p e n r c t l x

2. Correct the mistakes. The small letters are wrong. Again, one by one, come up here and try to correct the mistakes.

“Green” – Db, Li, Pq, Hn, Jy, Wm

“Red” – Gc, Ji, Bd, Nh, Kq, Qo

3. There’re many pictures on the board. Your task’s to match the pictures with the initial letters.

“Green” – moon, jam, lemon, fish, girl, ball, dog, insect, kite, hat, egg, cat, apple.

“Red” – nose, window, queen, pencil, rubber, sun, violin, yellow, table, box, umbrella, orange, zebra.

4. The game “Taking steps” Spell the words.

“Green” – dog, monkey, seal, queen, umbrella, nose

“Red” – cat, insect, lion, tiger, girl, acrobats.

The song: “Five fat sausages”

The poem “Little dog”

6. Solve the anagrams.

Весь материал - в документе.

Содержимое разработки


Theme: “The ABC Party”

Aims: 1. teaching and learning English language.

2. to widen students’ vocabulary

3. to develop speaking skills.

Visual aids: a book, the ABC, crosswords, the sums, the song “We’re all friends”, “ABC”, “The number song”, a tape, the anagrams, the act

“The Marriage of Pretty Ratty”, poem “Little dog”.


I. Introduction.

- Good morning our guests and teachers. Today we’re going to have the ABC party. And the reason isn’t only to show how we know English alphabet, how we can read, write, play, do sums and sing English songs. It’s our first step and it’s not so difficult and boring, we really enjoy it. Now, letters Welcome to our party!

II. Presentation.

A is for apples and apple-trees. You can see on apple-trees.

B is for books and for bookcase. I have many books in my bookcase.

C is for cat. My cat is grey. And with me it likes to play.

D is for dog and for doggy. I have a dog, not a doggy.

E is for 8 and for 11. How much is 8 and 11?

F is for flowers: red and blue, white and yellow and rosy too.

G is for girl and also for garden. I see a girl going to the garden.

H is for hands. I have two hands. This is the way I clap my hands.

I is for I. I’m a boy. I’m 8. I like to play with my sister Kate.

J is for jam. This is apple –jam. Jimmy likes it and so does Sam.

K is for kite. Kate has a kite. It’s little and it is white.

L is for letter. This letter is for me. It’s from my sister as you can see.

M is for May and for May Day, for March and for Mother’s Day.

N is for 9, 99 and 90. Children how much is 90 and 9?

O is for 1. 1 and 2 is 3. Three little cats are in a tree.

P is for pencils, with them I can draw: a red pen, a green tree or a pink door.

Q is for questions: How are you? How old are you? And how do you do?

R is for red. Many things are red. What can be red? Do you know Fred?

S is for street. This is my street. There are a lot of trees in my street.

T is for tick and for tock. “Tick-tock” –says the clock.

U is for under but not for at. “I’m under the tree” –says Pat.

V is in 5, and also in 7. It’s in 12 and in 11.


W is for winter, when it’s cold. But I like winter and I like cold.

X is in 6. Let’s count up to 6. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6!

Y is for yard where children play. They play in the yard every day.

Z is for Zoo. Let’s go to the Zoo. I like to go to the Zoo, and you?

2. The Song: “ABC”

III. Practice.

1. The Game “Whose bike is quickly?” Your task’s to match the letters. Now before we start our competition, greet our team which is called “Green” and second team is “Red’. Now the pupils from each team, one by one, come up to the board and match these letters. Try to do it quicker.

Who will be the first, wins a point (in our case, it’s a balloon) for team.

“Green” – B F O H S K W J Q D Y M U

b h m q u w f j s d y k o

“Red” - L X G T C E A Z V P R N

z a g v p e n r c t l x

2. Correct the mistakes. The small letters are wrong. Again, one by one, come up here and try to correct the mistakes.

“Green” – Db, Li, Pq, Hn, Jy, Wm

“Red” – Gc, Ji, Bd, Nh, Kq, Qo

3. There’re many pictures on the board. Your task’s to match the pictures with the initial letters.

“Green” – moon, jam, lemon, fish, girl, ball, dog, insect, kite, hat, egg, cat, apple.

“Red” – nose, window, queen, pencil, rubber, sun, violin, yellow, table, box,

umbrella, orange, zebra.

4. The game “Taking steps” Spell the words.

“Green” – dog, monkey, seal, queen, umbrella, nose

“Red” – cat, insect, lion, tiger, girl, acrobats.

The song: “Five fat sausages”

The poem “Little dog”

6. Solve the anagrams.

“Green” – net, wot, rouf, tighe, veif, (ten, two, four, eight, five)

“Red” – noe, isx, inne, rehet, veens, (one, six, nine, three, seven)

7. Do the sums:

“Green” – 4 + 6 = ten pencils . “Red” 3 + 1 = ___hat__.

2 + 1 = ___ rubber __. 5 + 2 = ___ egg __.


4 + 5 = ___ ball __. 2 + 3 = ___ lemon __.

5 + 3 = ___window __. 3 + 3 = ___ insect __.

The Song: “Number Song”

1, 2, 1, 2, 6, 7, 6, 7,

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,

5, 3, 5, 3, 10, 8, 10, 8,

5, 4, 3, 2, 1 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, Look at the picture and use the necessary words

1. It's … o'clock. A) seven B) eight C) nine

2. The clock is on the … . A) wall B) table C) floor 

3. There are … people in the family. A) four B) five C) seven

4. The cat is … . A) sleeping B) running C)  sitting on the floor 

5. The dog is … than the cat. A) smaller B) bigger C)   biggest

6. The girl is wearing … . A) a jacket B) jeans C) a dress

7. The baby is sitting on the … . A) floor B) chair C) sofa

8. There are … in the family. A) three girls B) two boys and a girl C) three boys

9. They … their pets. A) don't love B) doesn't love C) love

10. This is a … family. A) friendly B) bad C) unhappy

9. You know the animals. Let’s act about them. “The Marriage of Pretty Ratty”

Narrator: Pretty Patty’s at the door. Doggo comes. He’s in love.

Doggo: Pretty Patty, marry me.

Pretty Patty: Well, well. Let me see. Can you sing a song for me?

Doggo: Yes, listen. Woof! Woof! Woof! Woof!

Pretty Patty: Oh, no! I don’t like your voice!

Narrator: Poor Doggo. Off he goes. Pretty Patty’s at the door. Donkey comes.

He’s in love.

Donko: Pretty Patty, marry me.

Pretty Patty: Well, well. Let me see. Can you sing a song for me?

Donko: Yes, listen. Hee-haw! Hee-haw! Hee-haw! Hee-haw!

Pretty Patty: Oh, no! I don’t like your voice!

Narrator: Poor Donko. Off he goes. Pretty Patty’s at the door. Cocko comes.

He’s in love.

Cocko: Pretty Patty, marry me.

Pretty Patty: Well, well. Let me see. Can you sing a song for me?

Cocko: Yes, listen. Cock-a-doodle-do! Cock-a-doodle-do!

Pretty Patty: Oh, no! I don’t like your voice!

Narrator: Poor Cocko. Off he goes. Pretty Patty’s at the door.

Catto comes in. He’s not in love.

Catto: Pretty Patty, marry me.

Pretty Patty: Well, well. Let me see. Can you sing a song for me?

Catto: Yes, yes, listen. Miaow! Miaow! Miaow!

Pretty Patty: I like your voice! Yes, I’ll marry you.

Narrator: But Catto is hungry. Mmmmm! He’s a cat. Patty’s there. She’s a rat.

Catto: Mmmmm!

Narrator: Off he jumps! And off she runs!

Pretty Patty: I like your voice, you are bad. HEEEEELP!

10. The song “We’re all friends”

IV. Giving the certificates.

V. Evaluation.

Курсы повышения квалификации

Особенности работы с гиперактивными детьми в начальной школе

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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